Interface WorkerOptionsCustomizer

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface WorkerOptionsCustomizer
    extends TemporalOptionsCustomizer<io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder>
    Bean of this class can be added to Spring context to get a fine control over WorkerOptions objects that are created by Temporal Spring Boot Autoconfigure module.

    Only one bean of this or TemporalOptionsCustomizer<WorkerOptions.Builder> type can be added to Spring context.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder customize​(io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder optionsBuilder)
      This method can modify some fields of the provided builder or create a new builder altogether and return it back to be used.
      io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder customize​(io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder optionsBuilder, java.lang.String workerName, java.lang.String taskQueue)
      This method can modify some fields of the provided WorkerOptions.Builder or create a new builder altogether and return it back to be used.
    • Method Detail

      • customize

        default io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder customize​(@Nonnull
                                                                   io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder optionsBuilder)
        Description copied from interface: TemporalOptionsCustomizer
        This method can modify some fields of the provided builder or create a new builder altogether and return it back to be used. This method is called after the *Options.Builder is initialized by the Temporal Spring Boot module, so changes done by this method will override Spring Boot configuration values.
        Specified by:
        customize in interface TemporalOptionsCustomizer<io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder>
        optionsBuilder - *Options.Builder to customize
        modified optionsBuilder or a new builder to be used by the caller code.
      • customize

        io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder customize​(@Nonnull
                                                           io.temporal.worker.WorkerOptions.Builder optionsBuilder,
                                                           java.lang.String workerName,
                                                           java.lang.String taskQueue)
        This method can modify some fields of the provided WorkerOptions.Builder or create a new builder altogether and return it back to be used. This method is called after the WorkerOptions.Builder is initialized by the Temporal Spring Boot module, so changes done by this method will override Spring Boot configuration values.
        optionsBuilder - *Options.Builder to customize
        workerName - name of a Worker that will be created using the WorkerOptions produced by this call
        taskQueue - Task Queue of a Worker that will be created using the WorkerOptions produced by this call
        modified optionsBuilder or a new builder instance to be used by the caller code