Package io.quarkus.vertx.runtime.jackson

package io.quarkus.vertx.runtime.jackson
  • Classes
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.BufferDeserializer as that class is package private
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.BufferSerializer as that class is package private
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.ByteArrayDeserializer as that class is package private
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.ByteArraySerializer as that class is package private
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.InstantDeserializer as that class is package private
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.InstantSerializer as that class is package private
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.JsonArraySerializer as that class is package private
    Copied from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.JsonObjectSerializer as that class is package private
    Implementation utilities (details) affecting the way JSON objects are wrapped.
    Tie into Vert.x's JsonFactory SPI in order to ensure that the user customized ObjectMapper is used
    The functionality of this class is copied almost verbatim from io.vertx.core.json.jackson.DatabindCodec.