Interface AnnotationScannerExtension

  • public interface AnnotationScannerExtension
    Extension point for supporting extensions to OpenAPI Scanners. Implement this directly
    • Method Detail

      • resolveAsyncType

        default org.jboss.jandex.Type resolveAsyncType​(org.jboss.jandex.Type type)
        Unwraps an asynchronous type such as CompletionStage<X> into its resolved type X
        type - the type to unwrap if it is a supported async type
        the resolved type or null if not supported
      • processScannerApplications

        default void processScannerApplications​(AnnotationScanner scanner,
                                                Collection<org.jboss.jandex.ClassInfo> applications)
        Gives a chance to extensions to process the set of scanner application classes.
        scanner - the scanner used for application scanning
        applications - the set of rest application classes
      • isScannerAnnotationExtension

        default boolean isScannerAnnotationExtension​(org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationInstance instance)
        Returns true if the given annotation is a scanner annotation extension, such as would be in the scanner's package.
        instance - the annotation to check
        true if the given annotation is a jax-rs annotation extension
      • parseExtension

        default Object parseExtension​(String key,
                                      String value)
        Parses an OpenAPI Extension value. The value may be: - JSON object - starts with '{' - JSON array - starts with '[' - number - boolean - string
        key - the name of the extension property
        value - the string value of the extension
        the extension
      • parseValue

        default Object parseValue​(String value)
        Parse a string value as an Object. By default, try to parse the value from JSON The value may be: - JSON object - starts with '{' - JSON array - starts with '[' - number - boolean - string
        value - the string value
        the parsed value as Object