Class AddonsHelper

  • public class AddonsHelper
    extends java.lang.Object
    Helper class allowing to execute Addons.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AddonsHelper

        public AddonsHelper​(AgentClient agentClient)
        Initializes a new instance of the helper.
        agentClient - Agent client to use for communicating with the Agent.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public ActionProxy execute​(ActionProxy action)
        Executes an Action using it's proxy.

        Addons are tiny automation building blocks that have one or more actions. Addon Proxy can be obtained from the Addons page at: TestProject App.

        action - Specific Action proxy.
        Presumably modified class with updated output fields.
      • execute

        public ActionProxy execute​(ActionProxy action,
                                   org.openqa.selenium.By by)
        Executes an Action using it's proxy.

        Addons are tiny automation building blocks that have one or more actions. Addon Proxy can be obtained from the Addons page at: TestProject App.

        action - Specific Action proxy.
        by - Element locator in case the Action needs one.
        Presumably modified class with updated output fields.
      • execute

        public ActionProxy execute​(ActionProxy action,
                                   int timeout)
        Executes an Action using it's proxy.

        Addons are tiny automation building blocks that have one or more actions. Addon Proxy can be obtained from the Addons page at: TestProject App.

        action - Specific Action proxy.
        timeout - maximum amount of time allowed to wait for action execution to complete.
        Presumably modified class with updated output fields.
      • execute

        public ActionProxy execute​(ActionProxy action,
                                   org.openqa.selenium.By by,
                                   int timeout)
        Executes an Action using it's proxy.

        Addons are tiny automation building blocks that have one or more actions. Addon Proxy can be obtained from the Addons page at: TestProject App.

        action - Specific Action proxy.
        by - Element locator in case the Action needs one.
        timeout - maximum amount of time allowed to wait for action execution to complete.
        Potentially modified class with updated output fields (if any).