ActivityCanceledException |
Usually indicates that activity was already completed (duplicated request to complete) or timed
out or cancellation was requested.
ActivityCompletionException |
Base exception for all failures returned by an activity completion client.
ActivityCompletionFailureException |
Unexpected failure when completing an activity.
ActivityNotExistsException |
Usually indicates that activity was already completed (duplicated request to complete) or timed
out or workflow execution is closed (cancelled, terminated or timed out).
ActivityWorkerShutdownException |
WorkflowException |
Base exception for all workflow failures.
WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStarted |
This exception is thrown in the following cases:
Workflow with the same WorkflowId is currently running.
WorkflowFailedException |
Indicates that a workflow failed.
WorkflowNotFoundException |
Thrown when workflow with the given id is not known to the Temporal service.
WorkflowQueryConditionallyRejectedException |
WorkflowQueryException |
WorkflowQueryRejectedException |
WorkflowServiceException |