All Classes and Interfaces

Attaches context tags defined in SentryOptions.getContextTags() from MDC to SentryBaseEvent.getTags().
Enables Sentry error handling capabilities.
Resolves user information from HttpServletRequest obtained via RequestContextHolder.
Creates advice infrastructure for SentrySpan and SentryTransaction.
HandlerExceptionResolver implementation that will record any exception that a Spring Controller throws to Sentry.
Registers beans required to use Sentry core features.
Initializes Sentry after all beans are registered.
Attaches transaction name from the HTTP request to SentryEvent.
Hook meant to used with Schedulers.onScheduleHook(String, Function) to configure Reactor to copy correct hub into the operating thread.
Makes annotated method execution or a method execution within a class annotated with SentrySpan executed within running SentryTransaction to get wrapped into Span.
Creates a span from every bean method executed within SentryTransaction.
AOP pointcut configuration for SentrySpan.
Servlet container initializer used to add the SentrySpringFilter to the ServletContext.
Sets a current hub on a thread running a Runnable given by parameter.
Provides infrastructure beans for creating transactions and spans around bean methods annotated with SentryTransaction and SentrySpan.
Creates ITransaction around HTTP request executions.
Makes annotated method execution or a method execution within an annotated class to get wrapped into SentryTransaction.
Reports execution of every bean method annotated with SentryTransaction or a execution of a bean method within a class annotated with SentryTransaction.
AOP pointcut configuration for SentryTransaction.
Sets the User on the Scope with information retrieved from SentryUserProviders.
Out of the box Spring integration configures single SentryUserProvider - HttpServletRequestSentryUserProvider.
Registers Spring Web specific Sentry beans.
Handles unhandled exceptions in Spring WebFlux integration.
Manages Scope in Webflux request processing.
Resolves transaction name using HttpServletRequest.getMethod() and templated route that handled the request.
Resolves user information from Spring Security Authentication obtained via SecurityContextHolder.
Resolves transaction name from HttpServletRequest.