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ActionExecutionResponse - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Agent response to an Action proxy execution request.
ActionExecutionResponse() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse
ActionExecutionResponse.ExecutionResultType - Enum in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Action execution result.
ActionExecutionResponse.ResultField - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Action proxy execution result field.
ActionProxy - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons
Base class for all Action proxies.
ActionProxy() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ActionProxy
AddonsHelper - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons
Helper class allowing to execute Addons.
AddonsHelper(AgentClient) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.AddonsHelper
Initializes a new instance of the helper.
AgentClient - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest
AgentConnectException - Exception in io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions
Exception object thrown when SDK fails to communicate with the Agent.
AgentConnectException() - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.AgentConnectException
Creates a new instance of the class with a default message.
AgentConnectException(String) - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.AgentConnectException
Creates a new instance of the class with a provided message.
AgentConnectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.AgentConnectException
Creates a new instance of the class with a provided message and cause.
AgentSession - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest
AndroidDriver<T extends org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android
Extension of the original AndroidDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
AndroidDriver(String, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
AndroidDriver(String, Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL and Project name.
AndroidDriver(String, Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
AndroidDriver(URL, String, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
AndroidDriver(URL, String, Capabilities, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
AndroidDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
AndroidDriver(URL, Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, default token and Project name.
AndroidDriver(URL, Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token, Project and Job names.
AndroidDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
AndroidDriver(Capabilities, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
AndroidDriver(Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
AndroidDriver(Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL, Project and Job names.


build(Class<T>) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Builds an instance of the requested driver using set values.


ChromeDriver - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web
Extension of the original ChromeDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
ChromeDriver() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
ChromeDriver(String, ChromeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
ChromeDriver(String, ChromeOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL and Project name.
ChromeDriver(String, ChromeOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
ChromeDriver(URL, String, ChromeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
ChromeDriver(URL, String, ChromeOptions, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
ChromeDriver(URL, ChromeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
ChromeDriver(URL, ChromeOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, default token and Project name.
ChromeDriver(URL, ChromeOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, default token, Project and Job names.
ChromeDriver(ChromeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
ChromeDriver(ChromeOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL and reports commands.
ChromeDriver(ChromeOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
ChromeDriver(ChromeOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
clearStash() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Reports any outstanding commands before the driver quits and session is closed.
ClosableTestReport - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting
ClosableTestReport(AgentClient, ReportingDriver, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.ClosableTestReport
Initializes a new instance of a Test Report.
close() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.ClosableTestReport
Submits the report to the Agent.
close() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Implementation of Closable interface.
CustomAppiumCommandExecutor - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers
A custom Appium commands executor for Appium drivers.
CustomAppiumCommandExecutor(AgentClient, URL) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
Initializes a new instance of this an Executor restoring command/response codecs.
CustomHttpCommandExecutor - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers
A custom commands executor for Selenium drivers.
CustomHttpCommandExecutor(AgentClient, URL) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
Initializes a new instance of this an Executor restoring command/response codecs.


disableCommandReports(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Enables or disables driver commands reporting.
disableRedaction(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Enables or disables redaction for driver command reports with values of secured elements.
disableReports(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Enables or disables all types of reports.
disableTestAutoReports(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Enables or disables automatic test reporting.
DriverBuilder<T extends ReportingDriver> - Class in io.testproject.sdk
Utility class to build Driver instances.
DriverBuilder(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Initializes a new instance of the builder.
DriverCommandReport - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Payload object sent to the Agent when reporting a driver command.
DriverCommandReport(String, Map<String, ?>, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.DriverCommandReport
Creates a new instance using provided commandName, result and boolean success/failure flag.
DriverHelper - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers
Helper class to restore drivers and their properties.


