Interface EventingService

  • public interface EventingService
    Some events during bootstrap and execution that allows extension
    Phillip Kruger ([email protected])
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigKey

        String getConfigKey()
        Configuration key that controls whether this EventingService should be enabled. If this is null, then this service will be active always when it's detected.
      • beforeSchemaBuild

        default graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder beforeSchemaBuild​(graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder builder)
      • overrideJsonbConfig

        default Map<String,​javax.json.bind.Jsonb> overrideJsonbConfig()
      • beforeGraphQLBuild

        default graphql.GraphQL.Builder beforeGraphQLBuild​(graphql.GraphQL.Builder builder)
      • beforeExecute

        default void beforeExecute​(Context context)
      • afterExecute

        default void afterExecute​(Context context)
      • errorExecute

        default void errorExecute​(String executionId,
                                  Throwable t)
      • beforeDataFetch

        default void beforeDataFetch​(Context context)
      • afterDataFetch

        default void afterDataFetch​(Context context)
      • errorDataFetch

        default void errorDataFetch​(String executionId,
                                    Throwable t)