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AbstractValidatedConverter - Class in io.rxmicro.rest.local
AbstractValidatedConverter() - Constructor for class io.rxmicro.rest.local.AbstractValidatedConverter
AddHeader - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Denotes a static HTTP header that must be added to the response, created by the request handler from REST controller or denotes a static HTTP header that must be added to the request, formed by the request handler from REST client.
AddHeader.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Defines several AddHeader annotations on the same element.
AddQueryParameter - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Denotes a static query parameter that must be added to the request, created by REST client implementation.
AddQueryParameter.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Defines several AddQueryParameter annotations on the same element.
AFTER_VERSION - io.rxmicro.rest.BaseUrlPath.Position
Base url must be generated after Version if Version.Strategy.URL_PATH is used.
allExchangeFormatModules() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ClientExchangeFormatModule
allExchangeFormatModules() - Method in interface io.rxmicro.rest.model.ExchangeFormatModule
Returns all supported exchange formats.
allExchangeFormatModules() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ServerExchangeFormatModule
AUTO_DETECT - io.rxmicro.rest.model.ClientExchangeFormatModule
Exchange format must be resolved automatically.
AUTO_DETECT - io.rxmicro.rest.model.GenerateOption
Auto detect option that means that activation depends on project settings.
AUTO_DETECT - io.rxmicro.rest.model.ServerExchangeFormatModule
Exchange format must be resolved automatically.


BaseUrlPath - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Base url path for all http endpoints.
BaseUrlPath.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Defines several BaseUrlPath annotations on the same element.
BaseUrlPath.Position - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest
Contains supported positions.
BEFORE_VERSION - io.rxmicro.rest.BaseUrlPath.Position
Base url must be generated before Version if Version.Strategy.URL_PATH is used.


ClientExchangeFormatModule - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Supported exchange formats.
createExpectedIntegerValidationException(String, HttpModelType, String, Object, Object) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.AbstractValidatedConverter


DELETE - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
DELETE - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a DELETE request.
DELETE.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Defines several DELETE annotations on the same element.
DISABLED - io.rxmicro.rest.model.GenerateOption
Disable option.
doubleIfValid(String, double, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.AbstractValidatedConverter


equals(Object) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.UrlSegments
ExchangeFormat - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Supported exchange formats.
ExchangeFormatModule - Interface in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Base interface for supported exchange format modules.


floatIfValid(String, float, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.AbstractValidatedConverter
FromStringValueConverter - Class in io.rxmicro.rest.local
FromStringValueConverter() - Constructor for class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter


GenerateOption - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Supported generate options.
GET - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
HTTP GET method.
GET - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a GET request.
GET.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Defines several GET annotations on the same element.
getBody() - Method in exception io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpCallFailedException
Returns the received HTTP body as byte array.
getBodyAsString() - Method in exception io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpCallFailedException
Returns the received HTTP body as String.
getExchangeFormat() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ClientExchangeFormatModule
getExchangeFormat() - Method in interface io.rxmicro.rest.model.ExchangeFormatModule
Returns the current ExchangeFormat.
getExchangeFormat() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ServerExchangeFormatModule
getHeaders() - Method in exception io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpCallFailedException
Returns the received HTTP headers.
getMessage() - Method in exception io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpCallFailedException
getOriginalUrl() - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.UrlSegments
Returns the original URL path with all path variables.
getParamName() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.Version.Strategy
getRxMicroModule() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ClientExchangeFormatModule
getRxMicroModule() - Method in interface io.rxmicro.rest.model.ExchangeFormatModule
Returns the RxMicroModule that supports current exchange format.
getRxMicroModule() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ServerExchangeFormatModule
getStringArrayDelimiter() - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
Enable for overriding by sub classes
getUrlTemplate() - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.UrlSegments
Returns the url template with path variables.
getValue(String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.PathVariableMapping
Returns value for predefined path variable.
getVariables() - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.UrlSegments
Returns all predefined path variables for current URL path.
getVersion() - Method in exception io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpCallFailedException
Returns the received HTTP protocol version.


