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accept(ListenableFuture<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Sends the result of the future downstream.
accept(CompletionStage<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Sends the result of a CompletionStage downstream.
accept(ExecResult<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Signals this downstream, based on the given result.
accept(ExecResult<? extends T>) - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.Promised
Signals this downstream, based on the given result.
accept(Result<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Signals this downstream, based on the given result.
action() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Block
Creates an Action from this block, where the argument is ignored.
Action<T> - Interface in ratpack.func
A generic type for an object that does some work with a thing.
Action.ConditionalSpec<I> - Interface in ratpack.func
A spec for adding conditions to a conditional action.
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Class<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Class<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Class<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a registry entry.
add(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a registry entry.
add(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a registry entry.
addInitializers(Iterable<? extends ExecInitializer>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Adds the given initializers to this controller.
addInterceptor(ExecInterceptor, Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds an interceptor that wraps the rest of the current execution segment and all future segments of this execution.
addInterceptors(Iterable<? extends ExecInterceptor>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Adds the given interceptors to this controller.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(Class<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(Class<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(Class<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
alwaysFalse() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
A predicate that always returns false, regardless of the input object.
alwaysTrue() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
A predicate that always returns true, regardless of the input object.
andThen(Function<? super O, ? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Joins this function with the given function.
andThen(Function<? super O, ? extends V>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.BiFunction
append(Action<? super O>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Returns a new action that executes this action and then the given action.
apply(I) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function
The function implementation.
apply(I1, I2) - Method in interface ratpack.func.BiFunction
apply(Function<? super Promise<T>, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Applies the custom operation function to this promise.
apply(T) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Tests the given value.
around(Factory<? extends B>, BiFunction<? super B, ? super ExecResult<T>, ? extends ExecResult<A>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Facilitates capturing a value before the the promise is subscribed and using it to later augment the result.
asMultimap() - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
async(Upstream<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Creates a promise for value that will be produced asynchronously.
AttemptRetryPolicy - Class in ratpack.exec.util.retry
An attempt based implementation of RetryPolicy.
AttemptRetryPolicy(Delay, int) - Constructor for class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder - Interface in ratpack.exec.util.retry
attempts() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
Attempts performed so far.
attempts() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicy
Attempts performed so far.
attempts() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.RetryPolicy
Attempts performed so far.


backedBy(RegistryBacking) - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Creates a new registry instance that is backed by a RegistryBacking implementation.
batch(int, Publisher<T>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Batches and serialised demand.
batch(int, Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
Batch<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec.util
A batch of promises to be processed.
beforeThrow(Action<? super Throwable>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an exception-taking action that executes the given action before throwing the exception.
beforeThrow(Block) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an exception-taking action that executes the given block before throwing the exception.
BiAction<T,​U> - Interface in ratpack.func
A generic type for an object that does some work with 2 input things.
BiFunction<I1,​I2,​O> - Interface in ratpack.func
bindExec() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
bindExec(Publisher<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Binds the given publisher to the current Execution.
bindExec(Publisher<T>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Binds the given publisher to the current Execution.
bindExec(Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
Block - Interface in ratpack.func
A block of code.
Blocking - Class in ratpack.exec
Facilitates working with code that blocks (e.g.
BLOCKING - ratpack.exec.ExecInterceptor.ExecType
The execution segment is executing on a blocking thread.
blockingExecutor(Function<? super ThreadFactory, ? extends ExecutorService>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerBuilder
A factory for creating the executor to use for blocking tasks.
blockingExecutor(Function<? super ThreadFactory, ? extends ExecutorService>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerSpec
A factory for creating the executor to use for blocking tasks.
blockingMap(Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Like Promise.map(Function), but performs the transformation on a blocking thread.
blockingNext(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
Executes the given block as an operation, on a blocking thread.
blockingOp(Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Executes the given action with the promise value, on a blocking thread.
buffer() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
buffer(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>, long, int) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.bytebuf.ByteBufStreams
Buffers and composes byte bufs together into composites before emitting.
buffer(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>, long, int, ByteBufAllocator) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.bytebuf.ByteBufStreams
Buffers and composes byte bufs together into composites before emitting.
buffer(Publisher<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that allows the given publisher to without respecting demand.
build() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerBuilder
Creates a controller from the current state.
build() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder
build() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicyBuilder
build() - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
Builds the registry.
builder() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Creates a new builder.
builder() - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Creates a new registry builder.
ByteBufStreams - Class in ratpack.stream.bytebuf
Utilities for dealing with streams of ByteBuf.


