Class RabbitMQConnectorIncomingConfiguration
Extract the incoming configuration for the
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.rabbitmq.RabbitMQConnectorCommonConfiguration
Constructor Summary
(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config) Creates a new RabbitMQConnectorIncomingConfiguration. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGets the arguments value from the configuration.Gets the auto-acknowledgement value from the configuration.Gets the auto-bind-dlq value from the configuration.Gets the broadcast value from the configuration.Gets the connection-count value from the configuration.Gets the content-type-override value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-dlx value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-dlx-routing-key value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-exchange value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-exchange-type value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-queue-mode value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-queue-name value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-queue-type value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-routing-key value from the configuration.Gets the dead-letter-ttl value from the configuration.Gets the dlx.declare value from the configuration.Gets the failure-strategy value from the configuration.Gets the keep-most-recent value from the configuration.Gets the max-incoming-internal-queue-size value from the configuration.Gets the max-outstanding-messages value from the configuration.Gets the value from the configuration.Gets the queue.declare value from the configuration.Gets the queue.durable value from the configuration.Gets the queue.exclusive value from the configuration.Gets the value from the configuration.Gets the queue.single-active-consumer value from the configuration.Gets the queue.ttl value from the configuration.Gets the queue.x-delivery-limit value from the configuration.Gets the queue.x-max-priority value from the configuration.Gets the queue.x-queue-mode value from the configuration.Gets the queue.x-queue-type value from the configuration.Gets the routing-keys value from the configuration.void
Methods inherited from class io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.rabbitmq.RabbitMQConnectorCommonConfiguration
config, getAddresses, getAutomaticRecoveryEnabled, getAutomaticRecoveryOnInitialConnection, getChannel, getClientOptionsName, getConnectionTimeout, getCredentialsProviderName, getExchangeAutoDelete, getExchangeDeclare, getExchangeDurable, getExchangeName, getExchangeType, getFromAlias, getFromAliasWithDefaultValue, getHandshakeTimeout, getHost, getIncludeProperties, getNetworkRecoveryInterval, getPassword, getPort, getReconnectAttempts, getReconnectInterval, getRequestedChannelMax, getRequestedHeartbeat, getSsl, getTracingAttributeHeaders, getTracingEnabled, getTrustAll, getTrustStorePassword, getTrustStorePath, getUseNio, getUser, getUsername, getVirtualHost
Constructor Details
public RabbitMQConnectorIncomingConfiguration(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config) Creates a new RabbitMQConnectorIncomingConfiguration.
Method Details
Gets the value from the configuration. Attribute Name: Description: The queue from which messages are consumed. If not set, the channel name is used.- Returns:
- the
Gets the queue.durable value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.durable Description: Whether the queue is durable Default Value: true- Returns:
- the queue.durable
Gets the queue.exclusive value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.exclusive Description: Whether the queue is for exclusive use Default Value: false- Returns:
- the queue.exclusive
Gets the value from the configuration. Attribute Name: Description: Whether the queue should be deleted after use Default Value: false- Returns:
- the
Gets the queue.declare value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.declare Description: Whether to declare the queue and binding; set to false if these are expected to be set up independently Default Value: true- Returns:
- the queue.declare
Gets the queue.ttl value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.ttl Description: If specified, the time (ms) for which a message can remain in the queue undelivered before it is dead- Returns:
- the queue.ttl
Gets the queue.single-active-consumer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.single-active-consumer Description: If set to true, only one consumer can actively consume messages- Returns:
- the queue.single-active-consumer
Gets the queue.x-queue-type value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.x-queue-type Description: If automatically declare queue, we can choose different types of queue [quorum, classic, stream]- Returns:
- the queue.x-queue-type
Gets the queue.x-queue-mode value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.x-queue-mode Description: If automatically declare queue, we can choose different modes of queue [lazy, default]- Returns:
- the queue.x-queue-mode
Gets the max-incoming-internal-queue-size value from the configuration. Attribute Name: max-incoming-internal-queue-size Description: The maximum size of the incoming internal queue Default Value: 500000- Returns:
- the max-incoming-internal-queue-size
Gets the connection-count value from the configuration. Attribute Name: connection-count Description: The number of RabbitMQ connections to create for consuming from this queue. This might be necessary to consume from a sharded queue with a single client. Default Value: 1- Returns:
- the connection-count
Gets the queue.x-max-priority value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.x-max-priority Description: Define priority level queue consumer- Returns:
- the queue.x-max-priority
Gets the queue.x-delivery-limit value from the configuration. Attribute Name: queue.x-delivery-limit Description: If queue.x-queue-type is quorum, when a message has been returned more times than the limit the message will be dropped or dead-lettered- Returns:
- the queue.x-delivery-limit
Gets the auto-bind-dlq value from the configuration. Attribute Name: auto-bind-dlq Description: Whether to automatically declare the DLQ and bind it to the binder DLX Default Value: false- Returns:
- the auto-bind-dlq
Gets the dead-letter-queue-name value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-queue-name Description: The name of the DLQ; if not supplied will default to the queue name with '.dlq' appended- Returns:
- the dead-letter-queue-name
Gets the dead-letter-exchange value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-exchange Description: A DLX to assign to the queue. Relevant only if auto-bind-dlq is true Default Value: DLX- Returns:
- the dead-letter-exchange
Gets the dead-letter-exchange-type value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-exchange-type Description: The type of the DLX to assign to the queue. Relevant only if auto-bind-dlq is true Default Value: direct- Returns:
- the dead-letter-exchange-type
Gets the dead-letter-routing-key value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-routing-key Description: A dead letter routing key to assign to the queue; if not supplied will default to the queue name- Returns:
- the dead-letter-routing-key
Gets the dlx.declare value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dlx.declare Description: Whether to declare the dead letter exchange binding. Relevant only if auto-bind-dlq is true; set to false if these are expected to be set up independently Default Value: false- Returns:
- the dlx.declare
Gets the dead-letter-queue-type value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-queue-type Description: If automatically declare DLQ, we can choose different types of DLQ [quorum, classic, stream]- Returns:
- the dead-letter-queue-type
Gets the dead-letter-queue-mode value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-queue-mode Description: If automatically declare DLQ, we can choose different modes of DLQ [lazy, default]- Returns:
- the dead-letter-queue-mode
Gets the dead-letter-ttl value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-ttl Description: If specified, the time (ms) for which a message can remain in DLQ undelivered before it is dead. Relevant only if auto-bind-dlq is true- Returns:
- the dead-letter-ttl
Gets the dead-letter-dlx value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-dlx Description: If specified, a DLX to assign to the DLQ. Relevant only if auto-bind-dlq is true- Returns:
- the dead-letter-dlx
Gets the dead-letter-dlx-routing-key value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-dlx-routing-key Description: If specified, a dead letter routing key to assign to the DLQ. Relevant only if auto-bind-dlq is true- Returns:
- the dead-letter-dlx-routing-key
Gets the failure-strategy value from the configuration. Attribute Name: failure-strategy Description: The failure strategy to apply when a RabbitMQ message is nacked. Accepted values are `fail`, `accept`, `reject` (default), `requeue` or name of a bean Default Value: reject- Returns:
- the failure-strategy
Gets the broadcast value from the configuration. Attribute Name: broadcast Description: Whether the received RabbitMQ messages must be dispatched to multiple _subscribers_ Default Value: false- Returns:
- the broadcast
Gets the auto-acknowledgement value from the configuration. Attribute Name: auto-acknowledgement Description: Whether the received RabbitMQ messages must be acknowledged when received; if true then delivery constitutes acknowledgement Default Value: false- Returns:
- the auto-acknowledgement
Gets the keep-most-recent value from the configuration. Attribute Name: keep-most-recent Description: Whether to discard old messages instead of recent ones Default Value: false- Returns:
- the keep-most-recent
Gets the routing-keys value from the configuration. Attribute Name: routing-keys Description: A comma-separated list of routing keys to bind the queue to the exchange. Relevant only if 'exchange.type' is topic or direct Default Value: #- Returns:
- the routing-keys
Gets the arguments value from the configuration. Attribute Name: arguments Description: A comma-separated list of arguments [key1:value1,key2:value2,...] to bind the queue to the exchange. Relevant only if 'exchange.type' is headers- Returns:
- the arguments
Gets the content-type-override value from the configuration. Attribute Name: content-type-override Description: Override the content_type attribute of the incoming message, should be a valid MINE type- Returns:
- the content-type-override
Gets the max-outstanding-messages value from the configuration. Attribute Name: max-outstanding-messages Description: The maximum number of outstanding/unacknowledged messages being processed by the connector at a time; must be a positive number- Returns:
- the max-outstanding-messages
public void validate()- Overrides:
in classRabbitMQConnectorCommonConfiguration