



package amqp

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Ack(tag: DeliveryTag) extends Confirm with Product with Serializable

  2. final case class Address(host: String, port: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    Hostname/port pair.

  3. sealed trait Confirm extends AnyRef

  4. trait Connection extends AnyRef

  5. final case class ConnectionSettings(addresses: Seq[Address], virtualHost: String, username: String, password: String, heartbeat: Option[FiniteDuration], timeout: Duration, automaticRecovery: Boolean, recoveryInterval: FiniteDuration, ssl: Option[Protocol]) extends Product with Serializable


    List of settings required to establish connection to the broker.

  6. final case class Delivery(message: Message, deliveryTag: DeliveryTag, exchange: String, routingKey: String, redeliver: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  7. sealed trait DeliveryMode extends AnyRef

  8. final case class DeliveryTag(underlying: Long) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable


    The server-assigned and channel-specific delivery tag assigned to each individual io.scalac.amqp.Delivery.

    The server-assigned and channel-specific delivery tag assigned to each individual io.scalac.amqp.Delivery. The delivery tag is valid only within the subscription from which the message was received.

  9. final case class Exchange(name: String, type: Type, durable: Boolean, internal: Boolean = false, autoDelete: Boolean = false, xAlternateExchange: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Exchanges are AMQP entities where messages are sent.

    Exchanges are AMQP entities where messages are sent. Exchanges take a message and route it into zero or more queues.

  10. final case class Message(body: IndexedSeq[Byte] = IndexedSeq.empty, contentType: Option[MediaType] = None, contentEncoding: Option[String] = None, headers: Map[String, String] = Map(), mode: DeliveryMode = Persistent, priority: Option[Int] = None, correlationId: Option[String] = None, replyTo: Option[String] = None, expiration: Duration = Duration.Inf, messageId: Option[String] = None, timestamp: Option[DateTime] = None, type: Option[String] = None, userId: Option[String] = None, appId: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

  11. final case class Queue(name: String, durable: Boolean = false, exclusive: Boolean = false, autoDelete: Boolean = false, xMessageTtl: Duration = Duration.Inf, xExpires: Duration = Duration.Inf, xMaxLength: Option[Long] = None, xDeadLetterExchange: Option[XDeadLetterExchange] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Queues store and forward messages.

    Queues store and forward messages. Queues can be configured in the server or created at runtime. Queues must be attached to at least one exchange in order to receive messages from publishers.

  12. final case class Reject(tag: DeliveryTag) extends Confirm with Product with Serializable

  13. final case class Requeue(tag: DeliveryTag) extends Confirm with Product with Serializable

  14. final case class Routed(routingKey: String, message: Message) extends Product with Serializable

  15. sealed trait Type extends AnyRef


    Exchanges take a message and route it into zero or more queues.

    Exchanges take a message and route it into zero or more queues. The routing algorithm used depends on the exchange type and rules called bindings.

Value Members

  1. object Connection

  2. object ConnectionSettings extends Serializable

  3. object Direct extends Type with Product with Serializable


    A direct exchange delivers messages to queues based on the message routing key.

    A direct exchange delivers messages to queues based on the message routing key. A direct exchange is ideal for the unicast routing of messages (although they can be used for multicast routing as well).

  4. object Exchange extends Serializable

  5. object Fanout extends Type with Product with Serializable


    A fanout exchange routes messages to all of the queues that are bound to it and the routing key is ignored.

    A fanout exchange routes messages to all of the queues that are bound to it and the routing key is ignored. If N queues are bound to a fanout exchange, when a new message is published to that exchange a copy of the message is delivered to all N queues. Fanout exchanges are ideal for the broadcast routing of messages.

  6. object Headers extends Type with Product with Serializable


    A headers exchange is designed to for routing on multiple attributes that are more easily expressed as message headers than a routing key.

    A headers exchange is designed to for routing on multiple attributes that are more easily expressed as message headers than a routing key. Headers exchanges ignore the routing key attribute. Instead, the attributes used for routing are taken from the headers attribute. A message is considered matching if the value of the header equals the value specified upon binding.

  7. object Message extends Serializable

  8. object NonPersistent extends DeliveryMode with Product with Serializable

  9. object Persistent extends DeliveryMode with Product with Serializable


    A persistent message is held securely on disk and guaranteed to be delivered even if there is a serious network failure, server crash, overflow etc.

    A persistent message is held securely on disk and guaranteed to be delivered even if there is a serious network failure, server crash, overflow etc. Only works for queues that implement persistence.

  10. object Queue extends Serializable

  11. object Topic extends Type with Product with Serializable


    Topic exchanges route messages to one or many queues based on matching between a message routing key and the pattern that was used to bind a queue to an exchange.

    Topic exchanges route messages to one or many queues based on matching between a message routing key and the pattern that was used to bind a queue to an exchange. The topic exchange type is often used to implement various publish/subscribe pattern variations. Topic exchanges are commonly used for the multicast routing of messages.
