



package twitter

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. twitter
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class Arrow[-T, +U] extends (T) ⇒ Task[U]


    An Arrow represents a computation that can be reused by multiple executions.

    An Arrow represents a computation that can be reused by multiple executions. It's a function that can be composed using methods similar to Future. For example:

    // regular future composition
    def callAService(i: Int): Future[Int] = ???
    def myTransformation(i: Int): Future[Int] = callServiceA(i).map(_ + 1)
    val result: Future[Int] = myTransformation(1)
    // using arrows
    val callServiceA: Arrow[Int, Int] = ???
    val myTransformation: Arrow[Int, Int] = + 1)
    val result: Future[Int] =

    Note that the arrows can be created once and reused for multiple run invocations

    Arrow also has a specialization called Task that provides an interface that allows users to express computations that don't take inputs:

    // task composition
    def callAService(i: Int): Task[Int] = ???
    def myTransformation(i: Int): Task[Int] = callServiceA(i).map(_ + 1)
    val result: Future[Int] = myTransformation(1).run

    It's similar to Future compositions, but the execution is lazy. The Task creation only creates a computation that is executed once run is called.

    Arrow.apply returns an identity arrow that is a convenient way to create arrows:

    val myArrow: Arrow[Int, Int] = Arrow[Int].map(_ + 1)

    arrow.apply can be used to produce Tasks. It's useful to express computations that vary their structure based on input values:

    val someArrow: Arrow[Int, Int] = ???
    Arrow[Int].flatMap {
    	case 0 => 0
    	case i => someArrow(a)
  2. trait ConstFuture[T] extends Future[T]

  3. class ReturnFuture[T] extends Future[T] with ConstFuture[T]

  4. type Task[+T] = Arrow[Unit, T]

  5. class ThrowFuture[T] extends Future[T] with ConstFuture[T]


Value Members

  1. object Arrow

  2. object Task


    A Task is a specific case of an Arrow without inputs.

    A Task is a specific case of an Arrow without inputs. The package object defines it as:

    type Task[+T] = Arrow[Unit, T]

    It's the equivalent of Task/IO in libraries like Scalaz 8, Cats Effect, and Monix.

    This object provides operations to manipulate Task instances similarly to how they'd be manipulated using the Task companion object.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
