



package execution

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. execution
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AlterTableAddColumnCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, addColumn: StructField, extensions: String) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  2. case class AlterTableDropColumnCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, column: String, extensions: String) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  3. case class AlterTableMiscCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, sql: String) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  4. case class AlterTableToggleRowLevelSecurityCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, enableRls: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  5. trait ApplyLimitOnExternalRelation extends ExternalRelation

  6. trait BatchConsumer extends SparkPlan with CodegenSupport

  7. class CatalogStaleException extends Exception

  8. case class CodegenSparkFallback(child: SparkPlan, session: SnappySession) extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with Product with Serializable


    Catch exceptions in code generation of SnappyData plans and fallback to Spark plans as last resort (including non-code generated paths).

  9. trait CodegenSupportOnExecutor extends SparkPlan with CodegenSupport


    Allow invoking produce/consume calls on executor without requiring a SparkContext.

  10. case class CreateIndexCommand(indexName: TableIdentifier, baseTable: TableIdentifier, indexColumns: Seq[(String, Option[SortDirection])], options: Map[String, String]) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  11. case class CreatePolicyCommand(policyIdent: TableIdentifier, tableIdent: TableIdentifier, policyFor: String, applyTo: Seq[String], expandedPolicyApplyTo: Seq[String], currentUser: String, filterStr: String, filter: BypassRowLevelSecurity) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  12. case class CreateSchemaCommand(ifNotExists: Boolean, schemaName: String, authId: Option[(String, Boolean)]) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  13. case class CreateTableUsingCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, baseTable: Option[String], userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType], schemaDDL: Option[String], provider: String, mode: SaveMode, options: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Array[String], bucketSpec: Option[BucketSpec], query: Option[LogicalPlan], isBuiltIn: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  14. case class DeployCommand(coordinates: String, alias: String, repos: Option[String], jarCache: Option[String], restart: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  15. case class DeployJarCommand(alias: String, paths: String, restart: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  16. class DescribeSnappyTableCommand extends DescribeTableCommand


    This extends Spark's describe to add support for CHAR and VARCHAR types.

  17. case class DictionaryCode(dictionary: ExprCode, bufferVar: String, dictionaryIndex: ExprCode) extends Product with Serializable


    Extended information for ExprCode variable to also hold the variable having dictionary reference and its index when dictionary encoding is being used.

  18. case class DropIndexCommand(ifExists: Boolean, indexName: TableIdentifier) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  19. case class DropPolicyCommand(ifExists: Boolean, policyIdentifer: TableIdentifier) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  20. case class DropSchemaCommand(schemaName: String, ignoreIfNotExists: Boolean, cascade: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  21. case class DropTableOrViewCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, ifExists: Boolean, isView: Boolean, purge: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable


    Like Spark's DropTableCommand but checks for non-existent table case upfront to avoid unnecessary warning logs from Spark's DropTableCommand.

  22. class EncoderPlan[T] extends LogicalRDD

  23. case class EncoderScanExec(rdd: RDD[Any], encoder: ExpressionEncoder[Any], isFlat: Boolean, output: Seq[Attribute]) extends SparkPlan with LeafExecNode with CodegenSupport with Product with Serializable


    Efficient SparkPlan with code generation support to consume an RDD that has an ExpressionEncoder.

  24. case class ExecutePlan(child: SparkPlan, preAction: () ⇒ Unit = () => ()) extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with Product with Serializable


    A wrapper plan to immediately execute the child plan without having to do an explicit collect.

    A wrapper plan to immediately execute the child plan without having to do an explicit collect. Only use for plans returning small results.

  25. trait ExternalRelation extends AnyRef

  26. case class GrantRevokeIntpCommand(isGrant: Boolean, users: String) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  27. case class GrantRevokeOnExternalTable(isGrant: Boolean, table: TableIdentifier, users: String) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  28. case class InterpretCodeCommand(code: String, snappySession: SnappySession, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable


    Allow execution of adhoc scala code on the Lead node.

    Allow execution of adhoc scala code on the Lead node. Creates a new Scala interpreter for a Snappy Session. But, cached for the life of the session. Subsequent invocations of the 'interpret' command will resuse the cached interpreter. Allowing any variables (e.g. dataframe) to be preserved across invocations. State will not be preserved during Lead node failover.

    Application is injected (1) The SnappySession in variable called 'session' and (2) The Options in a variable called 'intp_options'.

    To return values set a variable called 'intp_return' - a Seq[Row].

  29. case class ListPackageJarsCommand(isJar: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  30. abstract class NonRecursivePlans extends SparkPlan


    Base class for SparkPlan implementations that have only the code-generated version and use the same for non-codegenerated case.

    Base class for SparkPlan implementations that have only the code-generated version and use the same for non-codegenerated case. For that case this prevents recursive calls into code generation in case it fails for some reason.

  31. case class ObjectHashMapAccessor(session: SnappySession, ctx: CodegenContext, keyExprs: Seq[Expression], valueExprs: Seq[Expression], classPrefix: String, hashMapTerm: String, dataTerm: String, maskTerm: String, multiMap: Boolean, consumer: CodegenSupport, cParent: CodegenSupport, child: SparkPlan) extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupport with Product with Serializable


    Provides helper methods for generated code to use ObjectHashSet with a generated class (having key and value columns as corresponding java type fields).

