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all(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds the given Closure as a Handler to this GroovyChain.
all(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
all(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
all(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction
app() - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".
app(boolean) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".
app(boolean, String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
app(boolean, Path) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
app(Path) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
appWithArgs(boolean, String[], String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
appWithArgs(boolean, Path, String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
appWithArgs(String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy"


bindings() - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script named "bindings.groovy".
bindings(boolean) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script named "bindings.groovy".
bindings(boolean, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script.
bindings(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Ratpack
Registers the closure used to configure the BindingsSpec that will back the application.
bindingsWithArgs(boolean, String, String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script.
byContent(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
Groovy friendly overload of Context.byContent(Action).
byContent(Registry, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Builds a content negotiating handler.
byMethod(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
Groovy friendly overload of Context.byMethod(Action).
byMethod(Registry, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Builds a multi method handler.


chain(Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a chain action implementation from the given closure.
chain(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Creates a handler from the given closure.
chain(Chain, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Immediately executes the given closure against the given chain, as a GroovyChain.
chain(Registry, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Builds a chain, backed by the given registry.
chain(ServerConfig, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Builds a handler chain, with no backing registry.
chain(ServerConfig, Registry, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Builds a chain, backed by the given registry.
chainAction(Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a chain action based on the given closure.
checkGroovy() - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Asserts that the version of Groovy on the classpath meets the minimum requirement for Ratpack.
Config() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule.Config
Config() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModule.Config
configure() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.sql.SqlModule
configure() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule
configure() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModule


DEFAULT_APP_PATH - Static variable in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
DEFAULT_BINDINGS_PATH - Static variable in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
DEFAULT_HANDLERS_PATH - Static variable in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
defaultConfig(ServerConfig, MarkupTemplateModule.Config) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule
DefaultGroovyByContentSpec - Class in ratpack.groovy.handling
DefaultGroovyByContentSpec(ByContentSpec) - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
delete(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
Inserts the handler to chain if the request has a HTTP method of DELETE.
delete(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the request HTTPMethod is DELETE and the path is at the current root.
delete(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
delete(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
delete(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the relative path matches the given path and the request HTTPMethod is DELETE.
delete(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
delete(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
delete(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
delete(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
delete(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain


execute() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction
Defines the handler chain.
execute(Chain) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction
Invokes GroovyChainAction.execute() while setting the given chain as the implicit receiver.


files() - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
files(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
files(Action<? super FileHandlerSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
fileSystem(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Creates a List of Handler from the given Closure and adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that changes the FileSystemBinding for the Handler list.
fileSystem(String, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
fileSystem(String, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
from(Chain) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Creates a Groovy chain wrapper over a chain instance.
from(Context) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
Creates a Groovy context from a context.
from(RatpackServerSpec) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec


get() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.sql.SqlProvider
get(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
Inserts the handler to chain if the request has a HTTP method of GET.
get(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the request HTTPMethod is GET and the path is at the current root.
get(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
get(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
get(String, TypeToken<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModel
Retrieve the given model item, of the given type.
get(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the relative path matches the given path and the request HTTPMethod is GET.
get(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModel
Retrieve the given model item, of the given type.
get(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
get(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
get(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
get(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
getContentType() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.Markup
getContentType() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplate
getContext() - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
getDefinition() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.Markup
getEncoding() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.Markup
getId() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplate
getModel() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplate
getModel() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplate
getModel() - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
The backing model for this template.
getName() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplate
getRegistry() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction
getServerConfig() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction
getTemplatesDirectory() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule.Config
getTemplatesPath() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModule.Config
getType() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplate
Groovy - Class in ratpack.groovy
Static methods for specialized Groovy integration.
Groovy.Ratpack - Interface in ratpack.groovy
The definition of a Groovy Ratpack application.
Groovy.Script - Class in ratpack.groovy
Methods for working with Groovy scripts as application components.
GroovyByContentSpec - Interface in ratpack.groovy.handling
A Groovy oriented content negotiation handler builder.
GroovyByMethodSpec - Interface in ratpack.groovy.handling
A Groovy oriented multi-method handler builder.
GroovyChain - Interface in ratpack.groovy.handling
A Groovy oriented handler chain builder DSL.
GroovyChainAction - Class in ratpack.groovy.handling
A convenience super class for a standalone implementation of a Action<GroovyChain>.
GroovyChainAction() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction
GroovyContext - Interface in ratpack.groovy.handling
Subclass of Context that adds Groovy friendly variants of methods.
groovyHandler(Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a handler instance from a closure.
GroovyHandler - Class in ratpack.groovy.handling
A handler subclass that makes a GroovyContext available.
GroovyHandler() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
groovyMarkupTemplate(String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based markup template, using no model and the default content type.
groovyMarkupTemplate(String, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based markup template, using no model.
groovyMarkupTemplate(String, String, Action<? super ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based markup template.
groovyMarkupTemplate(String, Action<? super ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based markup template, using the default content type.
groovyMarkupTemplate(Map<String, ?>, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based markup template, using the default content type.
groovyMarkupTemplate(Map<String, ?>, String, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based template.
GroovyRatpackMain - Class in ratpack.groovy
A boilerplate entry point, which combines RatpackServer.start(ratpack.func.Action) and Groovy.Script.app().
GroovyRatpackMain() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.GroovyRatpackMain
GroovyRatpackServerSpec - Interface in ratpack.groovy.server
GroovyRendererSupport<T> - Class in ratpack.groovy.render
A specialisation of RendererSupport that makes a GroovyContext available.
GroovyRendererSupport() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.render.GroovyRendererSupport
groovyTemplate(String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based template, using no model and the default content type.
groovyTemplate(String, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based template, using no model.
groovyTemplate(Map<String, ?>, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based template, using the default content type.
groovyTemplate(Map<String, ?>, String, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Creates a renderable Groovy based template.


