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ALL_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
Contains all supported options.
ASCII_DOCTOR - io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.DocumentationType
Asciidoctor documentation type.


DEBUG - io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.LogLevel
Enable info and debug messages.
DocumentationType - Enum in io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config
Supported project documentation types.


getDestinationDirectory() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.DocumentationType
Returns the resulting directory for generated documentation.


INFO - io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.LogLevel
Enable info messages only.
io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config - package io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config
The RxMicro Annotation Processor config root package.
isEnabled(LogLevel) - Method in enum io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.LogLevel
Returns true if current log level allows showing a message with the expected log level.


LogLevel - Enum in io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config
The RxMicro Annotation Processor Logger Level.


OFF - io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.LogLevel
Disable all info messages.


RX_MICRO_BUILD_UNNAMED_MODULE - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
The unnamed module support for a microservice project.
RX_MICRO_BUILD_UNNAMED_MODULE_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
The unnamed module support is disabled by default.
RX_MICRO_DOC_ANALYZE_PARENT_POM - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
This option allows analyzing parent pom.xml if child pom.xml does not contain required property.
RX_MICRO_DOC_ANALYZE_PARENT_POM_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
Analyzing of parent pom.xml is enabled by default.
RX_MICRO_DOC_DESTINATION_DIR - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
The resulting directory for generated documentation.
RX_MICRO_LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
The RxMicro Annotation Processor logging level.
RX_MICRO_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
Default logging level.
RX_MICRO_MAX_JSON_NESTED_DEPTH - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
Maximum stack size for recursive invocations when analyzing models containing JSON nested objects.
RX_MICRO_MAX_JSON_NESTED_DEPTH_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
Default stack size.
RX_MICRO_STRICT_MODE - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
Strict mode option.
RX_MICRO_STRICT_MODE_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.SupportedOptions
String mode is disabled by default.
rxmicro.annotation.processor.config - module rxmicro.annotation.processor.config
The RxMicro Annotation Processor public module that contains supported configuration.


SupportedOptions - Class in io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config
Supported options by the RxMicro Annotation Processor.


toString() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.DocumentationType
TRACE - io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.LogLevel
Enable info, debug and trace messages.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.DocumentationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.DocumentationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.annotation.processor.config.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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