    Provides helper methods for generated code to use ObjectHashSet with a generated class (having key and value columns as corresponding java type fields). This implementation saves the entire overhead of UnsafeRow conversion for both key type (like in BytesToBytesMap) and value type (like in BytesToBytesMap and VectorizedHashMapGenerator).

    It has been carefully optimized to minimize memory reads/writes, with minimalistic code to fit better in CPU instruction cache. Unlike the other two maps used by HashAggregateExec, this has no limitations on the key or value column types.

    The basic idea being that all of the key and value columns will be individual fields in a generated java class having corresponding java types. Storage of a column value in the map is a simple matter of assignment of incoming variable to the corresponding field of the class object and access is likewise read from that field of class . Nullability information is crammed in long bit-mask fields which are generated as many required (instead of unnecessary overhead of something like a BitSet).

    Hashcode and equals methods are generated for the key column fields. Having both key and value fields in the same class object helps both in cutting down of generated code as well as cache locality and reduces at least one memory access for each row. In testing this alone has shown to improve performance by ~25% in simple group by queries. Furthermore, this class also provides for inline hashcode and equals methods so that incoming register variables in generated code can be directly used (instead of stuffing into a lookup key that will again read those fields inside). The class hashcode method is supposed to be used only internally by rehashing and that too is just a field cached in the class object that is filled in during the initial insert (from the inline hashcode).

    For memory management this uses a simple approach of starting with an estimated size, then improving that estimate for future in a rehash where the rehash will also collect the actual size of current entries. If the rehash tells that no memory is available, then it will fallback to dumping the current map into MemoryManager and creating a new one with merge being done by an external sorter in a manner similar to how UnsafeFixedWidthAggregationMap handles the situation. Caller can instead decide to dump the entire map in that scenario like when using for a HashJoin.

    Overall this map is 5-10X faster than UnsafeFixedWidthAggregationMap and 2-4X faster than VectorizedHashMapGenerator. It is generic enough to be used for both group by aggregation as well as for HashJoins.

  32. trait PartitionedDataSourceScan extends PrunedUnsafeFilteredScan

  33. case class PutIntoValuesColumnTable(table: CatalogTable, colNames: Option[Seq[String]], values: Seq[Seq[Expression]]) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  34. abstract class RDDKryo[T] extends RDD[T] with KryoSerializable


    base RDD KryoSerializable class that will serialize minimal RDD fields

  35. case class SHAMapAccessor(session: SnappySession, ctx: CodegenContext, keyExprs: Seq[Expression], valueExprs: Seq[Expression], classPrefix: String, hashMapTerm: String, overflowHashMapsTerm: String, keyValSize: Int, valueOffsetTerm: String, numKeyBytesTerm: String, numValueBytes: Int, currentOffSetForMapLookupUpdt: String, valueDataTerm: String, vdBaseObjectTerm: String, vdBaseOffsetTerm: String, nullKeysBitsetTerm: String, numBytesForNullKeyBits: Int, allocatorTerm: String, numBytesForNullAggBits: Int, nullAggsBitsetTerm: String, sizeAndNumNotNullFuncForStringArr: String, keyBytesHolderVarTerm: String, baseKeyObject: String, baseKeyHolderOffset: String, keyExistedTerm: String, skipLenForAttribIndex: Int, codeForLenOfSkippedTerm: String, valueDataCapacityTerm: String, storedAggNullBitsTerm: Option[String], storedKeyNullBitsTerm: Option[String], aggregateBufferVars: Seq[String], keyHolderCapacityTerm: String, shaMapClassName: String, useCustomHashMap: Boolean, previousSingleKey_Position_LenTerm: Option[(String, String, String)], codeSplitFuncParamsSize: Int, splitAggCode: Boolean, splitGroupByKeyCode: Boolean) extends SparkPlan with CodegenSupport with Product with Serializable

  36. case class SetSchemaCommand(schemaName: String) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  37. class SetSnappyCommand extends SetCommand

  38. class ShowSnappyTablesCommand extends ShowTablesCommand


    Changes the name of "database" column to "schemaName" over Spark's ShowTablesCommand.

    Changes the name of "database" column to "schemaName" over Spark's ShowTablesCommand. Also when hive compatibility is turned on, then this does not include the schema name or "isTemporary" to return hive compatible result.

  39. case class ShowViewsCommand(session: SnappySession, schemaOpt: Option[String], viewPattern: Option[String]) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  40. case class SnappyCacheTableCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, queryString: String, plan: Option[LogicalPlan], isLazy: Boolean) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable


    Alternative to Spark's CacheTableCommand that shows the plan being cached in the GUI rather than count() plan for InMemoryRelation.

  41. case class SnappySortExec(sortPlan: SortExec, child: SparkPlan) extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupport with Product with Serializable


    Custom Sort plan.