cache() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Caches the promised value (or error) and returns it to all subscribers.
cacheIf(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Caches the promise value and provides it to all future subscribers, if it satisfies the predicate.
cacheResultFor(Function<? super ExecResult<T>, Duration>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Caches the promise result for a calculated amount of time.
cacheResultIf(Predicate<? super ExecResult<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Caches the promise result eternally and provide it to all future subscribers, if it satisfies the predicate.
cast(Object) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Types
Simply casts the argument to T.
clear() - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
clock(Clock) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicyBuilder
Clock used to determine current time.
close() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Shuts down this controller, terminating the event loop and blocking threads.
close(AutoCloseable) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Closes the given closeable when the value or error propagates to this point.
close(Operation) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Like Promise.close(AutoCloseable), but allows async close operations.
complete() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Signals that the upstream will not be providing a value, as it has terminated.
complete() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecResult
Returns a complete exec result.
complete() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.Promised
Signals that the upstream will not be providing a value, as it has terminated.
complete() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.WriteStream
Signals that the stream has completed and that no more items (or errors) are to come.
completionHandler() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Creates a JDK CompletionHandler that connects to this downstream.
compose(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.bytebuf.ByteBufStreams
Reduces the stream to a single composite byte buf.
compose(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>, ByteBufAllocator) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.bytebuf.ByteBufStreams
Reduces the stream to a single composite byte buf.
compose(Function<? super T, ? extends I>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Joins the given function with this function.
COMPUTE - ratpack.exec.ExecInterceptor.ExecType
The execution segment is executing on a compute thread.
concat(Iterable<? extends Publisher<? extends T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Similar to Streams.concat(Iterable, Action), but with a noop disposer.
concat(Iterable<? extends Publisher<? extends T>>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that aggregates the given publishers into a single stream of elements, without interleaving them.
conditional(Action<? super I>, Action<? super Action.ConditionalSpec<I>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action that delegates based on the specified conditions.
conditional(Action<? super Action.ConditionalSpec<I>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action that delegates based on the specified conditions.
conditional(Action<? super Function.ConditionalSpec<I, O>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function that delegates based on the specified conditions.
conditional(Function<? super I, ? extends O>, Action<? super Function.ConditionalSpec<I, O>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function that delegates based on the specified conditions.
connect(Downstream<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
A low level hook for consuming the promised value.
connect(Downstream<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Upstream
Connect the downstream.
constant(T) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Returns a function that always returns the given argument.
constant(T) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Creates a new publisher, that indefinitely streams the given object to all subscribers.
contextClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerBuilder
The context classloader to initialize threads with.
contextClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerSpec
The context classloader to initialize threads with.
create(Duration) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Create a new read/write access object with the given default timeout.
current() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Returns the execution controller bound to the current thread, if this is a Ratpack managed compute thread.
current() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Provides the currently executing execution.
currentOpt() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Provides the currently executing execution, if any.
curry(T) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates a block that executes this action with the given value when called.


DEFAULT_CLOCK - Static variable in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicyBuilder
There should be no reasons for changing this on production code.
DEFAULT_DELAY - Static variable in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder
By default, retries will wait 1 second between executions.
DEFAULT_DELAY - Static variable in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicyBuilder
By default, retries will wait 1 second between executions.
DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder
By default, this retry policy will give up after the fifth retry attempt.
DEFAULT_MAX_DURATION - Static variable in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicyBuilder
By default, this retry policy will give up after 30 seconds since the first error occurrence.
defer(Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Defers the subscription of this promise for the given duration.
defer(Action<? super Runnable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Defers the subscription of this promise until later.
delay() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
Promise that returns the waiting time before retrying.
delay() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicy
Promise that returns the waiting time before retrying.
delay() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.RetryPolicy
Promise that returns the waiting time before retrying.
delay(Integer) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.Delay
Builds a promise wrapping a duration that will instruct the caller how long to wait between retries.
delay(Integer) - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.FixedDelay
Builds a promise wrapping a duration that will instruct the caller how long to wait between retries.
delay(Integer) - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.IndexedDelay
Builds a promise wrapping a duration that will instruct the caller how long to wait between retries.
delay(Delay) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder
The delay strategy.
delay(Delay) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicyBuilder
The delay strategy.
Delay - Interface in ratpack.exec.util.retry
A strategy object to model delays between retries.
Downstream<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec
A consumer of a single asynchronous value.
DurationRetryPolicy - Class in ratpack.exec.util.retry
A duration based implementation of RetryPolicy.
DurationRetryPolicy(Delay, Duration, Clock) - Constructor for class ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicy
DurationRetryPolicyBuilder - Interface in ratpack.exec.util.retry


