Class AmqpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • AmqpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration

        public AmqpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration​(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config)
        Creates a new AmqpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration.
    • Method Detail

      • getDurable

        public Boolean getDurable()
        Gets the durable value from the configuration. Attribute Name: durable Description: Whether sent AMQP messages are marked durable Default Value: false
        the durable
      • getTtl

        public Long getTtl()
        Gets the ttl value from the configuration. Attribute Name: ttl Description: The time-to-live of the send AMQP messages. 0 to disable the TTL Default Value: 0
        the ttl
      • getCreditRetrievalPeriod

        public Integer getCreditRetrievalPeriod()
        Gets the credit-retrieval-period value from the configuration. Attribute Name: credit-retrieval-period Description: The period (in milliseconds) between two attempts to retrieve the credits granted by the broker. This time is used when the sender run out of credits. Default Value: 2000
        the credit-retrieval-period
      • getUseAnonymousSender

        public Optional<Boolean> getUseAnonymousSender()
        Gets the use-anonymous-sender value from the configuration. Attribute Name: use-anonymous-sender Description: Whether or not the connector should use an anonymous sender. Default value is `true` if the broker supports it, `false` otherwise. If not supported, it is not possible to dynamically change the destination address.
        the use-anonymous-sender
      • getMerge

        public Boolean getMerge()
        Gets the merge value from the configuration. Attribute Name: merge Description: Whether the connector should allow multiple upstreams Default Value: false
        the merge