EdgeDriver - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web
Extension of the original EdgeDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
EdgeDriver() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
EdgeDriver(String, EdgeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
EdgeDriver(String, EdgeOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL with Project name.
EdgeDriver(String, EdgeOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
EdgeDriver(URL, String, EdgeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
EdgeDriver(URL, String, EdgeOptions, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
EdgeDriver(URL, EdgeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
EdgeDriver(URL, EdgeOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token with Project name.
EdgeDriver(URL, EdgeOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token, Project and Job names.
EdgeDriver(EdgeOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
EdgeDriver(EdgeOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
EdgeDriver(EdgeOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
EdgeDriver(EdgeOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL, Project and Job names.
execute(ActionProxy) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.AddonsHelper
Executes an Action using it's proxy.
execute(ActionProxy, int) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.AddonsHelper
Executes an Action using it's proxy.
execute(ActionProxy, By) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.AddonsHelper
Executes an Action using it's proxy.
execute(ActionProxy, By, int) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.AddonsHelper
Executes an Action using it's proxy.
execute(Command) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
execute(Command) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
execute(Command, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
Extended command execution method.
execute(Command, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
Extended command execution method.
execute(Command, boolean) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Executes a command.
executeProxy(ActionProxy, int) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Executes a Action proxy from an Addon installed in an Account.
extractResponse(Response) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Extracts exception message from server response, omitting noisy information.


Failed - io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ExecutionResultType
Failed result.
FirefoxDriver - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web
Extension of the original FirefoxDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
FirefoxDriver() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
FirefoxDriver(String, FirefoxOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
FirefoxDriver(String, FirefoxOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL and Project name.
FirefoxDriver(String, FirefoxOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
FirefoxDriver(URL, String, FirefoxOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
FirefoxDriver(URL, String, FirefoxOptions, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
FirefoxDriver(URL, FirefoxOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
FirefoxDriver(URL, FirefoxOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, default token and Project name.
FirefoxDriver(URL, FirefoxOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token, Project and Job names.
FirefoxDriver(FirefoxOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
FirefoxDriver(FirefoxOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
FirefoxDriver(FirefoxOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
FirefoxDriver(FirefoxOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL, Project and Job names.
FrameworksNames - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting


