



package snappydata

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Address(city: String, state: String) extends Product with Serializable


    This is a sample code snippet to work with domain objects and SnappyStore column tables.

    This is a sample code snippet to work with domain objects and SnappyStore column tables.

    This example can be run either in local mode (in which case the example runs collocated with Spark+SnappyData Store in the same JVM) or can be submitted as a job to an already running SnappyData cluster.

    To run the example in local mode go to your SnappyData product distribution directory and type following command on the command prompt

    bin/run-example snappydata.WorkingWithObjects

    To submit this example as a job to an already running cluster

      cd $SNAPPY_HOME
      bin/ submit
      --app-name WorkingWithObjects
      --class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.WorkingWithObjects
      --app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
      --lead [leadHost:port]
    Check the status of your job id
    bin/ status --lead [leadHost:port] --job-id [job-id]

  2. class EmbeddedKafkaUtils extends internal.Logging


    Utility class to start embedded Kafka and publish messages

    Utility class to start embedded Kafka and publish messages

  3. case class Person(name: String, address: Address, emergencyContacts: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

  4. class RowsConverter extends StreamToRowsConverter with Serializable


    Converts an input stream message into an org.apache.spark.sql.Row instance

Value Members

  1. object CollocatedJoinExample extends SnappySQLJob


    An example that shows how to join between collocated tables

    An example that shows how to join between collocated tables

    This example can be run either in local mode (in which case the example runs collocated with Spark+SnappyData Store in the same JVM) or can be submitted as a job to an already running SnappyData cluster.

    To run the example in local mode go to your SnappyData product distribution directory and type following command on the command prompt

    bin/run-example snappydata.CollocatedJoinExample

    To submit this example as a job to an already running cluster

      cd $SNAPPY_HOME
      bin/ submit
      --app-name CollocatedJoinExample
      --class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.CollocatedJoinExample
      --app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
      --lead [leadHost:port]
    Check the status of your job id
    bin/ status --lead [leadHost:port] --job-id [job-id]

    The output of the job will be redirected to a file named CollocatedJoinExample.out

  2. object CreateColumnTable extends SnappySQLJob


    An example that shows how to create column tables in SnappyData using SQL or APIs.

    An example that shows how to create column tables in SnappyData using SQL or APIs.

    This example can be run either in local mode (in which case the example runs collocated with Spark+SnappyData Store in the same JVM) or can be submitted as a job to an already running SnappyData cluster.

    To run the example in local mode go to you SnappyData product distribution directory and type following command on the command prompt

    bin/run-example snappydata.CreateColumnTable quickstart/src/main/resources

    To submit this example as a job to an already running cluster

      cd $SNAPPY_HOME
      bin/ submit
      --app-name CreateColumnTable
      --class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.CreateColumnTable
      --app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
      --lead [leadHost:port]
      --conf data_resource_folder=../../quickstart/src/main/resources
    Check the status of your job id
    bin/ status --lead [leadHost:port] --job-id [job-id]
    The output of the job will be redirected to a file named CreateColumnTable.out

  3. object CreatePartitionedRowTable extends SnappySQLJob


    An example that shows how to create partitioned row tables in SnappyData using SQL or APIs.

    An example that shows how to create partitioned row tables in SnappyData using SQL or APIs.

    This example can be run either in local mode (in which case the example runs collocated with Spark+SnappyData Store in the same JVM) or can be submitted as a job to an already running SnappyData cluster.

    To run the example in local mode go to your SnappyData product distribution directory and type following command on the command prompt

    bin/run-example snappydata.CreatePartitionedRowTable

    To submit this example as a job to an already running cluster

      cd $SNAPPY_HOME
      bin/ submit
      --app-name CreatePartitionedRowTable
      --class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.CreatePartitionedRowTable
      --app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
      --lead [leadHost:port]
    Check the status of your job id
    bin/ status --lead [leadHost:port] --job-id [job-id]
    The output of the job will be redirected to a file named CreatePartitionedRowTable.out

  4. object CreateReplicatedRowTable extends SnappySQLJob


    An example that shows how to create replicated row tables in SnappyData using SQL or APIs.

    An example that shows how to create replicated row tables in SnappyData using SQL or APIs.

    This example can be run either in local mode (in which case the example runs collocated with Spark+SnappyData Store in the same JVM) or can be submitted as a job to an already running SnappyData cluster.

