

package http

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. http
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait AllowedOrigins extends ToStringRenderable

  2. case class BasicHttpCredentials(username: String, password: String) extends HttpCredentials with Product with Serializable

  3. case class BodyPart(entity: HttpEntity, headers: Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Model for one part of a multipart message.

  4. abstract class ByteArrayBasedRendering extends Rendering

  5. class ByteArrayRendering extends ByteArrayBasedRendering

  6. sealed trait ByteRange extends ValueRenderable

  7. class ByteStringRendering extends ByteArrayBasedRendering

  8. sealed trait CacheDirective extends Renderable

  9. case class ChunkedMessageEnd(extension: String = "", trailer: List[HttpHeader] = Nil) extends HttpRequestPart with HttpResponsePart with HttpMessageEnd with Product with Serializable

  10. case class ChunkedRequestStart(request: HttpRequest) extends HttpMessageStart with HttpRequestPart with Product with Serializable

  11. case class ChunkedResponseStart(response: HttpResponse) extends HttpMessageStart with HttpResponsePart with Product with Serializable

  12. case class Confirmed(messagePart: HttpMessagePart, sentAck: Any) extends HttpMessagePartWrapper with Product with Serializable

  13. sealed trait ContentRange extends ValueRenderable

  14. case class ContentType(mediaType: MediaType, definedCharset: Option[HttpCharset]) extends ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  15. case class ContentTypeRange(mediaRange: MediaRange, charsetRange: HttpCharsetRange) extends ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  16. case class DateTime extends Ordered[DateTime] with Renderable with Product with Serializable

    Immutable, fast and efficient Date + Time implementation without any dependencies.

    Immutable, fast and efficient Date + Time implementation without any dependencies. Does not support TimeZones, all DateTime values are always GMT based. Note that this implementation discards milliseconds (i.e. rounds down to full seconds).

  17. case class EntityTag(tag: String, weak: Boolean = false) extends ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  18. sealed abstract class EntityTagRange extends ValueRenderable

  19. case class ErrorInfo(summary: String = "", detail: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

    Two-level model of error information.

    Two-level model of error information. The summary should explain what is wrong with the request or response *without* directly repeating anything present in the message itself (in order to not open holes for XSS attacks), while the detail can contain additional information from any source (even the request itself).

  20. abstract class ExceptionWithErrorInfo extends RuntimeException

    Marker for exceptions that provide an ErrorInfo

  21. case class FormData(fields: Seq[(String, String)]) extends HttpForm with Product with Serializable

    Model for application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data.

  22. case class FormFile(name: Option[String], entity: NonEmpty) extends Product with Serializable

  23. case class GenericHttpCredentials(scheme: String, token: String, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends HttpCredentials with Product with Serializable

  24. case class HttpChallenge(scheme: String, realm: String, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  25. case class HttpCharset extends LazyValueBytesRenderable with WithQValue[HttpCharsetRange] with Product with Serializable

  26. sealed abstract class HttpCharsetRange extends ValueRenderable with WithQValue[HttpCharsetRange]

  27. case class HttpCookie(name: String, content: String, expires: Option[DateTime] = None, maxAge: Option[Long] = None, domain: Option[String] = None, path: Option[String] = None, secure: Boolean = false, httpOnly: Boolean = false, extension: Option[String] = None) extends ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  28. sealed trait HttpCredentials extends ValueRenderable

  29. sealed abstract class HttpData extends AnyRef

  30. class HttpDataRendering extends Rendering

  31. case class HttpEncoding extends LazyValueBytesRenderable with WithQValue[HttpEncodingRange] with Product with Serializable

  32. sealed abstract class HttpEncodingRange extends ValueRenderable with WithQValue[HttpEncodingRange]

  33. sealed trait HttpEntity extends AnyRef

    Models the entity (aka "body" or "content) of an HTTP message.

  34. sealed trait HttpForm extends AnyRef

  35. abstract class HttpHeader extends ToStringRenderable

  36. sealed abstract class HttpMessage extends HttpMessageStart with HttpMessageEnd

  37. sealed trait HttpMessageEnd extends HttpMessagePart

  38. sealed trait HttpMessagePart extends HttpMessagePartWrapper

  39. sealed trait HttpMessagePartWrapper extends AnyRef

  40. sealed trait HttpMessageStart extends HttpMessagePart

  41. case class HttpMethod extends LazyValueBytesRenderable with Product with Serializable

  42. case class HttpOrigin(scheme: String, host: Host) extends ToStringRenderable with Product with Serializable

  43. case class HttpProtocol extends LazyValueBytesRenderable with Product with Serializable

  44. case class HttpRequest(method: HttpMethod = HttpMethods.GET, uri: Uri = Uri./, headers: List[HttpHeader] = Nil, entity: HttpEntity = HttpEntity.Empty, protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1`) extends HttpMessage with HttpRequestPart with Product with Serializable

    Immutable HTTP request model.

  45. sealed trait HttpRequestPart extends HttpMessagePart

  46. case class HttpResponse(status: StatusCode = StatusCodes.OK, entity: HttpEntity = HttpEntity.Empty, headers: List[HttpHeader] = Nil, protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1`) extends HttpMessage with HttpResponsePart with Product with Serializable

    Immutable HTTP response model.