empty() - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Returns an empty registry.
empty() - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
An empty publisher that immediately completes.
empty() - Static method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
equals(Object) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
A pair is equal if its left and right items are equal to the left and right items of this respectively.
error(Throwable) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Signals the unsuccessful production of the upstream value.
error(Throwable) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Creates a failed promise with the given error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Result
Creates a new error result.
error(Throwable) - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.Promised
Signals the unsuccessful production of the upstream value.
error(Throwable) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.WriteStream
Signals a stream error.
eventLoop(EventLoop) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecSpec
Specifies that the execution must run on the given event loop.
eventLoop(EventLoop) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Specifies that the execution must run on the given event loop.
Exceptions - Class in ratpack.util
Utility methods for dealing with exceptions.
Exceptions() - Constructor for class ratpack.util.Exceptions
exec(Block) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.Blocking
ExecController - Interface in ratpack.exec
The exec controller manages the execution of operations.
ExecControllerBuilder - Interface in ratpack.exec
A builder of an exec controller.
ExecControllerSpec - Interface in ratpack.exec
A mutable specification of an exec controller.
execInit(Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Specifies an initializer for each forked execution.
ExecInitializer - Interface in ratpack.exec
execInitializers(Iterable<? extends ExecInitializer>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerBuilder
The exec initializers to use for initializing executions.
execInitializers(Iterable<? extends ExecInitializer>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerSpec
The exec initializers to use for initializing executions.
ExecInterceptor - Interface in ratpack.exec
Intercepts execution segments of an execution, primarily for traceability and recording metrics.
ExecInterceptor.ExecType - Enum in ratpack.exec
The execution type (i.e.
execInterceptors(Iterable<? extends ExecInterceptor>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerBuilder
The exec interceptors to use for intercepting executions.
execInterceptors(Iterable<? extends ExecInterceptor>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerSpec
The exec interceptors to use for intercepting executions.
ExecResult<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec
The result of an execution.
ExecSpec - Interface in ratpack.exec
A specification for an Execution.
ExecStarter - Interface in ratpack.exec
Starts a new Execution.
execute() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Block
Execute the action.
execute(T) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Executes the action against the given thing.
execute(T, U) - Method in interface ratpack.func.BiAction
Executes the action against the given thing.
Execution - Interface in ratpack.exec
A logical operation, such as servicing a request, that may be comprised of non contiguous units of work.
ExecutionException - Exception in ratpack.exec
Thrown when an execution sequence is invalid.
ExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception ratpack.exec.ExecutionException
ExecutionRef - Interface in ratpack.exec
A reference to an Execution that is usable from outside of it.


FALSE - Static variable in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
A predicate that always returns false, regardless of the input object.
fanOut(Publisher<? extends Iterable<? extends T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that publishes each element from Collections that are produced from the given input publisher.
fanOut(Publisher<? extends Iterable<? extends T>>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that publishes each element from Collections that are produced from the given input publisher.
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess.TimeoutException
filter(Publisher<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that filters items from the given input stream by applying the given filter predicate.
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
first(TypeToken<T>, Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Find and transform an item.
first(Class<T>, Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
A convenience method for Registry.first(TypeToken, Function).
FixedDelay - Class in ratpack.exec.util.retry
A fixed duration based implementation of Delay.
flatLeft(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the value of the result of the given function as the left.
flatMap(Publisher<I>, Function<? super I, ? extends Promise<? extends O>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that publishes items from the given input publisher after transforming each item via the given, promise returning, function.
flatMap(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
flatMap(Factory<? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<? extends O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying the given function to it that returns a promise for the transformed value.
flatMapError(Class<E>, Function<? super E, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
flatMapError(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
flatMapError(Predicate<? super Throwable>, Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
flatMapIf(Predicate<? super T>, Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>, Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying one of the given functions to it that returns a promise for the transformed value, depending if it satisfies the predicate.
flatMapIf(Predicate<? super T>, Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying the given function to it that returns a promise for the transformed value, if it satisfies the predicate.
flatOp(Function<? super T, ? extends Operation>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Converts this promise to an operation, which is the return of function.
flatRight(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the value of the result of the given function as the right.
flatten(Publisher<? extends Publisher<T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Creates a single publisher from a publisher of publishers.
flatten(Publisher<? extends Publisher<T>>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Creates a single publisher from a publisher of publishers.
flatten(Factory<? extends Promise<T>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Creates a promise for the promise produced by the given factory.
flatten(Factory<Operation>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
Create an operation that delegates to another operation.
flatYield(Function<? super YieldRequest, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Creates a new publisher, backed by the given asynchronous data producing function.
forEach(BiAction<? super Integer, ? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.Batch
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.
forEach(BiAction<? super Integer, ? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.
forEach(BiAction<? super Integer, ? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.SerialBatch
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.
fork() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
fork() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Used to create a new execution.
fork() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Forks a new execution and subscribes to this promise, returning a promise for its value.
fork() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
Consumes the given publisher eagerly in a forked execution, buffering results until ready to be consumed by this execution.
fork(Publisher<T>, Action<? super ExecSpec>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Consumes the given publisher eagerly in a forked execution, buffering results until ready to be consumed by this execution.
fork(Action<? super ExecSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Forks a new execution and subscribes to this promise, returning a promise for its value.
fork(Action<? super ExecSpec>, Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
Consumes the given publisher eagerly in a forked execution, buffering results until ready to be consumed by this execution.
from(BiConsumer<T, U>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.BiAction
Creates an bi-action from a JDK bi-consumer.
from(Consumer<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action from a JDK consumer.
from(Function<I, O>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function of this type from a JDK style function.
from(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a predicate from a JDK predicate.
fromGuava(Function<I, O>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function of this type from a Guava style function.
fromGuava(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a predicate from a Guava predicate.
function(O, O) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a function the returns one of the given values.
Function<I,​O> - Interface in ratpack.func
A single argument function.
Function.ConditionalSpec<I,​O> - Interface in ratpack.func
A spec for adding conditions to a conditional function.


