Interface KeyedMulti<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of the key
V - the type of the values
All Superinterfaces:
Flow.Publisher<V>, io.smallrye.mutiny.GroupedMulti<K,V>, io.smallrye.mutiny.Multi<V>

public interface KeyedMulti<K,V> extends io.smallrye.mutiny.GroupedMulti<K,V>
A keyed stream.
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from interface java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher


    Methods inherited from interface io.smallrye.mutiny.GroupedMulti


    Methods inherited from interface io.smallrye.mutiny.Multi

    attachContext, broadcast, cache, call, call, capDemandsTo, capDemandsUsing, collect, concatMap, convert, emitOn, filter, flatMap, group, ifNoItem, invoke, invoke, log, log, map, onCancellation, onCompletion, onFailure, onFailure, onFailure, onItem, onOverflow, onRequest, onSubscription, onTermination, paceDemand, plug, runSubscriptionOn, select, skip, split, stage, subscribe, toHotStream, toUni, withContext