

package mllib

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractParams[T] extends AnyRef

    Abstract class for parameter case classes.

  2. final class JavaALS extends AnyRef

  3. class JavaAssociationRulesExample extends AnyRef

  4. class JavaBinaryClassificationMetricsExample extends AnyRef

  5. class JavaBisectingKMeansExample extends AnyRef

  6. class JavaFPGrowthExample extends AnyRef

  7. class JavaGradientBoostingClassificationExample extends AnyRef

  8. class JavaGradientBoostingRegressionExample extends AnyRef

  9. class JavaIsotonicRegressionExample extends AnyRef

  10. final class JavaKMeans extends AnyRef

  11. class JavaLBFGSExample extends AnyRef

  12. class JavaLDAExample extends AnyRef

  13. final class JavaLR extends AnyRef

  14. class JavaMultiLabelClassificationMetricsExample extends AnyRef

  15. class JavaMulticlassClassificationMetricsExample extends AnyRef

  16. class JavaNaiveBayesExample extends AnyRef

  17. class JavaPowerIterationClusteringExample extends AnyRef

  18. class JavaPrefixSpanExample extends AnyRef

  19. class JavaRandomForestClassificationExample extends AnyRef

  20. class JavaRandomForestRegressionExample extends AnyRef

  21. class JavaRankingMetricsExample extends AnyRef

  22. class JavaRecommendationExample extends AnyRef

  23. class JavaRegressionMetricsExample extends AnyRef

  24. class JavaSimpleFPGrowth extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AssociationRulesExample

  2. object BinaryClassification

    An example app for binary classification.

  3. object BinaryClassificationMetricsExample

  4. object BisectingKMeansExample

    An example demonstrating a bisecting k-means clustering in spark.

  5. object Correlations

    An example app for summarizing multivariate data from a file.

  6. object CosineSimilarity

    Compute the similar columns of a matrix, using cosine similarity.

  7. object DecisionTreeClassificationExample

  8. object DecisionTreeRegressionExample

  9. object DecisionTreeRunner

    An example runner for decision trees and random forests.

  10. object DenseGaussianMixture

    An example Gaussian Mixture Model EM app.

  11. object DenseKMeans

    An example k-means app.

  12. object FPGrowthExample

    Example for mining frequent itemsets using FP-growth.

  13. object GradientBoostedTreesRunner

    An example runner for Gradient Boosting using decision trees as weak learners.

  14. object GradientBoostingClassificationExample

  15. object GradientBoostingRegressionExample

  16. object IsotonicRegressionExample

  17. object LBFGSExample

  18. object LDAExample

    An example Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) app.

  19. object LinearRegression

    An example app for linear regression.

  20. object MovieLensALS

    An example app for ALS on MovieLens data (http://grouplens.

  21. object MultiLabelMetricsExample

  22. object MulticlassMetricsExample

  23. object MultivariateSummarizer

    An example app for summarizing multivariate data from a file.

  24. object NaiveBayesExample

  25. object PowerIterationClusteringExample

    An example Power Iteration Clustering http://www.

  26. object PrefixSpanExample

  27. object RandomForestClassificationExample

  28. object RandomForestRegressionExample

  29. object RandomRDDGeneration

    An example app for randomly generated RDDs.

  30. object RankingMetricsExample

  31. object RecommendationExample

  32. object RegressionMetricsExample

  33. object SampledRDDs

    An example app for randomly generated and sampled RDDs.

  34. object SimpleFPGrowth

  35. object SparseNaiveBayes

    An example naive Bayes app.

  36. object StreamingKMeansExample

    Estimate clusters on one stream of data and make predictions on another stream, where the data streams arrive as text files into two different directories.

  37. object StreamingLinearRegression

    Train a linear regression model on one stream of data and make predictions on another stream, where the data streams arrive as text files into two different directories.

  38. object StreamingLogisticRegression

    Train a logistic regression model on one stream of data and make predictions on another stream, where the data streams arrive as text files into two different directories.

  39. object StreamingTestExample

    Perform streaming testing using Welch's 2-sample t-test on a stream of data, where the data stream arrives as text files in a directory.

  40. object TallSkinnyPCA

    Compute the principal components of a tall-and-skinny matrix, whose rows are observations.

  41. object TallSkinnySVD

    Compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a tall-and-skinny matrix.