gate(Publisher<T>, Action<? super Runnable>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Allows requests from the subscriber of the return publisher to be withheld from the given publisher until an externally defined moment.
gate(Action<? super Runnable>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
get(TypeToken<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Provides an object of the specified type, or throws an exception if no object of that type is available.
get(Class<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Provides an object of the specified type, or throws an exception if no object of that type is available.
get(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
Get the first value for the key, or null if there are no values for the key.
get(Factory<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.Blocking
Performs a blocking operation on a separate thread, returning a promise for its value.
getActive() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Throttle
How many throttled promises are currently executing.
getAll() - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
Returns a new view of the map where each map value is a list of all the values for the given key (i.e.
getAll(TypeToken<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Returns all of the objects whose declared type is assignment compatible with the given type.
getAll(Class<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Returns all of the objects whose declared type is assignment compatible with the given type.
getAll(K) - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
All of the values for the given key.
getBlockingExecutor() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
The executor for blocking work.
getController() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
The execution controller that this execution is associated with.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
The default timeout value.
getEventLoop() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
The specific event loop that this execution is using for compute operations.
getEventLoopGroup() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
The event loop group used by Netty for this application.
getExecutor() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
The event loop (i.e.
getInitializers() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
The registered initializers for this controller.
getInterceptors() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
The registered interceptors for this controller.
getItem() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
The data, if this event represents an emission of data.
getLeft() - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
The left item of the pair.
getNumThreads() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
The number of threads that will be used for computation.
getParent() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
A ref to the execution that forked this execution.
getParent() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecutionRef
A ref to the execution that forked this execution.
getRef() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
A reference to this execution.
getRegistry() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecResult
getRequestAmount() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
The request amount, if this event represents a request.
getRequestNum() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.YieldRequest
getRight() - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
The right item of the pair.
getSize() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Throttle
The size of this throttle.
getSubscriberNum() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.YieldRequest
getSubscriptionId() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
The opaque id of the subscription that this event relates to.
getThrowable() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Result
The error exception.
getThrowable() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
The error, if this event represents an error.
getValue() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Result
The result value.
getValueOrThrow() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Result
Returns the value if this is a success result, or throws the exception if it's an error.
getVersion() - Static method in class ratpack.util.RatpackVersion
The version of Ratpack.
getWaiting() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Throttle
The number of throttled promises that are waiting to execute (that is, the queue size).


hashCode() - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Hash code.


identity() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Returns an identity function (return value always same as input).
ignoreArg(Block) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
increaseAttempt() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
Increase number of attempts.
increaseAttempt() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicy
Increase number of attempts.
increaseAttempt() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.RetryPolicy
Increase number of attempts.
IndexedDelay - Class in ratpack.exec.util.retry
A index based implementation of Delay.
init(Execution) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecInitializer
Called before the execution is started in order to perform any initialisation.
intercept(Execution, ExecInterceptor.ExecType, Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecInterceptor
Intercepts the execution of an execution segment.
intern(TypeToken<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Types
Intern the given type token.
isActive() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Whether there is currently an active bound execution.
isBlockingThread() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Whether the current thread is a Ratpack blocking thread.
isCancel() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
Whether or not this event represents cancellation of the stream.
isComplete() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecResult
Is the result that the execution completed without a value being returned.
isComplete() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Indicates whether the execution has completed or not.
isComplete() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecutionRef
Whether the execution this refers to is complete.
isComplete() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
Whether or not this event represents the completion of the stream.
isComputeThread() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Whether the current thread is a Ratpack compute thread.
isData() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
Whether or not this event represents an emission of data.
isError() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Result
True if this was an error result.
isError() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
Whether or not this event represents an error.
isExhausted() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
If the caller should stop retrying.
isExhausted() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicy
If the caller should stop retrying.
isExhausted() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.RetryPolicy
If the caller should stop retrying.
isManagedThread() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Whether the current thread is a thread that is managed by Ratpack.
isRequest() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamEvent
Whether or not this event represents a request for more data.
isSuccess() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Result
True if this was a success result.
item(T) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.WriteStream
Emit an item.
itemMap(Subscription, Action<? super O>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.WriteStream
Creates a new write stream that passes error and complete signals on to this stream, but passes items to the given action.
itemMap(Action<? super O>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.WriteStream


join(Action<? super T>...) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Returns a new action that executes the given actions in order.
join(Registry) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Creates a new registry by joining this registry with the given registry


left - Variable in class ratpack.func.Pair
The left item of the pair.
left() - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
The left item of the pair.
left(Promise<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the value of the given promise as the left.
left(Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the result of the given function as the left.
left(T) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Replaces the left item with the given item.
listOf(Class<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Types
Creates a type token for a list of of the given type.


