Class EagerSecurityInterceptorStorage

  • public class EagerSecurityInterceptorStorage
    extends Object
    Security interceptors run for desired annotated methods prior to security checks. Interceptors should only be run when proactive security is disabled, because they must be run before request is authenticated.

    These interceptors are very important when SecurityChecks are not run with CDI interceptors, because they provide only way to link request to invoked method prior to checks.

    • Constructor Detail

      • EagerSecurityInterceptorStorage

        EagerSecurityInterceptorStorage​(Map<MethodDescription,​Consumer<io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext>> methodToInterceptor)
    • Method Detail

      • getInterceptor

        public Consumer<io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext> getInterceptor​(MethodDescription endpoint)
        This method should be invoked prior to any security check is run if proactive auth is disabled.
        endpoint - with security annotation
        return security interceptor