GenericInferrer - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers
Generic inferrer for Project and Job names.
GenericInferrer(List<StackTraceElement>) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.GenericInferrer
Initializes a new Generic inferrer.
getAgentClient() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
getAgentClient() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
getAgentClient() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Getter for AgentClient instance.
getBy() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ProxyDescriptor
Getter for ProxyDescriptor.by field.
getCapabilities() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentSession
Getter for AgentSession.capabilities field.
getCapabilities() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionRequest
Getter for SessionRequest.capabilities field.
getCapabilities() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionResponse
getClassName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ProxyDescriptor
Getter for ProxyDescriptor.className field.
getClient(String, Capabilities) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Creates (or searches for an existing) instance of AgentClient using provided token and capabilities.
getClient(String, Capabilities, ReportSettings) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Creates (or searches for an existing) instance of AgentClient using provided token and capabilities.
getClient(URL, String, Capabilities, ReportSettings, boolean) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Creates (or searches for an existing) instance of AgentClient using provided remoteAddress, token and capabilities.
getClient(URL, Capabilities) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Creates (or searches for an existing) instance of AgentClient using provided remoteAddress and capabilities.
getClient(URL, Capabilities, ReportSettings) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Creates (or searches for an existing) instance of AgentClient using provided remoteAddress and capabilities.
getClient(Capabilities) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Creates (or searches for an existing) instance of AgentClient using provided capabilities.
getClient(Capabilities, ReportSettings) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Creates (or searches for an existing) instance of AgentClient using provided capabilities.
getCommandName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.DriverCommandReport
getCommandParameters() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.DriverCommandReport
getCurrentTest() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
Getter for CURRENT_TEST field.
getCurrentTest() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
Getter for CURRENT_TEST field.
getCurrentTest() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Getter for CURRENT_TEST field.
getDescription() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.StepReport
Getter for StepReport.description field.
getDescriptor() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ActionProxy
Getter for ActionProxy.descriptor field.
getDevSocketPort() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionResponse
getDialect() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentSession
Getter for AgentSession.dialect field.
getDialect() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionResponse
Getter for SessionResponse.dialect field.
getFields() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse
getGuid() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ProxyDescriptor
Getter for ProxyDescriptor.guid field.
getGuid() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.StepReport
Getter for StepReport.guid field.
getHttpCommandExecutor(AgentClient, boolean) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.DriverHelper
Initializes an executor for future commands execution.
getInferrer(List<StackTraceElement>) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.InferrerFactory
Initializes an inferrer specific type based on provided stack traces.
getJobName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
getJobName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionRequest
Getter for SessionRequest.projectName field.
getJobName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.ReportSettings
Getter for ReportSettings.jobName field.
getLanguage() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionRequest
Getter for SessionRequest.language field.
getMessage() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse
getMessage() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.StepReport
Getter for StepReport.message field.
getMessage() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Getter for TestReport.message field.
getName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ResultField
getName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Getter for TestReport.name field.
getParameters() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ProxyDescriptor
Getter for ProxyDescriptor.parameters field.
getProjectName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
getProjectName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionRequest
Getter for SessionRequest.projectName field.
getProjectName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.ReportSettings
Getter for ReportSettings.projectName field.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentSession
Getter for AgentSession.remoteAddress field.
getReportingCommandExecutor() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ReportingDriver
Returns driver's command executor.
getReportSetting() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
getResult() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.DriverCommandReport
Getter for DriverCommandReport.result field.
getResultType() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse
getScreenshot() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ReportingDriver
Takes a screenshot using the driver.
getScreenshot() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.StepReport
Getter for StepReport.screenshot field.
getSdkVersion() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionRequest
Getter for SessionRequest.sdkVersion field.
getServerAddress() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionResponse
getSession() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Getter for AgentClient.session field.
getSessionId() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentSession
Getter for AgentSession.sessionId field.
getSessionId() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionResponse
Getter for SessionResponse.sessionId field.
getStashedCommands() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
getStashedCommands() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
getStashedCommands() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Getter for stashed commands hashmap.
getUnnamedEntries() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.ReportSettingsInferrer
A default response for any inferrer, with 'Unnamed' Project and Job.
getValue() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ResultField