map(Publisher<I>, Function<? super I, ? extends O>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that publishes items from the given input publisher after transforming each item via the given function.
map(Subscription, WriteStream<D>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.StreamMapper
A transform step in a Publisher chain.
map(Factory<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
map(Function<? super Block, ? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Block
Maps a block onto a new object with the provided function.
map(Function<? super Pair<L, R>, ? extends T>) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Applies the given function to this, returning the result.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying the given function to it.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
mapError(Class<E>, Function<? super E, ? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
mapError(Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
Convert an error to a success or different error.
mapError(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promise failure (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
mapError(Predicate<? super Throwable>, Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
mapIf(Predicate<? super T>, Function<? super T, ? extends O>, Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying one of the given functions to it, depending if it satisfies the predicate.
mapIf(Predicate<? super T>, Function<? super T, ? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying the given function to it, if it satisfies the predicate.
mapLeft(Function<? super L, ? extends T>) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair, with the left item being the result of applying the given function to the left item of this.
mapRight(Function<? super R, ? extends T>) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair, with the right item being the result of applying the given function to the right item of this.
maxAttempts(int) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder
Maximum number of allowed retry attempts.
maxDuration(Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicyBuilder
Maximum duration until timeout of the retry policy.
maybeGet(TypeToken<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Does the same thing as Registry.get(Class), except returns null instead of throwing an exception.
maybeGet(Class<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Does the same thing as Registry.get(Class), except returns null instead of throwing an exception.
maybeParent() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
A ref to the execution that forked this execution, if it has a parent.
maybeParent() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecutionRef
A ref to the execution that forked this execution, if it has a parent.
merge(Publisher<? extends T>...) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that merges the given input publishers into a single stream of elements.
multicast() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
multicast(Publisher<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that will stream events emitted from the given publisher to all of its subscribers.
MultiValueMap<K,​V> - Interface in ratpack.util
A map that may contain multiple values for a given key, but typically only one value.
mutable() - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Creates a new, empty, mutable registry.
MutableRegistry - Interface in ratpack.registry
A Registry that is also mutable.


nestLeft(T) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair, with pair(t, this.left) as the left item and the the right value of this as the right.
nestRight(T) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair, with pair(t, this.right) as the right item and the the left value of this as the left.
next(Operation) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
next(Promise<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
replaced by Promise.replace(Promise) as of 1.1.0
next(Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Executes the provided, potentially asynchronous, Action with the promised value as input.
next(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
nextOp(Function<? super T, ? extends Operation>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Executes the operation returned by the given function.
nextOpIf(Predicate<? super T>, Function<? super T, ? extends Operation>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Executes the operation returned by the given function, if it satisfies the predicate.
noop() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
noop() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Returns an action that does precisely nothing.
noop() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.BiAction
Returns a bi-action that does precisely nothing.
noop() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Block
noopIfNull(Action<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
If the given action is null, returns Action.noop(), otherwise returns the given action.
NotInRegistryException - Exception in ratpack.registry
Thrown when a request is made for an object that a registry cannot provide.
NotInRegistryException(TypeToken<?>) - Constructor for exception ratpack.registry.NotInRegistryException
Constructs the exception.
NotInRegistryException(String) - Constructor for exception ratpack.registry.NotInRegistryException
numThreads(int) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerBuilder
Sets the number of compute threads to use.
numThreads(int) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecControllerSpec
Sets the number of compute threads to use.


