Interface HttpSecurityPolicy

All Known Implementing Classes:
AuthenticatedHttpSecurityPolicy, DenySecurityPolicy, PathMatchingHttpSecurityPolicy, PermitSecurityPolicy, RolesAllowedHttpSecurityPolicy

public interface HttpSecurityPolicy
An HTTP Security policy, that controls which requests are allowed to proceed. CDI beans implementing this interface are invoked on every request unless they define name(). The policy with name() can then be referenced in the path matching rules, which allows this policy to be applied only to specific requests.
  • Method Details

    • checkPermission

      io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<HttpSecurityPolicy.CheckResult> checkPermission(io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext request, io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<> identity, HttpSecurityPolicy.AuthorizationRequestContext requestContext)
    • name

      default String name()
      HTTP Security policy name referenced in the path matching rules, which allows this policy to be applied to specific requests. The name must not be blank. When the name is null, policy will be applied to every request.
      policy name