All Classes and Interfaces

Marker interface for Sessions experiencing abnormal status
Marker interface for applying scope's data.
ITransport implementation that executes request asynchronously in a blocking manner using HttpURLConnection.
You can use an attachment to store additional files alongside an event or transaction.
Marker interface for events that have to be backfilled with the event data (contexts, tags, etc.) that is persisted on disk between application launches
Marker interface for event processors that process events that have to be backfilled, i.e.
Utilities for encoding and decoding the Base64 representation of binary data.
Series of application events
Marker interface for a capture involving data cached from disk
Util class for Collections
A simple function to map an object into another.
A simplified copy of Java 8 Predicate.
Arbitrary data used in SamplingContext to determine if transaction is going to be sampled.
Utilities to deal with dates
Legacy apple debug images (MachO).
Debugging and processing meta information.
An event processor that deduplicates crash events of the same type that are simultaneously from multiple threads.
Sentry SDK internal diagnostic logger.
Deduplicates events containing throwable that has been already processed.
A reason for which an event was dropped, used for (not to confuse with ClientReports)
An Event Processor that may mutate or drop an event.
A throwable decorator that holds an Mechanism related to the decorated Throwable.
Externally bindable properties set on SentryOptions.
marker interface that awaits events to be flushed
Util class dealing with Hint as not to pollute the Hint API with internal functionality
The Http status code range.
Used for collecting data about vitals (memory, cpu, etc.) when a transaction is active.
Date Provider to make the Transport unit testable
SDK API contract which combines a client and scope management
Sentry SDK internal logging interface.
Used for collecting data about memory load when a transaction is active.
Which framework is responsible for instrumenting.
Code that provides middlewares, bindings or hooks into certain frameworks or environments, along with code that inserts those bindings and activates them.
Thrown when SentryTraceHeader fails to create because of the invalid value of the "sentry-trace" header field.
A SentryOptions observer that tracks changes of SentryOptions.
A Scope observer that tracks changes on Scope.
Sentry Client interface
Sentry Executor Service that sends cached events and envelopes on App.
Utilities methods for manipulating dates in iso8601 format.
Represents performance monitoring Span.
Used for performing operations when a transaction is started or ended.
A transport is in charge of sending the event to the Sentry server.
Creates instances of ITransport.
Implementations of this interface serve as gatekeepers that allow or disallow sending of the events through the ITransport.
Reads a JSON (RFC 7159) encoded value as a stream of tokens.
The serializer class that uses manual JSON parsing with the help of vendored GSON reader/writer classes.
A structure, name or value type in a JSON-encoded string.
Writes a JSON (RFC 7159) encoded value to a stream, one token at a time.
Class that evaluates a function lazily.
Class that checks if a given thread is the Main/UI thread.
Thrown when a reader encounters malformed JSON.
The unit of measurement of a metric value.
Custom units without builtin conversion.
A time duration.
Fractions such as percentages.
Size of information derived from bytes.
The mechanism by which an exception was generated and handled.
A log entry message.
No-op implementation of ILogger
Checks if an URL matches the list of origins.
Controls retry limits on different category types sent to Sentry.
Http request information.
Represents common HTTP request properties that must be set on the requests sending SentryEnvelope.
Marker interface for a reusable Hint
Class originally copied from
Context used by SentryOptions.TracesSamplerCallback to determine if transaction is going to be sampled.
Scope data to be sent with the event
the IWithPropagationContext callback
the IWithTransaction callback
Holds information about the system SDK.
The SDK Interface describes the Sentry SDK and its configuration used to capture and transmit an event.
Sends cached events over when your App.
Sentry SDK main API entry point
Configuration options callback
An item sent to Sentry in the envelope.
Thrown when there was an issue reading/creating the envelope.
A single exception.
class responsible for converting Java Throwable to SentryExceptions
An implementation of FileInputStream that creates a ISpan for reading operation with filename and byte count set as description
An implementation of FileOutputStream that creates a ISpan for writing operation with filename and byte count set as description
Used for holding a HTTP client error, for example.
This class uses Instant to provide timestamps.
the SentryLevel
Represents an instance of a held lock (java monitor object) in a thread.
Uses Date in cominbation with System.nanoTime().
Sentry SDK options
The BeforeBreadcrumb callback
The BeforeSend callback
The BeforeSendTransaction callback
The profiles sampler callback.
The traces sampler callback.
An installed and loaded package as part of the Sentry SDK.
Has been moved to `sentry` gradle module to include it in the bootstrap classloader without having to introduce yet another module for OpenTelemetry support.
Holds information about a single stacktrace frame.
A stack trace of a single thread.
class responsible for converting Java StackTraceElements to SentryStackFrames
A process thread of an event.
class responsible for converting Java Threads to SentryThreads
Represents HTTP header "sentry-trace".
Helper class that provides wrappers around: Callable Supplier that clones the Hub before execution and restores it afterwards.
Session state
Hint that shows this is a session end envelope
Hint that shows this is a session start envelope
Registers hook that flushes Hub when main thread shuts down.
ILogger implementation to System.out.
Marker interface for events that should trigger finish of the current transaction on Scope
Sentry Transaction options
Constants used for Type Check hints.
Sends any uncaught exception to Sentry, then passes the exception on to the pre-existing uncaught exception handler.
Information about the user who triggered an event.
Adds additional information about what happened to an event.