of(Iterable<? extends Promise<? extends T>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Creates a new parallel batch of the given promises.
of(Iterable<? extends Promise<? extends T>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.util.SerialBatch
Creates a new serial batch of the given promises.
of(Duration) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.FixedDelay
Builds a fixed duration delay.
of(Function<? super Integer, Duration>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.IndexedDelay
Builds an index based delay.
of(L, R) - Static method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair.
of(Promise<? extends T>...) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Creates a new parallel batch of the given promises.
of(Promise<? extends T>...) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.util.SerialBatch
Creates a new serial batch of the given promises.
of(Result<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecResult
Wraps the given result as an exec result.
of(Upstream<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
of(Action<? super AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
Builds a new attempt based retry policy from the given definition.
of(Action<? super DurationRetryPolicyBuilder>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicy
Builds a new duration based retry policy from the given definition.
of(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Builds a registry from the given action.
of(Block) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
ofLazy(Factory<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
ofNull() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
A promise for null.
ofSize(int) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Throttle
Create a new throttle of the given size.
on(Promise<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.Blocking
Blocks execution waiting for this promise to complete and returns the promised value.
onClose(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Adds a callback to run when stopping this exec controller.
onComplete(AutoCloseable) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Registers a closeable that will be closed when the execution completes.
onComplete(Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecSpec
Specifies the completion callback for the execution.
onComplete(Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Specifies the completion callback for the execution.
onComplete(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Wrap this downstream, using the given action as the implementation of the Downstream.complete() method.
onComplete(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Specifies the action to take if the Promise signals complete without emitting a value or an error.
onError(Class<E>, Action<? super E>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
Specifies the action to take if the an error of the given type occurs trying to perform the operation.
onError(Class<E>, Action<? super E>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Specifies the action to take if the an error of the given type occurs trying to produce the promised value.
onError(Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Wrap this downstream, using the given action as the implementation of the Downstream.error(Throwable) method.
onError(Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecSpec
Specify the top level error handler for the execution.
onError(Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Specify the top level error handler for the execution.
onError(Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
onError(Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Specifies the action to take if an error occurs trying to produce the promised value.
onError(Predicate<? super Throwable>, Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
Specifies the action to take if the an error occurs performing the operation that the given predicate applies to.
onError(Predicate<? super Throwable>, Action<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Specifies the action to take if the an error occurs trying to produce the promised value, that the given predicate applies to.
onNull(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
A convenience shorthand for routing null values.
onStart(Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecSpec
Specifies an action to be taken just before the execution starts.
onStart(Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Specifies an action to be taken just before the execution starts.
onSuccess(Action<? super O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Wrap this downstream, using the given action as the implementation of the Downstream.success(T) method.
onYield(Runnable) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Registers a listener that is invoked when this promise is initiated.
op(Block) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.Blocking
operation() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Converts this promise to an operation, by effectively discarding the result.
operation() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Block
since 1.5
operation(Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Converts this promise to an operation which is effectively action.
Operation - Interface in ratpack.exec
A logical operation.
OverlappingExecutionException - Exception in ratpack.exec
An instance of this exception will be logged when execution overlaps.
OverlappingExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception ratpack.exec.OverlappingExecutionException
OverlappingExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ratpack.exec.OverlappingExecutionException


pair(L, R) - Static method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair.
Pair<L,​R> - Class in ratpack.func
A generic pair implementation that can be used to cumulatively aggregate a data structure during a promise pipeline.
ParallelBatch<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec.util
A batch of promises to be processed, in parallel.
periodically(ScheduledExecutorService, Duration, Function<? super Integer, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Executes the given function periodically, publishing the return value to the subscriber.
periodically(Registry, Duration, Function<? super Integer, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Predicate<T> - Interface in ratpack.func
A function that returns true or false for a value.
prepend(Action<? super O>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Returns a new action that executes the given action and then this action.
promise() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
promise() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.Promised
Creates a new promise for the eventual value.
Promise<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec
A promise for a single value.
Promised<T> - Class in ratpack.exec.util
A logical value that will be available later, that promises can be created for.
Promised() - Constructor for class ratpack.exec.util.Promised
Promised.AlreadySuppliedException - Exception in ratpack.exec.util
Thrown if an attempt is made to supply the value/result after it has already been supplied.
promiseOf(TypeToken<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Types
since 1.5, no replacement.
promiseOf(Class<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Types
since 1.5, no replacement.
provide(TypeToken<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBacking
Provides instances to the Registry implementation which uses this method for looking up an iterable result of Supplier instances for the given type.
publish(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Converts an iterable to a publishable.
publish(Promise<? extends Iterable<T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Converts a Promise for an iterable into a publishable.
publisher() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.Batch
Creates a publisher that emits the promised values.
publisher() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Creates a publisher that emits the promised values.
publisher() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.SerialBatch
Creates a publisher that emits the promised values.
pushLeft(T) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair, with this as the right item and the given value as the left.
pushRight(T) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Creates a new pair, with this as the left item and the given value as the right.
put(K, V) - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.