    Custom Sort plan. Currently this enables lazy sorting i.e. sort only when iterator is consumed the first time. Useful for SMJ when the left-side is empty. Useful only for non code-generated plans, since latter are already lazy (SortExec checks for "needToSort" so happens only on first processNext).

  42. case class SnappyStreamingActionsCommand(action: Int, batchInterval: Option[Duration]) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  43. class SnapshotConnectionListener extends TaskCompletionListener with TaskFailureListener


    This is a TaskContext listener (for both success and failure of the task) that handles startup, commit and rollback of snapshot transactions for the task.

    This is a TaskContext listener (for both success and failure of the task) that handles startup, commit and rollback of snapshot transactions for the task. It also provides a common connection that can be shared by all plans executing in the task. In conjunction with the apply methods of the companion object, it ensures that only one instance of this listener is attached in a TaskContext which is automatically removed at the end of the task execution.

    This is the preferred way for all plans that need connections and/or snapshot transactions so that handling transaction start/commit for any level of plan nesting etc can be dealt with cleanly for the entire duration of the task. Additionally cases where an EXCHANGE gets inserted between two plans are also handled as expected where separate transactions and connections will be used for the two plans. Both generated code and non-generated code (including RDD.compute) should use the apply methods of the companion object to obtain an instance of the listener, then use its connection() method to obtain the connection.

    One of the overloads of the apply method also allows one to send a custom connection creator instead of using the default one, but it is also assumed to return SnappyData connection only (either embedded or thin) for snapshot transactions to work. Typical usage of custom creator is for smart connector RDDs to use direct URLs without load-balance to the preferred hosts for the buckets being targeted instead of the default creator that will always use the locator.

  44. class StratumInternalRow extends InternalRow

  45. trait TableExec extends SparkPlan with UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupportOnExecutor


    Base class for bulk insert/mutation operations for column and row tables.

  46. final class TokenizedScalarSubquery extends ScalarSubquery


    Extends Spark's ScalarSubquery to avoid emitting a constant in generated code rather pass as a reference object using TokenLiteral to enable generated code re-use.

  47. trait TopK extends Serializable

  48. class TopKStub extends TopK with Serializable

  49. case class TruncateManagedTableCommand(ifExists: Boolean, table: TableIdentifier) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable

  50. case class UnDeployCommand(alias: String) extends LeafNode with RunnableCommand with Product with Serializable


Value Members

  1. object CommonUtils

  2. object DictionaryOptimizedMapAccessor


    Makes use of dictionary indexes for strings if any.

    Makes use of dictionary indexes for strings if any. Depends only on the presence of dictionary per batch of rows (where the batch must be substantially greater than its dictionary for optimization to help).

    For single column hash maps (groups or joins), it can be turned into a flat indexed array instead of a map. Create an array of class objects as stored in ObjectHashSet having the length same as dictionary so that dictionary index can be used to directly lookup the array. Then for the first lookup into the array for a dictionary index, lookup the actual ObjectHashSet for the key to find the map entry object and insert into the array. An alternative would be to pre-populate the array by making one pass through the dictionary, but it may not be efficient if many of the entries in the dictionary get filtered out by query predicates and never need to consult the created array.

    For multiple column hash maps having one or more dictionary indexed columns, there is slightly more work. Instead of an array as in single column case, create a new hash map where the key columns values are substituted by dictionary index value. However, the map entry will remain identical to the original map so to save space add the additional index column to the full map itself. As new values are inserted into this hash map, lookup the full hash map to locate its map entry, then point to the same map entry in this new hash map too. Thus for subsequent look-ups the new hash map can be used completely based on integer dictionary indexes instead of strings.

    An alternative approach can be to just store the hash code arrays separately for each of the dictionary columns indexed identical to dictionary. Use this to lookup the main map which will also have additional columns for dictionary indexes (that will be cleared at the start of a new batch). On first lookup for key columns where dictionary indexes are missing in the map, insert the dictionary index in those additional columns. Then use those indexes for equality comparisons instead of string.

    The multiple column dictionary optimization will be useful for only string dictionary types where cost of looking up a string in hash map is substantially higher than integer lookup. The single column optimization can improve performance for other dictionary types though its efficacy for integer/long types will be reduced to avoiding hash code calculation. Given this, the additional overhead of array maintenance may not be worth the effort (and could possibly even reduce overall performance in some cases), hence this optimization is currently only for string type.

  3. object GrantRevokeOnExternalTable extends Serializable

  4. object ObjectHashMapAccessor extends Serializable

  5. object RefreshMetadata extends Enumeration with Function with GetFunctionMembers

  6. object SHAMapAccessor extends Serializable

  7. object SecurityUtils extends Logging


    Common security related calls.

  8. object SnapshotConnectionListener extends Logging


    This companion class is primarily to ensure that only a single listener is attached in a TaskContext (e.g.

    This companion class is primarily to ensure that only a single listener is attached in a TaskContext (e.g. delta buffer + column table scan, or putInto may try to attach twice).

  9. package aggregate

  10. package aqp

  11. package columnar

  12. package joins

  13. package oplog

  14. package row

  15. package sources

  16. package ui


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
