

package streaming

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CustomReceiver extends Receiver[String] with Logging

  2. class FeederActor extends Actor

    Sends the random content to every receiver subscribed with 1/2 second delay.

  3. class JavaCustomReceiver extends Receiver[String]

  4. final class JavaDirectKafkaWordCount extends AnyRef

  5. final class JavaFlumeEventCount extends AnyRef

  6. final class JavaKafkaWordCount extends AnyRef

  7. final class JavaNetworkWordCount extends AnyRef

  8. final class JavaQueueStream extends AnyRef

  9. class JavaRecord extends Serializable

  10. final class JavaRecoverableNetworkWordCount extends AnyRef

  11. final class JavaSqlNetworkWordCount extends AnyRef

  12. class JavaStatefulNetworkWordCount extends AnyRef

  13. case class Record(word: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Case class for converting RDD to DataFrame

  14. class SampleActorReceiver[T] extends Actor with ActorHelper

    A sample actor as receiver, is also simplest.

  15. case class SubscribeReceiver(receiverActor: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class UnsubscribeReceiver(receiverActor: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ActorWordCount

    A sample word count program demonstrating the use of plugging in Actor as Receiver Usage: ActorWordCount <hostname> <port> <hostname> and <port> describe the AkkaSystem that Spark Sample feeder is running on.

  2. object CustomReceiver extends Serializable

    Custom Receiver that receives data over a socket.

  3. object DirectKafkaWordCount

    Consumes messages from one or more topics in Kafka and does wordcount.

  4. object DroppedWordsCounter

    Use this singleton to get or register an Accumulator.

  5. object FeederActor

    A sample feeder actor

  6. object FlumeEventCount

    Produces a count of events received from Flume.

  7. object FlumePollingEventCount

    Produces a count of events received from Flume.

  8. object HdfsWordCount

    Counts words in new text files created in the given directory Usage: HdfsWordCount <directory> <directory> is the directory that Spark Streaming will use to find and read new text files.

  9. object KafkaWordCount

    Consumes messages from one or more topics in Kafka and does wordcount.

  10. object KafkaWordCountProducer

  11. object MQTTPublisher

    A simple Mqtt publisher for demonstration purposes, repeatedly publishes Space separated String Message "hello mqtt demo for spark streaming"

  12. object MQTTWordCount

    A sample wordcount with MqttStream stream

  13. object NetworkWordCount

    Counts words in UTF8 encoded, '\n' delimited text received from the network every second.

  14. object QueueStream

  15. object RawNetworkGrep

    Receives text from multiple rawNetworkStreams and counts how many '\n' delimited lines have the word 'the' in them.

  16. object RecoverableNetworkWordCount

    Counts words in text encoded with UTF8 received from the network every second.

  17. object SQLContextSingleton

    Lazily instantiated singleton instance of SQLContext

  18. object SimpleZeroMQPublisher

    A simple publisher for demonstration purposes, repeatedly publishes random Messages every one second.

  19. object SqlNetworkWordCount

    Use DataFrames and SQL to count words in UTF8 encoded, '\n' delimited text received from the network every second.

  20. object StatefulNetworkWordCount

    Counts words cumulatively in UTF8 encoded, '\n' delimited text received from the network every second starting with initial value of word count.

  21. object StreamingExamples extends Logging

    Utility functions for Spark Streaming examples.

  22. object TwitterAlgebirdCMS

    Illustrates the use of the Count-Min Sketch, from Twitter's Algebird library, to compute windowed and global Top-K estimates of user IDs occurring in a Twitter stream.

  23. object TwitterAlgebirdHLL

    Illustrates the use of the HyperLogLog algorithm, from Twitter's Algebird library, to compute a windowed and global estimate of the unique user IDs occurring in a Twitter stream.

  24. object TwitterPopularTags

    Calculates popular hashtags (topics) over sliding 10 and 60 second windows from a Twitter stream.

  25. object WordBlacklist

    Use this singleton to get or register a Broadcast variable.

  26. object ZeroMQWordCount

    A sample wordcount with ZeroMQStream stream

  27. package clickstream