ratpack.exec - package ratpack.exec
The execution management.
ratpack.exec.util - package ratpack.exec.util
ratpack.exec.util.retry - package ratpack.exec.util.retry
ratpack.func - package ratpack.func
ratpack.registry - package ratpack.registry
Registries hold objects that can be retrieved via type, and are a key aspect of Ratpack applications.
ratpack.stream - package ratpack.stream
Support for reactive streams.
ratpack.stream.bytebuf - package ratpack.stream.bytebuf
ratpack.util - package ratpack.util
RatpackVersion - Class in ratpack.util
Provides the version of the Ratpack core at runtime.
read(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with read serialization.
read(Promise<T>, Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with read serialization and the given timeout.
ReadWriteAccess - Interface in ratpack.exec.util
Provides read/write serialization, analogous to ReadWriteLock.
ReadWriteAccess.TimeoutException - Exception in ratpack.exec.util
Thrown if access could not be acquired within the given timeout value.
reduce(Publisher<T>, R, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Reduces the stream to a single value, by applying the given function successively.
reduce(R, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
Reduces the stream to a single value, by applying the given function successively.
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecSpec
Populates the execution's registry.
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Populates the execution's registry.
Registry - Interface in ratpack.registry
An object registry.
RegistryBacking - Interface in ratpack.registry
Provides instances to the Registry implementation which uses an implementation of this interface for backing the instances that the Registry contains or returns.
RegistryBuilder - Interface in ratpack.registry
A builder of registries.
RegistrySpec - Interface in ratpack.registry
An additive specification of a registry.
remove(TypeToken<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.MutableRegistry
Remove the registration for the given type.
remove(Class<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.MutableRegistry
Remove the registration for the given type.
remove(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.util.MultiValueMap
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
replace(Promise<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Replaces this promise with the provided promise for downstream subscribers.
require() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Returns the execution controller bound to the current thread, or throws an exception if called on a non Ratpack managed compute thread.
result(Action<? super ExecResult<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Consume the promised value as a Result.
Result<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec
The result of an asynchronous operation, which may be an error.
retry(int, Duration, BiAction<? super Integer, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
retry(int, BiFunction<? super Integer, ? super Throwable, Promise<Duration>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
retry(RetryPolicy, BiAction<? super Integer, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Causes this yielding the promised value to be retried on error, under the rules of provided retryPolicy.
retryIf(Predicate<? super Throwable>, RetryPolicy, BiAction<? super Integer, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Causes this yielding the promised value to be retried on error, under the rules of provided retryPolicy, and if the given Predicate matches the error thrown.
RetryPolicy - Interface in ratpack.exec.util.retry
A strategy object to govern retry behaviours.
right - Variable in class ratpack.func.Pair
The right item of the pair.
right() - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
The right item of the pair.
right(Promise<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the value of the given promise as the right.
right(Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the result of the given function as the right.
right(T) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Replaces the right item with the given item.
route(Predicate<? super T>, Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Allows the promised value to be handled specially if it meets the given predicate, instead of being handled by the promise subscriber.


SerialBatch<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec.util
A batch of promises to be processed, serially.
single(Class<? super T>, T) - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Creates a single entry registry, using RegistryBuilder.add(Class, Object).
single(Class<T>, Supplier<? extends T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
single(Object) - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Creates a single entry registry, using RegistryBuilder.add(Object).
singleLazy(Class<T>, Supplier<? extends T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.registry.Registry
Creates a single lazily created entry registry, using RegistryBuilder.addLazy(Class, Supplier).
size() - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
How many entries have been added so far.
sleep(Duration) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Creates a sleep operation.
sleep(Duration, Block) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Pauses this execution for the given duration.
start(Operation) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Starts the execution, and executes the given operation.
start(Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Starts the execution, with the given action as the initial segment.
StreamEvent<T> - Interface in ratpack.stream
Represents an event emitted by a publisher.
streamMap(Publisher<? extends U>, StreamMapper<? super U, D>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Allows transforming a stream into an entirely different stream.
streamMap(Publisher<U>, Function<? super WriteStream<D>, ? extends WriteStream<? super U>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
streamMap(Function<? super WriteStream<O>, ? extends WriteStream<? super T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
streamMap(StreamMapper<? super T, O>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
StreamMapper<U,​D> - Interface in ratpack.stream
Fundamentally transforms a stream.
Streams - Class in ratpack.stream
Some lightweight utilities for working with reactive streams.
Streams() - Constructor for class ratpack.stream.Streams
success(T) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Signals the successful production of the upstream value.
success(T) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Result
Creates a new successful result.
success(T) - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.Promised
Signals the successful production of the upstream value.
suppressAndThrow(Throwable) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
An action that receives a throwable to thrown, suppressing the given value.
sync(Factory<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Creates a promise for the value synchronously produced by the given factory.


take(long) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
take(long, Publisher<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that emits only the first n elements from the given publisher, where n is the given count.
then() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
then(Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Specifies what should be done with the promised object when it becomes available.
then(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
throttle(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Throttle
Throttles the given promise.
Throttle - Interface in ratpack.exec
Limits the concurrency of operations, typically access to an external resource.
throttled(Throttle) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Throttles this promise, using the given throttle.
throwException() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Returns an action that receives a throwable and immediately throws it.
throwException(Throwable) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Returns an action that immediately throws the given exception.
throwException(Throwable) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Block
Returns an action that immediately throws the given exception.
throwIfError(Throwable) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Exceptions
Throws the given throwable if it is an Error, otherwise does nothing.
time(Action<? super Duration>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Emits the time taken from when the promise is subscribed to to when the result is available.
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess.TimeoutException
timeResult() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
timeResult(BiAction<? super ExecResult<T>, ? super Duration>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Emits the time taken from when the promise is subscribed to to when the result is available.
to(Function<? super Operation, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
to(Function<? super Promise<T>, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Applies the given function to this and returns the result.
toBiConsumer() - Method in interface ratpack.func.BiAction
Creates a JDK BiConsumer from this action.
toByteArray(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.bytebuf.ByteBufStreams
Reduces the stream to a single byte[].
toByteArrays(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.bytebuf.ByteBufStreams
Converts the byte buf stream to a stream of byte[].
toCompletableFuture() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Convert this promise into a CompletableFuture.
toConsumer() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates a JDK Consumer from this action.
toException(Throwable) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Exceptions
Converts the given throwable to an Exception if necessary.
toFunction() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Converts this function into the equivalent JDK type.
toGuavaFunction() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Converts this function into the equivalent Guava type.
toGuavaPredicate() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a Guava Predicate from this predicate.
token(Class<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Types
Create a type token for the given class.
token(Type) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Types
Create a type token for the given runtime type.
toList() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
Consumes the given publisher's items to a list.
toList(Publisher<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Creates a promise for the given publisher's items as a List.
toPredicate() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a JDK Predicate from this predicate.
toPromise() - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
toPromise(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Convert a CompletableFuture into a promise.
toPromise(Publisher<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Creates a promise for the given publisher's single item.
toRunnable() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Block
Converts this action to a runnable.
toString() - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Returns "Pair[«left.toString()»,«right.toString()»].
transform(Function<? super TransformablePublisher<? extends T>, ? extends Publisher<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
Convenience method to allow a non Ratpack publisher transform method to be hooked in.
transform(Function<? super Upstream<? extends T>, ? extends Upstream<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Apply a custom transform to this promise.
transformable(Publisher<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Wraps the publisher in Ratpack's TransformablePublisher to make composing a pipeline easier.
TransformablePublisher<T> - Interface in ratpack.stream
A wrapper over a Publisher that makes it more convenient to chain transformations of different kinds.
TRUE - Static variable in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
A predicate that always returns true, regardless of the input object.
Types - Class in ratpack.util
Static utility methods for dealing with types.


