Annotation Type RouteBase

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface RouteBase
    Annotation used to configure some defaults for reactive routes declared on a class.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String[] consumes
      The values are used for any route method declared on the class where Route.consumes() is empty.
      String path
      The value is used as a prefix for any route method declared on the class where Route.path() is used.
      String[] produces
      The values are used for any route method declared on the class where Route.produces() is empty.
    • Element Detail

      • path

        String path
        The value is used as a prefix for any route method declared on the class where Route.path() is used.
        the path prefix
      • produces

        String[] produces
        The values are used for any route method declared on the class where Route.produces() is empty.
        the produced content types
      • consumes

        String[] consumes
        The values are used for any route method declared on the class where Route.consumes() is empty.
        the consumed content types