  47. sealed trait HttpResponsePart extends HttpMessagePart

  48. class IllegalRequestException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  49. class IllegalUriException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  50. case class Language(primaryTag: String, subTags: Seq[String], qValue: Float = 1.0f) extends LanguageRange with Product with Serializable

  51. sealed abstract class LanguageRange extends ValueRenderable with WithQValue[LanguageRange]

  52. trait LazyValueBytesRenderable extends Renderable

  53. trait LinkHeaderCompanion extends AnyRef

  54. sealed abstract class MediaRange extends Renderable with WithQValue[MediaRange]

  55. sealed abstract case class MediaType extends LazyValueBytesRenderable with WithQValue[MediaRange] with Product with Serializable

  56. case class MessageChunk(data: NonEmpty, extension: String) extends HttpRequestPart with HttpResponsePart with Product with Serializable

    Instance of this class represent the individual chunks of a chunked HTTP message (request or response).

  57. trait MessagePredicate extends (HttpMessage) ⇒ Boolean

  58. case class MultipartByteRanges(parts: Seq[BodyPart]) extends MultipartParts with Product with Serializable

    Model for multipart/byteranges content as defined in RFC 2046.

    Model for multipart/byteranges content as defined in RFC 2046. If you are looking for a model for multipart/form-data you should be using spray.http.MultipartFormData.

  59. case class MultipartContent(parts: Seq[BodyPart]) extends MultipartParts with Product with Serializable

    Basic model for multipart/mixed content as defined in RFC 2046.

    Basic model for multipart/mixed content as defined in RFC 2046. If you are looking for a model for multipart/form-data you should be using spray.http.MultipartFormData.

  60. case class MultipartFormData(fields: Seq[BodyPart]) extends HttpForm with Product with Serializable

    Model for multipart/form-data content as defined in RFC 2388.

    Model for multipart/form-data content as defined in RFC 2388. All parts must contain a Content-Disposition header with a type form-data and a name parameter that is unique

  61. class MultipartMediaType extends MediaType

  62. trait MultipartParts extends AnyRef

  63. sealed abstract class NonMultipartMediaType extends MediaType

  64. case class OAuth2BearerToken(token: String) extends HttpCredentials with Product with Serializable

  65. case class ProductVersion(product: String = "", version: String = "", comment: String = "") extends ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  66. sealed trait RangeUnit extends ValueRenderable

  67. sealed abstract class RemoteAddress extends ValueRenderable

  68. trait Renderable extends AnyRef

  69. trait Renderer[-T] extends AnyRef

  70. trait Rendering extends AnyRef

  71. class RequestProcessingException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  72. case class SetRequestTimeout(timeout: Duration) extends Product with Serializable

  73. case class SetTimeoutTimeout(timeout: Duration) extends Product with Serializable

  74. trait SingletonValueRenderable extends Product with Renderable

  75. case class SomeOrigins(originList: Seq[HttpOrigin]) extends AllowedOrigins with Product with Serializable

  76. sealed abstract class StatusCode extends LazyValueBytesRenderable

  77. class StringRendering extends Rendering

  78. case class Timedout(request: HttpRequestPart with HttpMessageStart) extends Product with Serializable

  79. trait ToStringRenderable extends Renderable

  80. sealed abstract case class Uri(scheme: String, authority: Authority, path: Path, query: Query, fragment: Option[String]) extends ToStringRenderable with Product with Serializable

    An immutable model of an internet URI as defined by http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.

    An immutable model of an internet URI as defined by http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986. All members of this class represent the *decoded* URI elements (i.e. without percent-encoding).

  81. trait ValueRenderable extends ToStringRenderable

  82. trait WithQValue[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AllOrigins extends AllowedOrigins with Product with Serializable

  2. object BasicHttpCredentials extends Serializable

  3. object BodyPart extends Serializable

  4. object ByteRange

  5. object CacheDirective

  6. object CacheDirectives

  7. object ChunkedMessageEnd extends ChunkedMessageEnd

  8. object ContentRange

  9. object ContentType extends Serializable

  10. object ContentTypeRange extends Serializable

  11. object ContentTypes

  12. object DateTime extends Serializable

  13. object EntityTag extends Serializable

  14. object EntityTagRange

  15. object ErrorInfo extends Serializable

  16. object FormData extends Serializable

  17. object FormFile extends Serializable

  18. object GenericHttpCredentials extends Serializable

  19. object HttpCharset extends Serializable

  20. object HttpCharsetRange

  21. object HttpCharsets extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpCharset]

  22. object HttpCookie extends Serializable

  23. object HttpData

  24. object HttpEncoding extends Serializable

  25. object HttpEncodingRange

  26. object HttpEncodings extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpEncoding]

  27. object HttpEntity

  28. object HttpHeader

  29. object HttpHeaders

  30. object HttpMessage

  31. object HttpMessagePartWrapper

  32. object HttpMessageStart

  33. object HttpMethod extends Serializable

  34. object HttpMethods extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpMethod]

  35. object HttpOrigin extends Serializable

  36. object HttpProtocols extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpProtocol]

  37. object HttpRequestPart

  38. object HttpResponsePart

  39. object Language extends Serializable

  40. object LanguageRanges

  41. object MediaRange

  42. object MediaRanges extends ObjectRegistry[String, MediaRange]

  43. object MediaType extends Serializable

  44. object MediaTypes extends ObjectRegistry[(String, String), MediaType]

  45. object MessageChunk extends Serializable

  46. object MessagePredicate

  47. object MultipartByteRanges extends Serializable

  48. object MultipartContent extends Serializable

  49. object MultipartFormData extends Serializable

  50. object ProductVersion extends Serializable

  51. object RangeUnit

  52. object RemoteAddress

  53. object Renderer

  54. object Rendering

  55. object StatusCode

  56. object StatusCodes extends ObjectRegistry[Int, StatusCode]

  57. object Uri extends Serializable

  58. package parser

  59. def warmUp(): Unit

    Warms up the spray.http module by triggering the loading of most classes in this package, so as to increase the speed of the first usage.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
