Class RabbitMQConnectorOutgoingConfiguration


public class RabbitMQConnectorOutgoingConfiguration extends RabbitMQConnectorCommonConfiguration
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-rabbitmq connector.
  • Constructor Details

    • RabbitMQConnectorOutgoingConfiguration

      public RabbitMQConnectorOutgoingConfiguration(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config)
      Creates a new RabbitMQConnectorOutgoingConfiguration.
  • Method Details

    • getMaxOutgoingInternalQueueSize

      public Optional<Integer> getMaxOutgoingInternalQueueSize()
      Gets the max-outgoing-internal-queue-size value from the configuration. Attribute Name: max-outgoing-internal-queue-size Description: The maximum size of the outgoing internal queue
      the max-outgoing-internal-queue-size
    • getMaxInflightMessages

      public Long getMaxInflightMessages()
      Gets the max-inflight-messages value from the configuration. Attribute Name: max-inflight-messages Description: The maximum number of messages to be written to RabbitMQ concurrently; must be a positive number Default Value: 1024
      the max-inflight-messages
    • getDefaultRoutingKey

      public String getDefaultRoutingKey()
      Gets the default-routing-key value from the configuration. Attribute Name: default-routing-key Description: The default routing key to use when sending messages to the exchange Default Value:
      the default-routing-key
    • getDefaultTtl

      public Optional<Long> getDefaultTtl()
      Gets the default-ttl value from the configuration. Attribute Name: default-ttl Description: If specified, the time (ms) sent messages can remain in queues undelivered before they are dead
      the default-ttl
    • getPublishConfirms

      public Boolean getPublishConfirms()
      Gets the publish-confirms value from the configuration. Attribute Name: publish-confirms Description: If set to true, published messages are acknowledged when the publish confirm is received from the broker Default Value: false
      the publish-confirms
    • validate

      public void validate()
      validate in class RabbitMQConnectorCommonConfiguration