Class AbstractAnnotationScanner

    • Field Detail

      • currentAppPath

        protected String currentAppPath
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAnnotationScanner

        public AbstractAnnotationScanner()
    • Method Detail

      • makePath

        protected String makePath​(String operationPath)
      • createPathFromSegments

        protected static String createPathFromSegments​(String... segments)
        Make a path out of a number of path segments.
        segments - String paths
        Path built from the segments
      • processProfiles

        protected static boolean processProfiles​(OpenApiConfig config,
                                                 org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.models.Extensible<?> extensible)
        Checks if the given extensible contains profiles, and if the extensible should be included in the final openapi document. Any extension containing a profile is removed from the extensible. inclusion is then calculated based on all collected profiles.
        config - current config
        extensible - the extensible to check for profiles
        true, if the given extensible should be included in the final openapi document, otherwise false