inferReportSettings() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.GenericInferrer
Returns Project and Job names using package and class names.
inferReportSettings() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.JUnitInferrer
Infers Project and Job names from JUnit annotations.
inferReportSettings() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.ReportSettingsInferrer
Infers Project and Job names from specific unit testing framework annotations.
inferReportSettings() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.TestNGInferrer
Infers Project and Job names from JUnit annotations.
InferrerFactory - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers
Utility class used to create specific types of inferrers.
inferTestName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.GenericInferrer
Infers Test name using specific Unit Test framework logic.
inferTestName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.JUnitInferrer
Infers Test name using Junit annotations.
inferTestName() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.ReportSettingsInferrer
Infers Test name using specific Unit Test framework annotations.
inferTestName() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.TestNGInferrer
Infers Test name using TestNG annotations.
inferTestName(List<StackTraceElement>) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Infer Test name from call stack.
InternetExplorerDriver - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web
Extension of the original InternetExplorerDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
InternetExplorerDriver() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
InternetExplorerDriver(String, InternetExplorerOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
InternetExplorerDriver(String, InternetExplorerOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
InternetExplorerDriver(String, InternetExplorerOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
InternetExplorerDriver(URL, String, InternetExplorerOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
InternetExplorerDriver(URL, String, InternetExplorerOptions, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
InternetExplorerDriver(URL, InternetExplorerOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
InternetExplorerDriver(URL, InternetExplorerOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL and Project name.
InternetExplorerDriver(URL, InternetExplorerOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token, Project and Job names.
InternetExplorerDriver(InternetExplorerOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
InternetExplorerDriver(InternetExplorerOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
InternetExplorerDriver(InternetExplorerOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
InternetExplorerDriver(InternetExplorerOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL, Project and Job names.
InvalidTokenException - Exception in io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions
Exception object thrown when token provided is rejected by the Agent.
InvalidTokenException() - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.InvalidTokenException
Creates a new instance of the class with a default message.
InvalidTokenException(String) - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.InvalidTokenException
Creates a new instance of the class with a provided message.
InvalidTokenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.InvalidTokenException
Creates a new instance of the class with a provided message and cause.
io.testproject.sdk - package io.testproject.sdk
TestProject SDK.
io.testproject.sdk.drivers - package io.testproject.sdk.drivers
Extended drivers implementations.
io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android - package io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android
Extended Android Driver implementation.
io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios - package io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios
Extended iOS Driver implementation.
io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web - package io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web
Extended Web driver for Desktop Browsers.
io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons - package io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons
Addons related classes.
io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions - package io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions
Internal exceptions.
io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers - package io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers
Helpers to reconstruct the drivers.
io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting - package io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting
Reporting classes.
io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers - package io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers
Inferrer used to infer Project and Job names from stack traces.
io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest - package io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest
Implementation of a RESTful client, it's Factory and it's data models.
io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages - package io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Messages (requests and responses) used to communicate with the Agent.
IOSDriver<T extends org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios
Extension of the original IOSDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
IOSDriver(String, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
IOSDriver(String, Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL and Project name.
IOSDriver(String, Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
IOSDriver(URL, String, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
IOSDriver(URL, String, Capabilities, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
IOSDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
IOSDriver(URL, Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, default token and Project name.
IOSDriver(URL, Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token, Project and Job names.
IOSDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
IOSDriver(Capabilities, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
IOSDriver(Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
IOSDriver(Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL, Project and Job names.
isCommandReportsDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
isCommandReportsDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
isCommandReportsDisabled() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Getter for commandReportsDisabled field.
isOutput() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ResultField
isPassed() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.DriverCommandReport
Getter for DriverCommandReport.passed field.
isPassed() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.StepReport
Getter for StepReport.passed field.
isPassed() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Getter for TestReport.passed field.
isRedactionDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
isRedactionDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
isRedactionDisabled() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Getter for redactDisabled field.
isReportsDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
isReportsDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
isReportsDisabled() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Getter for reportsDisabled field.
isTestAutoReportsDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
isTestAutoReportsDisabled() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
isTestAutoReportsDisabled() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Getter for testReportsDisabled field.


JUNIT_PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
A prefix of JUnit 4/5 annotation classes.
JUNIT4_TEST_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
JUnit 4 @Test Annotation.
JUNIT5_DISPLAY_NAME_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
JUnit5 @DisplayName annotation class name.
JUNIT5_DISPLAY_NAME_VALUE - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
JUnit5 @DisplayName annotation value field name.
JUNIT5_DYNAMIC_TEST_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
JUnit 5 Dynamic Test Descriptor class name.
JUNIT5_TEST_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
JUnit 5 @Test Annotation.
JUnitInferrer - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers
JUnit inferrer for Project and Job names.
JUnitInferrer(List<StackTraceElement>) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.JUnitInferrer
Initializes a new inferrer for JUnit.


LOG - Static variable in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Logger instance.
LOG - Static variable in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.ReportSettingsInferrer
Logger instance.


ObsoleteVersionException - Exception in io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions
Exception object thrown when SDK version doesn't match Agent version.
ObsoleteVersionException() - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.ObsoleteVersionException
Creates a new instance of the class with a default message.
ObsoleteVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.ObsoleteVersionException
Creates a new instance of the class with a provided message.
ObsoleteVersionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.testproject.sdk.internal.exceptions.ObsoleteVersionException
Creates a new instance of the class with a provided message and cause.