    To run the example in local mode go to you SnappyData product distribution directory and type following command on the command prompt

    bin/run-example snappydata.CreateReplicatedRowTable

    To submit this example as a job to an already running cluster

      cd $SNAPPY_HOME
      bin/ submit
      --app-name CreateReplicatedRowTable
      --class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.CreateReplicatedRowTable
      --app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
      --lead [leadHost:port]
    Check the status of your job id
    bin/ status --lead [leadHost:port] --job-id [job-id]
    The output of the job will be redirected to a file named CreateReplicatedRowTable.out

  5. object JDBCExample


    An example that shows JDBC operations on SnappyData system

    An example that shows JDBC operations on SnappyData system

    Before running this example, ensure that SnappyData cluster is started and running. To start the cluster execute the following command: sbin/

    Run the example using following command:

        bin/run-example snappydata.JDBCExample

  6. object JDBCWithComplexTypes


    An example that shows JDBC operations on SnappyData system

    An example that shows JDBC operations on SnappyData system

    Before running this example, ensure that SnappyData cluster is started and running. To start the cluster execute the following command: sbin/

  7. object SmartConnectorExample


    This example shows how an application can interact with SnappyStore in Split cluster mode.

    This example shows how an application can interact with SnappyStore in Split cluster mode. By this mode an application can access metastore of an existing running SnappyStore. Hence it can query tables, write to tables which reside in a SnappyStore.

    To run this example you need to set up a Snappy Cluster first . To do the same, follow the steps mentioned below.

    1. Go to SNAPPY_HOME. Your Snappy installation directory.

    2. Start a Snappy cluster ./sbin/ This will start a simple cluster with one data node, one lead node and a locator

    3. Open Snappy Shell ./bin/snappy-sql This will open Snappy shell which can be used to create and query tables.

    4. Connect to the Snappy Cluster. On the shell prompt type connect client 'localhost:1527';

    5. Create a column table and insert some rows in SnappyStore. Type the followings in Snappy Shell.


    insert into SNAPPY_COL_TABLE VALUES(1,1); insert into SNAPPY_COL_TABLE VALUES(2,2);

    6. Run this example to see how this program interacts with the Snappy Cluster table (SNAPPY_COL_TABLE) that we created. This program also creates a table in SnappyStore. After running this example you can also query the table from Snappy shell e.g. select count(*) from TestColumnTable.

    bin/run-example snappydata.SmartConnectorExample

  8. object StreamingExample


    An example showing usage of streaming with SnappyData

    An example showing usage of streaming with SnappyData

    To run the example in local mode go to your SnappyData product distribution directory and type following command on the command prompt

    bin/run-example snappydata.StreamingExample

    This example starts embedded Kafka and publishes messages(advertising bids) on it to be processed in SnappyData as streaming data. In SnappyData, streams are managed declaratively by creating a stream table(adImpressionStream). A continuous query is executed on the stream and its result is processed and publisher_bid_counts table is modified based on the streaming data

    We also update a row table to maintain the no of distinct bids so far(example of storing and updating a state of streaming data)

    For more details on streaming with SnappyData refer to:

  9. object SynopsisDataExample extends SnappySQLJob


    An example that shows how to create sample tables in SnappyData and execute approaximate queries using Synopsis Data Engine feature.

    An example that shows how to create sample tables in SnappyData and execute approaximate queries using Synopsis Data Engine feature.

    Refer to for more details on Synopsis Data Engine

    This example can be run either in local mode(in which it will spawn a single node SnappyData system) or can be submitted as a job to an already running SnappyData cluster.

    To run the example in local mode go to you SnappyData product distribution directory and type following command on the command prompt

    bin/run-example snappydata.SynopsisDataExample quickstart/data

    To submit this example as a job to an already running cluster

      cd $SNAPPY_HOME
      bin/ submit
      --app-name SynopsisDataExample
      --class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.SynopsisDataExample
      --app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
      --lead [leadHost:port]
      --conf data_resource_folder=../../quickstart/data
    Check the status of your job id
    bin/ status --lead [leadHost:port] --job-id [job-id]
    The output of the job will be redirected to a file named SynopsisDataExample.out

  10. object WorkingWithJson extends SnappySQLJob


    This is a sample code snippet to work with JSON files and SnappyStore column tables.

    This is a sample code snippet to work with JSON files and SnappyStore column tables. Run with

    bin/run-example snappydata.WorkingWithJson quickstart/src/main/resources
    Also you can run this example by submitting as a job.
      cd $SNAPPY_HOME
      bin/ submit
      --app-name JsonApp
      --class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.WorkingWithJson
      --app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
      --lead [leadHost:port]
      --conf json_resource_folder=../../quickstart/src/main/resources
    Check the status of your job id
    bin/ status --lead [leadHost:port] --job-id [job-id]

  11. object WorkingWithObjects extends SnappySQLJob