hashCode() - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.UrlSegments
HEAD - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
HTTP HEAD method.
HEAD - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a HEAD request.
HEAD.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Defines several HEAD annotations on the same element.
Header - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Maps HTTP header to annotated class field.
HEADER - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpModelType
HTTP header.
HEADER - io.rxmicro.rest.Version.Strategy
Adds HTTP header, which defines REST API version.
HeaderMappingStrategy - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Declares a strategy of header name formation based on Java model field name analysis.
HTTP_METHOD_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.rest.method.HttpMethods
All supported HTTP methods.
httpBody() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.PATCH
Informs how the request parameters must be transferred via HTTP protocol: in the start line or in the request body.
httpBody() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.POST
Informs how the request parameters must be transferred via HTTP protocol: in the start line or in the request body.
httpBody() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.PUT
Informs how the request parameters must be transferred via HTTP protocol: in the start line or in the request body.
HttpCallFailedException - Exception in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Represents the invalid http call to the external REST endpoint.
HttpCallFailedException(int, HttpVersion, HttpHeaders, byte[], String) - Constructor for exception io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpCallFailedException
Creates a HttpCallFailedException instance with received failed HTTP response.
HttpMethod - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest.model
All Supported HTTP methods.
HttpMethods - Class in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Contains all supported HTTP methods.
HttpModelType - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest.model
All supported HTTP model types.


INTERNAL - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpModelType
Internal type, for example remote address, HTTP version, HTTP method, etc.
io.rxmicro.rest - package io.rxmicro.rest
The root package for the rxmicro.rest module.
io.rxmicro.rest.local - package io.rxmicro.rest.local
io.rxmicro.rest.method - package io.rxmicro.rest.method
The package for the rxmicro.rest module that provides all supported HTTP methods.
io.rxmicro.rest.model - package io.rxmicro.rest.model
The package for the rxmicro.rest module that provides additional classes for REST.
isBodyPresent() - Method in exception io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpCallFailedException
Returns true if HTTP body is present.


JSON - io.rxmicro.rest.model.ClientExchangeFormatModule
JSON exchange format.
JSON - io.rxmicro.rest.model.ServerExchangeFormatModule
JSON exchange format.
JSON_EXCHANGE_FORMAT - io.rxmicro.rest.model.ExchangeFormat
JSON exchange format.


name() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.AddHeader
Returns the static header name.
name() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.AddQueryParameter
Returns the static query parameter name.
name() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.SetHeader
Returns the static header name.
name() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.SetQueryParameter
Returns the static query parameter name.
NO_PATH_VARIABLES - Static variable in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.PathVariableMapping
Singleton instance that represents the PathVariableMapping without any path variables.


OPTIONS - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
OPTIONS - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a OPTIONS request.
OPTIONS.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Defines several OPTIONS annotations on the same element.


Parameter - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Maps HTTP parameter extracted from HTTP body or HTTP query string to annotated class field.
PARAMETER - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpModelType
HTTP body or query parameter.
ParameterMappingStrategy - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Declares a strategy of parameter name formation based on Java model field name analysis.
PATCH - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
HTTP PATCH method.
PATCH - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a PATCH request.
PATCH.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Defines several PATCH annotations on the same element.
PATH - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpModelType
Path variable.
PathVariable - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Maps HTTP path variable to annotated class field.
PathVariableMapping - Class in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Path variable mapping storage.
PathVariableMapping(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.rxmicro.rest.model.PathVariableMapping
Creates a new instance of PathVariableMapping class.
position() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.BaseUrlPath
Returns the position of the base url according to Version if Version.Strategy.URL_PATH is used.
POST - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
HTTP POST method.
POST - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a GET request.
POST.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Defines several POST annotations on the same element.
PUT - io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
HTTP PUT method.
PUT - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Annotation that can be applied to method to signify the method receives a PUT request.
PUT.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest.method
Defines several PUT annotations on the same element.


RemoteAddress - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Declares the Java model field as a field, in which which the RxMicro framework must inject the remote client connection address.
RepeatHeader - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Informs the RxMicro Annotation Processor, that a header model field with array type must be converted to the repeating HTTP header.
RepeatQueryParameter - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Informs the RxMicro Annotation Processor, that a query parameter model field with array type must be converted to the repeating query parameter.
REQUEST_ID_EXAMPLE - Static variable in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.RequestId
Request id value example.
RequestBody - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Declares the Java model field as a field, in which the RxMicro framework adds a body of the received request.
RequestId - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Returns value of HTTP header with name = "Request-Id" or auto generated unique request id if HTTP header is absent.
RequestMethod - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Declares the Java model field as a field, in which the RxMicro framework must inject a method of the received request.
RequestUrlPath - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Declares the Java model field as a field, in which the RxMicro framework must inject URL path of the received request.
ResponseBody - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Indicates to the RxMicro framework that the value of the Java model field should be used as a body to be sent to the client.
ResponseStatusCode - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Indicates to the RxMicro framework that the value of the Java model field should be used as a status code to be sent to the client.
rxmicro.rest - module rxmicro.rest
The basic module that defines basic RxMicro annotations, required when using the REST architecture of building program systems.


