Class Groovy.Script

  • Enclosing class:

    public abstract static class Groovy.Script
    extends java.lang.Object
    Methods for working with Groovy scripts as application components.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app()
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(boolean compileStatic)
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(boolean compileStatic, java.lang.String... scriptPaths)
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(boolean compileStatic, java.nio.file.Path script)
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(java.nio.file.Path script)
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> appWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic, java.lang.String[] scriptPaths, java.lang.String... args)
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> appWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic, java.nio.file.Path script, java.lang.String... args)
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> appWithArgs​(java.lang.String... args)
      Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy"
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindings()
      Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script named "bindings.groovy".
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindings​(boolean compileStatic)
      Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script named "bindings.groovy".
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindings​(boolean compileStatic, java.lang.String scriptPath)
      Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindingsWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic, java.lang.String scriptPath, java.lang.String... args)
      Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script.
      static void checkGroovy()
      Asserts that the version of Groovy on the classpath meets the minimum requirement for Ratpack.
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlers()
      Creates a handler defining function from a "handlers.groovy" Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlers​(boolean compileStatic)
      Creates a handler defining function from a "handlers.groovy" Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlers​(boolean compileStatic, java.lang.String scriptPath)
      Creates a handler defining function from a Groovy script.
      static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlersWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic, java.lang.String scriptPath, java.lang.String... args)
      Creates a handler defining function from a Groovy script.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_HANDLERS_PATH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_BINDINGS_PATH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_APP_PATH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • checkGroovy

        public static void checkGroovy()
        Asserts that the version of Groovy on the classpath meets the minimum requirement for Ratpack.
      • app

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app()
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        an application definition action
      • app

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(boolean compileStatic)
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        an application definition action
      • app

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(java.nio.file.Path script)
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        script - the script
        an application definition action
      • app

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                        java.nio.file.Path script)
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        script - the script
        an application definition action
      • app

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> app​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                        java.lang.String... scriptPaths)
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        scriptPaths - the potential paths to the scripts (first existing is used)
        an application definition action
      • appWithArgs

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> appWithArgs​(java.lang.String... args)
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy"

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        args - args to make available to the script via the args variable
        an application definition action
      • appWithArgs

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> appWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                                java.nio.file.Path script,
                                                                                                java.lang.String... args)
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        script - the script
        args - args to make available to the script via the args variable
        an application definition action
      • appWithArgs

        public static ratpack.func.Action<? super ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec> appWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                                java.lang.String[] scriptPaths,
                                                                                                java.lang.String... args)
        Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.

        This method returns an action that can be used with RatpackServer.of(Action) to create an application.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        scriptPaths - the potential paths to the scripts (first existing is used)
        args - args to make available to the script via the args variable
        an application definition action
      • handlers

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlers()
        Creates a handler defining function from a "handlers.groovy" Groovy script.

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.handler(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.handlers(Closure) method.

        a handler definition function
      • handlers

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlers​(boolean compileStatic)
        Creates a handler defining function from a "handlers.groovy" Groovy script.

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.handler(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.handlers(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        a handler definition function
      • handlers

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlers​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                                               java.lang.String scriptPath)
        Creates a handler defining function from a Groovy script.

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.handler(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.handlers(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        scriptPath - the path to the script
        a handler definition function
      • handlersWithArgs

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.handling.Handler> handlersWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                                                       java.lang.String scriptPath,
                                                                                                                       java.lang.String... args)
        Creates a handler defining function from a Groovy script.

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.handler(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.handlers(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        scriptPath - the path to the script
        args - args to make available to the script via the args variable
        a handler definition function
      • bindings

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindings()
        Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script named "bindings.groovy".

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.registry(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.bindings(Closure) method.

        a registry definition function
      • bindings

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindings​(boolean compileStatic)
        Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script named "bindings.groovy".

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.registry(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.bindings(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        a registry definition function
      • bindings

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindings​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                                                java.lang.String scriptPath)
        Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script.

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.registry(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.bindings(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        scriptPath - the path to the script
        a registry definition function
      • bindingsWithArgs

        public static ratpack.func.Function<ratpack.registry.Registry,​ratpack.registry.Registry> bindingsWithArgs​(boolean compileStatic,
                                                                                                                        java.lang.String scriptPath,
                                                                                                                        java.lang.String... args)
        Creates a registry building function from a Groovy script.

        This method returns a function that can be used with RatpackServerSpec.registry(Function) when bootstrapping.

        The script should call the Groovy.ratpack(Closure) method, and only invoke the Groovy.Ratpack.bindings(Closure) method.

        compileStatic - whether to statically compile the script
        scriptPath - the path to the script
        args - args to make available to the script via the args variable
        a registry definition function