Passed - io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ExecutionResultType
Passed result.
ProxyDescriptor - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons
Describes an Addon and an Action to be executed via the Agent.
ProxyDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ProxyDescriptor
Initializes a new Proxy Descriptor.


quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Stops the session with the Agent and cleans up after itself.
quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Stops the session with the Agent and cleans up after itself.
quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Quits the driver and stops the session with the Agent, cleaning up after itself.
quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Quits the driver and stops the session with the Agent, cleaning up after itself.
quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Quits the driver and stops the session with the Agent, cleaning up after itself.
quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Quits the driver and stops the session with the Agent, cleaning up after itself.
quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Stops the session with the Agent and cleans up after itself.
quit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Quits the driver and stops the session with the Agent, cleaning up after itself.


RedactHelper - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers
Utility class to handle redaction of values input into secured elements.
RemoteWebDriver - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web
Extension of the original RemoteWebDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
RemoteWebDriver(String, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
RemoteWebDriver(String, Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL and Project name.
RemoteWebDriver(String, Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
RemoteWebDriver(URL, String, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
RemoteWebDriver(URL, String, Capabilities, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
RemoteWebDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
RemoteWebDriver(URL, Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, default token and Project name.
RemoteWebDriver(URL, Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token, Project and Job names.
RemoteWebDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
RemoteWebDriver(Capabilities, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
RemoteWebDriver(Capabilities, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
RemoteWebDriver(Capabilities, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL, Project and Job names.
removeClient(Capabilities) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Removed cached client and closes it.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
report() - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ReportingDriver
Extension method to get an instance of the reporter initialized by the driver.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
report() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Provides access to the reporting functionality and settings.
Report - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Report() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.Report
reportCommand(AgentClient, Command, Response, ReportingCommandsExecutor) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Reports a command executed by the driver and the result.
reportCommand(Command, Object, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Reports a driver command execution to the Agent.
reportCommand(Command, Response) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Reports a command to the Agent.
Reporter - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting
Steps reporter.
Reporter(ReportingDriver, AgentClient) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Initializes a new instance using provided driver and agentClient.
ReportingCommandsExecutor - Interface in io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers
Interface implemented by custom executors.
ReportingDriver - Interface in io.testproject.sdk.drivers
Interface to reference drivers reporting commands execution.
REPORTS_QUEUE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds before forcibly terminating the queue.
ReportSettings - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest
Report settings model provided to the Agent upon session initialization.
ReportSettings(String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.ReportSettings
Creates a new instance of the class.
ReportSettingsInferrer - Interface in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers
Interface to be implemented by classes that infer Project and Job names.
ReportsQueue - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest
A runnable class to manage reports queue.
ReportsQueue(CloseableHttpClient) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.ReportsQueue
Initializes a new instance of the class.
reportStep(StepReport) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Reports a step to the Agent.
reportTest(TestReport) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.AgentClient
Reports a test to the Agent.
reportTest(List<StackTraceElement>, boolean) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Report Test to Agent.
ResultField() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ResultField
run() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.ReportsQueue
Runnable flow that looks into the queue and waits for new items.