uncheck(Throwable) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Exceptions
Converts the given throwable to a RuntimeException if necessary.
uncheck(Block) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Exceptions
uncheck(Factory<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Exceptions
Executes the given factory, returning its result and unchecking any exceptions it throws.
uncheck(T, Action<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Exceptions
Executes the given action with the provided input argument, unchecking any exceptions it throws.
uncheck(T, U, BiAction<T, U>) - Static method in class ratpack.util.Exceptions
Executes the given action with the provided input arguments, unchecking any exceptions it throws.
uncheckedWith(O) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Like Action.with(Object), but unchecks any exceptions thrown by the action via Exceptions.uncheck(Throwable).
uncheckedWith(T, Action<? super T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Like Action.with(Object, Action), but unchecks any exceptions thrown by the action via Exceptions.uncheck(Throwable).
unlimited() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Throttle
Create a new throttle that does not limit concurrency.
UnmanagedThreadException - Exception in ratpack.exec
Thrown when something is attempted outside of a Ratpack execution, that can only succeed during a Ratpack execution.
UnmanagedThreadException() - Constructor for exception ratpack.exec.UnmanagedThreadException
unpackLeft() - Static method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Convenience function for returning the left item of a pair.
unpackRight() - Static method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Convenience function for returning the right item of a pair.
Upstream<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec
An upstream asynchronous data source.


value(T) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Creates a promise for the given item.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ratpack.exec.ExecInterceptor.ExecType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ratpack.exec.ExecInterceptor.ExecType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


when(Predicate<? super I>, Action<? super I>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action.ConditionalSpec
when(Predicate<? super I>, Action<? super I>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action that delegates to the given action if the given predicate applies, else delegates to Action.noop().
when(Predicate<? super I>, Action<? super I>, Action<? super I>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action that delegates to the first action if the given predicate applies, else the second action.
when(Predicate<? super I>, Function<? super I, ? extends I>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function that delegates to the given function if the given predicate applies, else delegates to Function.identity().
when(Predicate<? super I>, Function<? super I, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function.ConditionalSpec
Adds a conditional function.
when(Predicate<? super I>, Function<? super I, ? extends O>, Function<? super I, ? extends O>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function that delegates to the first function if the given predicate applies, else the second function.
wiretap(Publisher<T>, Action<? super StreamEvent<T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Allows listening to the events of the given publisher as they flow to subscribers.
wiretap(Action<? super Optional<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
wiretap(Action<? super Result<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Registers a listener for the promise outcome.
wiretap(Action<? super StreamEvent<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.stream.TransformablePublisher
with(O) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Executes with the given argument, then returns the argument.
with(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistryBuilder
with(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.registry.RegistrySpec
Executes the given action with this.
with(T, Action<? super T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Executes the action with the given argument, then returns the argument.
wrap(Factory<? extends Promise<T>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
since 1.5, replaced by Promise.flatten(Factory).
write(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with write serialization.
write(Promise<T>, Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with write serialization.
WriteStream<T> - Interface in ratpack.stream
The write end of a data stream.


yield() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.Batch
Processes all the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error.
yield() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Processes all the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error.
yield() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.SerialBatch
Processes all the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error.
yield(Function<? super YieldRequest, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ratpack.stream.Streams
Creates a new publisher, backed by the given data producing function.
yieldAll() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.Batch
Processes all the promises of the batch, collecting any errors.
yieldAll() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Processes all the promises of the batch, collecting any errors.
yieldAll() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.SerialBatch
Processes all the promises of the batch, collecting any errors.
YieldRequest - Interface in ratpack.stream
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