ServerExchangeFormatModule - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Supported exchange formats.
SetHeader - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Denotes a static HTTP header that must be set to the response, created by the request handler from REST controller or denotes a static HTTP header that must be set to the request, formed by the request handler from REST client.
SetHeader.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Defines several SetHeader annotations on the same element.
SetQueryParameter - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Denotes a static query parameter that must be set to the request, created by REST client implementation.
SetQueryParameter.List - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Defines several SetQueryParameter annotations on the same element.
strategy() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.Version
Returns the version Version.Strategy.


throwNotImplYet(String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBigDecimal(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBigDecimalList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBigDecimalSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBigInteger(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBigIntegerList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBigIntegerSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBoolean(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBooleanList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toBooleanSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toByte(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toByteList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toByteSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toCharacter(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toCharacterList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toCharacterSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toDouble(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toDoubleList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toDoubleSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toEnum(Class<E>, String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toEnumList(Class<E>, List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toEnumSet(Class<E>, List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toFloat(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toFloatList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toFloatSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toInstant(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toInstantList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toInstantSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toInteger(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toIntegerList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toIntegerSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toLong(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toLongList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toLongSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toShort(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toShortList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toShortSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toString() - Method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpModelType
toString() - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.model.UrlSegments
toString(String, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toStringList(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter
toStringSet(List<String>, HttpModelType, String) - Method in class io.rxmicro.rest.local.FromStringValueConverter


URL_PATH - io.rxmicro.rest.Version.Strategy
Overrides an url.
UrlSegments - Class in io.rxmicro.rest.model
Instance of this class represents a URL path with path variables.
UrlSegments(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.rxmicro.rest.model.UrlSegments
Creates a new instance of UrlSegments with the URL template and path variables.


value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.AddHeader.List
Returns the several AddHeader annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.AddHeader
Returns the static header value.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.AddQueryParameter.List
Returns the several AddQueryParameter annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.AddQueryParameter
Returns the static query parameter value.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.BaseUrlPath.List
Returns the several BaseUrlPath annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.BaseUrlPath
Returns the base url.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.Header
Returns the HTTP header name.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.HeaderMappingStrategy
By default, the MappingStrategy.CAPITALIZE_WITH_HYPHEN strategy is used.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.DELETE.List
Returns the several DELETE annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.DELETE
Returns the URI of the route.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.GET.List
Returns the several GET annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.GET
Returns the URI of the route.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.HEAD.List
Returns the several HEAD annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.HEAD
Returns the URI of the route.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.OPTIONS.List
Returns the several OPTIONS annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.OPTIONS
Returns the URI of the route.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.PATCH.List
Returns the several PATCH annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.PATCH
Returns the URI of the route.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.POST.List
Returns the several POST annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.POST
Returns the URI of the route.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.PUT.List
Returns the several PUT annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.method.PUT
Returns the URI of the route.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.Parameter
By default, HTTP parameter name equals to field name.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.ParameterMappingStrategy
By default, the MappingStrategy.LOWERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORED strategy is used.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.PathVariable
By default, HTTP path variable name equals to field name.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.SetHeader.List
Returns the several SetHeader annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.SetHeader
Returns the static header value.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.SetQueryParameter.List
Returns the several SetQueryParameter annotations on the same element.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.SetQueryParameter
Returns the static query parameter value.
value() - Method in annotation type io.rxmicro.rest.Version
Returns the REST API version value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.BaseUrlPath.Position
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ClientExchangeFormatModule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ExchangeFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.GenerateOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpModelType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ServerExchangeFormatModule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.Version.Strategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.BaseUrlPath.Position
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ClientExchangeFormatModule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ExchangeFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.GenerateOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.HttpModelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.model.ServerExchangeFormatModule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.rxmicro.rest.Version.Strategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version - Annotation Type in io.rxmicro.rest
Denotes a version of the REST controller or REST client.
Version.Strategy - Enum in io.rxmicro.rest
REST version strategy.
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