SafariDriver - Class in io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web
Extension of the original SafariDriver Instead of initializing a new session, it starts it in the TestProject Agent and then reconnects to it.
SafariDriver() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
SafariDriver(String, SafariOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL.
SafariDriver(String, SafariOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL and Project name.
SafariDriver(String, SafariOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided token and default URL, Project and Job names.
SafariDriver(URL, String, SafariOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and token.
SafariDriver(URL, String, SafariOptions, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, token, Project and Job names.
SafariDriver(URL, SafariOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token.
SafariDriver(URL, SafariOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL, default token and Project name.
SafariDriver(URL, SafariOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using provided Agent URL and default token, Project and Job names.
SafariDriver(SafariOptions) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
SafariDriver(SafariOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL.
SafariDriver(SafariOptions, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL with Project name.
SafariDriver(SafariOptions, String, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Initiates a new session with the Agent using default token and URL, Project and Job names.
SessionRequest - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Payload object sent to the Agent to start a development session.
SessionRequest(ReportSettings, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionRequest
Creates a new instance using provided capabilities.
SessionResponse - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Payload object sent by the Agent in response to starting development session request.
SessionResponse() - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.SessionResponse
setBy(By) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ProxyDescriptor
Setter for by field.
setCapabilities(WebDriver, Capabilities) - Static method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.DriverHelper
Sets capabilities in a driver instance when reconnecting it to an existing session.
setCommandReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
setCommandReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
setCommandReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Setter for commandReportsDisabled field.
setDescriptor(ProxyDescriptor) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ActionProxy
Setter for descriptor field.
setMessage(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.ClosableTestReport
Set report message.
setMessage(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Setter for TestReport.message field.
setName(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Setter for TestReport.name field.
setParameters(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.addons.ProxyDescriptor
Setter for parameters field.
setPassed(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Setter for TestReport.passed field.
setRedactionDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
setRedactionDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
setRedactionDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Setter for redactDisabled field.
setReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
setReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
setReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Setter for reportsDisabled field.
setResult(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.ClosableTestReport
Set report result (passed / failed).
setTestAutoReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomAppiumCommandExecutor
setTestAutoReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.CustomHttpCommandExecutor
setTestAutoReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Setter for testReportsDisabled field.
Skipped - io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ExecutionResultType
Skipped result.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.android.AndroidDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.ios.IOSDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.ChromeDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.EdgeDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.FirefoxDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.InternetExplorerDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.RemoteWebDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.drivers.web.SafariDriver
Sets capabilities and sessionId obtained from the Agent when creating the original session.
STATE_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface io.testproject.sdk.internal.helpers.ReportingCommandsExecutor
Successful response state returned by the server (Selenium / Appium).
step(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Report step with description.
step(String, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Report step with description and pass/fail flag.
step(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Report step with description, message and screenshot.
step(String, String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Report step with description and message.
step(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Report step with description, message and screenshot.
step(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Report step with description, message, screenshot and pass/fail indication.
StepReport - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Data model to accommodate step report.
StepReport(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.StepReport
Initializes a new instance of a Step Report.
stop() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.ReportsQueue
Stops the runnable and the queue processing.
submit() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.ClosableTestReport
Submits the report to the Agent.


test(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Creates a new report using provided name.
test(String, boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Creates a new report with provided name and result.
test(String, boolean, String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.Reporter
Creates a new report with provided name, result and message.
TESTNG_BEFORE_CLASS_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
TestNG @BeforeClass Annotation.
TESTNG_BEFORE_SUITE_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
TestNG @BeforeSuite Annotation.
TESTNG_DESCRIPTION_VALUE - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
TestNG @BeforeSuite / @BeforeClass annotation description field name.
TESTNG_PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
A prefix of JUnit 4/5 annotation classes.
TESTNG_TEST_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
TestNG @Test Annotation.
TESTNG_TEST_NAME_VALUE - Static variable in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.FrameworksNames
TestNG @Test annotation testName field name.
TestNGInferrer - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers
TestNG inferrer for Project and Job names.
TestNGInferrer(List<StackTraceElement>) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.reporting.inferrers.TestNGInferrer
Initializes a new inferrer for TestNG.
TestReport - Class in io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages
Data model to accommodate test report.
TestReport(String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Initializes a new instance of a Test Report.
TestReport(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
Initializes a new instance of a Test Report.
toString() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.DriverCommandReport
String representation of the class fields.
toString() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.StepReport
String representation of the class fields.
toString() - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.TestReport
String representation of the class fields.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ExecutionResultType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.testproject.sdk.internal.rest.messages.ActionExecutionResponse.ExecutionResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withCapabilities(Capabilities) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Set capabilities that should be passed to the server for session initialization.
withJobName(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Set Job name to be used for reporting.
withProjectName(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Set Project name to be used for reporting.
withRemoteAddress(URL) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Set an Agent API base URL (e.g.
withReportsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Set flag to enable or disable reports.
withToken(String) - Method in class io.testproject.sdk.DriverBuilder
Set a development token to authorize with the Agent.
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