Package io.rincl
package io.rincl
ClassDescriptionAbstract class to facilitate implementing the concern for internationalization of resources.Abstract implementation of access to i18n resources for which the underlying storage is based on strings.Abstract base class to facilitate implementing the concern for internationalization of resources.A wrapper resources that forwards calls to the decorated resources, falling back to a parent resources.Resources that wrap an existing Configuration instance.Resource internationalization concern that returns an empty set of resources.An implementation of resources that contains no definitions.Allows selection of locale for locale category.Storage implementation for all available locale categories.A configuration exception indicating that a configuration key was not found for resources.The concern for internationalization of resources.Access to i18n resources.Creates resources for a given context and locale.The Resource I18n Concern Library (Rincl) facilitates internationalization by providing access to localization
.Mixin interface to provide quick-and-easy resources i18n support to a class.