Class BeanValidationScanner

    • Constructor Detail

      • BeanValidationScanner

        public BeanValidationScanner()
    • Method Detail

      • hasConstraints

        public static boolean hasConstraints​(org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationTarget target)
        Scan the annotation target to determine whether any annotations from the Bean Validation package (javax.validation.constraints) are present.
        target - the annotation target to scan
        true if annotations from the Bean Validation package are present, otherwise false.
      • applyConstraints

        public static void applyConstraints​(org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationTarget target,
                                            String propertyKey,
                                            BeanValidationScanner.RequirementHandler handler)
        Determine if any Java Bean Validation constraint annotations are present on the AnnotationTarget that are applicable to the schema. This method will apply the constraints to the schema only if no value has previously been set. If the schema's type attribute has not been previously set or the schema contains a reference, this method will not apply any changes to the schema. Each of the constraints (defined in javax.validation.constraints) will apply to the schema based on the schema's type. When a bean validation @NotNull constraint applies to the schema, the provided BeanValidationScanner.RequirementHandler will be called in order for the component calling this method to determine if and how to apply the requirement. E.g. a required Schema is communicated differently for a parent schema and for a parameter described by the schema.
        target - the object from which to retrieve the constraint annotations
        schema - the schema to which the constraints will be applied
        propertyKey - the name of the property in parentSchema that refers to the schema
        handler - the handler to be called when a bean validation @NotNull constraint is encountered.