handle(GroovyContext) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
The handle method to implement.
handle(Context) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
handler(Function<? super Registry, ? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
handlers() - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a handler defining function from a "handlers.groovy" Groovy script.
handlers(boolean) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a handler defining function from a "handlers.groovy" Groovy script.
handlers(boolean, String) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a handler defining function from a Groovy script.
handlers(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Ratpack
Registers the closure used to build the handler chain of the application.
handlers(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
handlersWithArgs(boolean, String, String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates a handler defining function from a Groovy script.
header(CharSequence, Object...) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
host(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
If the request has a Host header that matches the given host name exactly, handling will be delegated to the chain defined by the given closure.
host(String, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
host(String, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
html(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client wants content of type "text/html".
html(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
html(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
html(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
Escapes the toString() value of the given object, by way of HtmlEscapers.
html(Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
html(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
html(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
html(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
htmlBuilder(Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Shorthand for Groovy.markupBuilder(CharSequence, Charset, Closure) with a content type of "text/html" and "UTF-8" encoding.


include(String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Ratpack
Evaluates the path provided using the Ratpack DSL and applies the configuration to this server.
include(Path) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Ratpack
Evaluates the provided path using the Ratpack DSL and applies the configuration to this server.
insert(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inserts the given nested handler chain.
insert(Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
insert(Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
isStaticallyCompile() - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModule.Config


json(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client wants content of type "application/json".
json(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
json(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
json(Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
json(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
json(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
json(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec


main(String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.GroovyRatpackMain
Starts the server defined by calling Groovy.Script.appWithArgs(String...).
map(String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModel
map(String, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModel
Markup - Class in ratpack.groovy.template
Markup(CharSequence, Charset, Closure<?>) - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.template.Markup
markupBuilder(CharSequence, CharSequence, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Renderable object for markup built using Groovy's MarkupBuilder.
markupBuilder(CharSequence, Charset, Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
MarkupTemplate - Class in ratpack.groovy.template
MarkupTemplate(String, String, Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplate
MarkupTemplateModule - Class in ratpack.groovy.template
An extension module that provides support for the Groovy markup template engine.
MarkupTemplateModule() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule
MarkupTemplateModule.Config - Class in ratpack.groovy.template


named(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
Inserts the handler to chain if the request has a HTTP method of methodName.
named(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
named(String, Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
named(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
noMatch(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client's requested content type cannot be matched with any of the other handlers.
noMatch(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
noMatch(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
noMatch(String) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
noMatch(String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
noMatch(Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
noMatch(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
noMatch(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
noMatch(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
notFound() - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain


onClose(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
Adds a request close handler.
onlyIf(Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
onlyIf(Closure<?>, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
onlyIf(Closure<?>, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
onlyIf(Predicate<? super Context>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
onlyIf(Predicate<? super Context>, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
onlyIf(Predicate<? super Context>, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
options(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
Inserts the handler to chain if the request has a HTTP method of OPTIONS.
options(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the request HTTPMethod is OPTIONS and the path is at the current root.
options(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
options(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
options(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the relative path matches the given path and the request HTTPMethod is OPTIONS.
options(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
options(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
options(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
options(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
options(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain


patch(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
Inserts the handler to chain if the request has a HTTP method of PATCH.
patch(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the request HTTPMethod is PATCH and the path is at the current root.
patch(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
patch(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
patch(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the relative path matches the given path and the request HTTPMethod is PATCH.
patch(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
patch(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
patch(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
patch(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
patch(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
path(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
path(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
path(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the relative path matches the given path exactly.
path(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
path(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
path(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
plainText(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client wants content of type "text/plain".
plainText(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
plainText(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
plainText(Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
plainText(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
plainText(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
plainText(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
post(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
Inserts the handler to chain if the request has a HTTP method of POST.
post(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the request HTTPMethod is POST and the path is at the current root.
post(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
post(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
post(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the relative path matches the given path and the request HTTPMethod is POST.
post(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
post(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
post(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
post(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
post(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
prefix(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Creates a List of Handler from the given Closure and adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the Handler list if the relative path starts with the given prefix.
prefix(String, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
prefix(String, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
put(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
Inserts the handler to chain if the request has a HTTP method of PUT.
put(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the request HTTPMethod is PUT and the path is at the current root.
put(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
put(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
put(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that delegates to the given Closure as a Handler if the relative path matches the given path and the request HTTPMethod is PUT.
put(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
put(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
put(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
put(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByMethodSpec
put(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain


ratpack(Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Starts a Ratpack app, defined by the given closure.
ratpack.groovy - package ratpack.groovy
Support for writing Ratpack applications in the Groovy programming language.
ratpack.groovy.handling - package ratpack.groovy.handling
Groovy specific extensions to classes in the ratpack.handling package.
ratpack.groovy.render - package ratpack.groovy.render
Specialised Groovy support for rendering.
ratpack.groovy.script - package ratpack.groovy.script
Classes for handling Ratpack Groovy scripts.
ratpack.groovy.server - package ratpack.groovy.server
Groovy implementations of the Ratpack server building classes.
ratpack.groovy.sql - package ratpack.groovy.sql
Support for providing Groovy's Sql interface.
ratpack.groovy.template - package ratpack.groovy.template
Support for templating based on embedded Groovy code in text.
redirect(int, String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Registry) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Registry, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Registry, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Registry, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
registry(Function<? super Registry, ? extends Registry>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
registryOf(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
render(String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
Renders a nested template inline, using the same model as this template.
render(Map<String, ?>, String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
Renders a nested template inline, with the given model merged with the current template model.
render(GroovyContext, T) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.render.GroovyRendererSupport
Renders the given object to the context.
render(Context) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.Markup
render(Context, T) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.render.GroovyRendererSupport
Delegates to GroovyRendererSupport.render(GroovyContext, Object), wrapping the given context in a GroovyContext.


ScriptNotFoundException - Exception in ratpack.groovy.script
ScriptNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception ratpack.groovy.script.ScriptNotFoundException
ScriptNotFoundException(String...) - Constructor for exception ratpack.groovy.script.ScriptNotFoundException
serverConfig(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Ratpack
Registers the closure used to build the configuration of the server.
serverConfig(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
serverConfig(Action<? super ServerConfigBuilder>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
serverConfig(ServerConfig) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
setStaticallyCompile(boolean) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModule.Config
setTemplatesDirectory(String) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule.Config
setTemplatesPath(String) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModule.Config
SqlModule - Class in ratpack.groovy.sql
SqlModule() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.sql.SqlModule
SqlProvider - Class in ratpack.groovy.sql
SqlProvider(DataSource) - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.sql.SqlProvider


TextTemplate - Class in ratpack.groovy.template
TextTemplate(Map<String, ?>, String, String) - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplate
TextTemplateModel - Interface in ratpack.groovy.template
TextTemplateModule - Class in ratpack.groovy.template
TextTemplateModule() - Constructor for class ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateModule
TextTemplateModule.Config - Class in ratpack.groovy.template
TextTemplateScript - Interface in ratpack.groovy.template
The API available in template files.
type(CharSequence, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client wants content of the given MIME type.
type(CharSequence, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
type(CharSequence, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
type(CharSequence, Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
type(CharSequence, Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
type(CharSequence, Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
type(CharSequence, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
type(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client wants content of the given MIME type.
type(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
type(String, Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
type(String, Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
type(String, Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
type(String, Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
type(String, Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec


unspecified(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client did not provide a usable "Accept" header in the request.
unspecified(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
unspecified(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
unspecified(String) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
unspecified(String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
unspecified(Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
unspecified(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
unspecified(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
unspecified(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
urlParam(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
Escapes the toString() value of the given object, by way of UrlEscapers.urlFormParameterEscaper().
urlPathSegment(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
Escapes the toString() value of the given object, by way of UrlEscapers.urlPathSegmentEscaper().


when(boolean, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the given handlers if test is true.
when(boolean, Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the appropriate handlers based on the given test.
when(boolean, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(boolean, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(boolean, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(boolean, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain


xml(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
Specifies that the given handler should be used if the client wants content of type "application/xml".
xml(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
xml(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
xml(Block) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
xml(Block) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
xml(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.DefaultGroovyByContentSpec
xml(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyByContentSpec
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