Class SameSiteCookieConfig

  • public class SameSiteCookieConfig
    extends Object
    Configuration that allows for automatically setting the SameSite attribute on cookies As some API's (Servlet, JAX-RS) don't current support this attribute this config allows it to be set based on the cookie name pattern.
    • Field Detail

      • caseSensitive

        public boolean caseSensitive
        If the cookie pattern is case-sensitive
      • value

        public io.vertx.core.http.CookieSameSite value
        The value to set in the samesite attribute
      • enableClientChecker

        public boolean enableClientChecker
        Some User Agents break when sent SameSite=None, this will detect them and avoid sending the value
      • addSecureForNone

        public boolean addSecureForNone
        If this is true then the 'secure' attribute will automatically be sent on cookies with a SameSite attribute of None.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SameSiteCookieConfig

        public SameSiteCookieConfig()