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AbstractMongoRepository - Class in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.detail
Used by generated code that created by the RxMicro Annotation Processor.
AbstractMongoRepository(Class<?>, MongoCollection<Document>) - Constructor for class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.detail.AbstractMongoRepository
Creates an instance of AbstractMongoRepository type.
Aggregate - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.aggregate() operation.
allowDiskUse() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Aggregate
Returns true if the writing to temporary files must be enabled.


buildMongoClientSettings() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Builds the MongoClientSettings instance.


collection - Variable in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.detail.AbstractMongoRepository
The Mongo collection.
collection() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoRepository
Returns the collection name.
configNameSpace() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoRepository
Returns the config namespace for the current repository.
CountDocuments - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.countDocuments() operation.


DEFAULT_DB - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Default Mongo database name.
DEFAULT_HOST - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Default Mongo host.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Default Mongo port.
Delete - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.deleteMany() operation.
Distinct - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.distinct() operation.
DocumentId - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
Denotes a model field that must be used as document unique identifier.


EstimatedDocumentCount - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() operation.
EXCLUDE - io.rxmicro.data.mongo.IndexUsage
Excludes index usage.
EXCLUDE - io.rxmicro.data.mongo.ProjectionType
Excludes a projection for Mongo DB query.


field() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Distinct
Returns the field for which to return distinct values.
filter() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Delete
Returns the deletion criteria using query operators.
filter() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Update
Returns the selection criteria for the update.
Find - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.find() operation.


getConnectionString() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Returns the connection string built from schema, host and port parameters.
getDatabase() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Returns the database name.
getMongoClient() - Static method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoClientFactory
Returns the instance of the MongoClient that is bound to config with the default namespace.
getMongoClient(String) - Static method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoClientFactory
Returns the instance of the MongoClient that is bound to config with the requested namespace.
getMongoClientSettingsBuilder() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Returns MongoClientSettings.Builder instance that allows configuring the MongoClient using low-level reactive Mongo DB java driver API.


hint() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Aggregate
Returns the index to use for the aggregation.
hint() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.CountDocuments
Returns the index name or the index specification to use for the query.
hint() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Find
Returns the index to use for the find operation.


INCLUDE - io.rxmicro.data.mongo.IndexUsage
Includes index usage.
INCLUDE - io.rxmicro.data.mongo.ProjectionType
Includes a projection for Mongo DB query.
IndexUsage - Enum in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
Allows activating or disabling the index usage.
Insert - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.insertOne() operation.
io.rxmicro.data.mongo - package io.rxmicro.data.mongo
The root package for the rxmicro.data.mongo module.
io.rxmicro.data.mongo.detail - package io.rxmicro.data.mongo.detail
Used by generated code that created by the RxMicro Annotation Processor.
io.rxmicro.data.mongo.local - package io.rxmicro.data.mongo.local
io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation - package io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
The package for the rxmicro.data.module module that provides all supported Mongo operations.


limit() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.CountDocuments
Returns the maximum number of documents to count.
limit() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Find
Returns the limit of the result set.
logger - Variable in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.detail.AbstractMongoRepository
The logger.


mongo() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.data.mongo.IndexUsage
mongo() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.data.mongo.ProjectionType
MONGO_OPERATION_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.local.MongoOperations
MongoClientFactory - Class in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
Utility class that must be used to get an instance of the MongoClient integrated to the RxMicro framework.
MongoCodecsConfigurator - Class in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
Allows configuring the Mongo DB codecs.
MongoCodecsConfigurator() - Constructor for class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
MongoConfig - Class in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
Allows configuring Monfo DB options.
MongoConfig() - Constructor for class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
MongoOperations - Class in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.local
MongoRepository - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
Denotes that an interface is a dynamic generated Mongo data repository.


PartialImplementation - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
If the Mongo data repository generated by the RxMicro Annotation Processor contains errors, incorrect or non-optimized logic, the developer can use the Partial Implementation feature.
pipeline() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Aggregate
Returns the aggregate pipeline.
projection() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Find
Returns the query projection.
ProjectionType - Enum in io.rxmicro.data.mongo
Mongo DB projection type.
putCodec(Predicate<Class<?>>, Codec<?>) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Sets or replaces the codec.
putCodec(Codec<?>) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Sets or replaces the codec.
putCodecProvider(Class<?>, Function<CodecRegistry, Codec<?>>) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Sets or replaces the codec provider.
putCodecProvider(Predicate<Class<?>>, Function<CodecRegistry, Codec<?>>) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Sets or replaces the codec provider.


query() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.CountDocuments
Returns the query selection criteria.
query() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Distinct
Returns the query that specifies the documents from which to retrieve the distinct values.
query() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Find
Returns the selection filter using query operators.


rxmicro.data.mongo - module rxmicro.data.mongo
The module to work with dynamic repositories for interaction with Mongo DB.


setDatabase(String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Sets the database name.
setDefaultUuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Sets the default UuidRepresentation.
setHost(String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Sets the server host name.
setMongoCodecsConfigurator(MongoCodecsConfigurator) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Sets the custom mongo codecs configurator.
setPort(int) - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig
Sets the server port.
skip() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.CountDocuments
Returns the number of documents to skip before counting.
skip() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Find
Returns the start point of the result set.
sort() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Find
Returns the sort expression.


toString() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoConfig


update() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Update
Returns the modifications to apply.
Update - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation
Denotes a repository method that must execute a db.collection.updateOne() operation.
upsert() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.operation.Update
Returns true if Mongo server must create a new document if no documents match the filter.


value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.data.mongo.PartialImplementation
Returns the abstract repository class, which contains a partial or a full implementation of the data repository.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.data.mongo.IndexUsage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.data.mongo.ProjectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.data.mongo.IndexUsage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.data.mongo.ProjectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withAllCodecs() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Allows enabling all supported codecs.
withBsonValuesCodes() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Adds the BSON values codecs that supports the following java types.
withCommonCodecs() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Adds the common codecs that supports the following java types.
withDateTimeCodecs() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Adds the date and time codecs that supports the following java types.
withDBRefCodec() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Adds the DBRef codec that supports the following java type.
withDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Provides the combination of default used codecs.
withExtendJavaCodecs() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Adds the extend java codecs that supports the following java types.
withExtendMongoCodecs() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Adds the extend mongo codecs that supports the following java types.
withMongoDocumentCodecs() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Adds the Document codec that supports the following java type.
withoutAnyCodecs() - Method in class io.rxmicro.data.mongo.MongoCodecsConfigurator
Removes all configured Mongo codecs.
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