feed selector of the run
application name of the run
SDLExecutionId of this runs. Contains runId and attemptId. Both stay 1 if state is not enabled.
registry of all SmartDataLake objects parsed from the config
timestamp used as reference in certain actions (e.g. HistorizeAction)
the command line parameters parsed into a SmartDataLakeBuilderConfig object
start time of the run
start time of attempt
true if this is a simulation run
current execution phase
Counter how many times a DataFrame of a SparkSubFeed is reused by an Action later in the pipeline. The counter is increased during ExecutionPhase.Init when preparing the SubFeeds for an Action and it is decreased in ExecutionPhase.Exec to unpersist the DataFrame after there is no need for it anymore.
actions selected for execution by command line parameter --feed-sel
actions selected but skipped in current attempt because they already succeeded in a previous attempt.
actions selected for execution by command line parameter --feed-sel
actions selected but skipped in current attempt because they already succeeded in a previous attempt.
the command line parameters parsed into a SmartDataLakeBuilderConfig object
application name of the run
start time of attempt
Counter how many times a DataFrame of a SparkSubFeed is reused by an Action later in the pipeline.
Counter how many times a DataFrame of a SparkSubFeed is reused by an Action later in the pipeline. The counter is increased during ExecutionPhase.Init when preparing the SubFeeds for an Action and it is decreased in ExecutionPhase.Exec to unpersist the DataFrame after there is no need for it anymore.
SDLExecutionId of this runs.
SDLExecutionId of this runs. Contains runId and attemptId. Both stay 1 if state is not enabled.
feed selector of the run
registry of all SmartDataLake objects parsed from the config
current execution phase
timestamp used as reference in certain actions (e.g.
timestamp used as reference in certain actions (e.g. HistorizeAction)
start time of the run
true if this is a simulation run
ActionPipelineContext contains start and runtime information about a SmartDataLake run.
feed selector of the run
application name of the run
SDLExecutionId of this runs. Contains runId and attemptId. Both stay 1 if state is not enabled.
registry of all SmartDataLake objects parsed from the config
timestamp used as reference in certain actions (e.g. HistorizeAction)
the command line parameters parsed into a SmartDataLakeBuilderConfig object
start time of the run
start time of attempt
true if this is a simulation run
current execution phase
Counter how many times a DataFrame of a SparkSubFeed is reused by an Action later in the pipeline. The counter is increased during ExecutionPhase.Init when preparing the SubFeeds for an Action and it is decreased in ExecutionPhase.Exec to unpersist the DataFrame after there is no need for it anymore.
actions selected for execution by command line parameter --feed-sel
actions selected but skipped in current attempt because they already succeeded in a previous attempt.