Interface PublisherDecorator

  • All Superinterfaces:

    @Experimental("SmallRye only feature")
    public interface PublisherDecorator
    extends jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Prioritized
    SPI to allow extension of publishers (Multi) included in the final graph. PublisherDecorators are invoked higher priority first (from the least value to the greatest). The decorator priority is obtained with the getPriority() method. The default priority is DEFAULT_PRIORITY.
    • Field Detail

    • Method Detail

      • decorate

        io.smallrye.mutiny.Multi<? extends Message<?>> decorate​(io.smallrye.mutiny.Multi<? extends Message<?>> publisher,
                                                                String channelName,
                                                                boolean isConnector)
        Decorate a Multi
        publisher - the multi to decorate
        channelName - the name of the channel to which this publisher publishes
        isConnector - true if decorated channel is connector
        the extended multi
      • getPriority

        default int getPriority()
        Specified by:
        getPriority in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Prioritized