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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description Adapter<From,To> Adapter definition that allow adapting objects to and from each otherAdaptToScalar Allows users to map a certain field or class to a scalar type
This is an experimental feature that might move to the spec.AdaptWith Allow adapting objects using an Adapter class
This is an experimental feature that might move to the spec.ComposeDirective directive @composeDirective(name: String!) repeatable on SCHEMA
ComposeDirective.ComposeDirectives Context Holing context for the current request There are two parts to this.The initial request, that can be a aggregation of requests, and the current execution context.Context.VariablesParser Help to parse the variablesCustomFloatScalar A base class for all CustomScalars that are based on GraphQL's Float.CustomIntScalar A base class for all CustomScalars that are based on GraphQL's Int.CustomScalar Allows for definition of custom graphql scalars.CustomStringScalar A base class for all CustomScalars that are based on GraphQL's String.DataFetcher DefaultNonNull Deprecated Directive Annotations annotated as Directive become visible in the GraphQL Schema.DirectiveLocation The locations, where a specificDirective
is allowed to be put.Entry<K,V> An Entry POJO to support mapsErrorCode ErrorExtensionProvider To add you own GraphQL errorextension
fields, you can add your own implementations of this class via theServiceLoader
mechanism.Extends directive @extends on OBJECT | INTERFACE
External directive @external on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
InterfaceObject directive @interfaceObject on OBJECT
Key directive @key(fields: FieldSet!) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE
Key.Keys Nullable Override directive @override(from: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
Provides directive @provides(fields: FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
Requires directive @requires(fields: FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
Scalar Scalars supported in the spec to be used in ToScalar mappingScalar.BigDecimal Scalar.BigInteger Scalar.Boolean Scalar.Date Scalar.DateTime Scalar.Float Scalar.ID Scalar.Int Scalar.String Scalar.Time Shareable directive @shareable on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
Subscription Specifies that the annotated method provides the implementation (ie.Tag directive @tag(name: String!) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION | INTERFACE | OBJECT | UNION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | SCALAR | ENUM | ENUM_VALUE | INPUT_OBJECT | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION
Tag.Tags ToScalar Deprecated. Use AdaptToScalarUnion