Class WebSockets

  • public abstract class WebSockets
    extends java.lang.Object
    WebSockets support for Ratpack.

    An example that broadcasts strings to a websocket every second:

     import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
     import ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp;
     import ratpack.websocket.WebSockets;
     import java.time.Duration;
     import static;
     chain.get("whatever", context -> {
       Publisher<String> stream = periodically(context, Duration.ofSeconds(1), i ->
         i < 5 ? i.toString() : null
       WebSockets.websocketBroadcast(context, stream);
    See Also:
    Writing WebSocket client applications
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebSockets

        public WebSockets()
    • Method Detail

      • websocketBroadcast

        public static void websocketBroadcast​(Context context,
                                              Publisher<java.lang.String> broadcaster)
        Sets up a websocket that sends the published Strings to a client.

        This takes the place of a Streams.bindExec(Publisher) call.

        context - the request handling context
        broadcaster - a Publisher of Strings to send to the websocket client
      • websocketByteBufBroadcast

        public static void websocketByteBufBroadcast​(Context context,
                                                     Publisher<io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf> broadcaster)
        Sets up a websocket that sends the published byte buffers to a client.

        This takes the place of a Streams.bindExec(Publisher) call.

        context - the request handling context
        broadcaster - a Publisher of ByteBufs to send to the websocket client