Interface Sender

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AsyncSenderImpl, BlockingSenderImpl, ResponseCachingSender

    public interface Sender
    Sender interface that allows for callback based async IO. Note that all methods on this class are asynchronous, and may result in dispatch to an IO thread. After calling a method on this class you should not perform any more work on the current exchange until the callback is invoked. NOTE: implementers of this interface should be careful that they do not recursively call onComplete, which can lead to stack overflows if send is called many times.
    Stuart Douglas
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Closes this sender asynchronously
      void close​(IoCallback callback)
      Closes this sender asynchronously.
      void send​(String data)
      Write the given String using async IO, and ends the exchange when done
      void send​(String data, IoCallback callback)
      Write the given String using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.
      void send​(String data, Charset charset)
      Write the given String using async IO, and ends the exchange when done
      void send​(String data, Charset charset, IoCallback callback)
      Write the given String using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.
      void send​(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Write the given buffer using async IO, and ends the exchange when done
      void send​(ByteBuffer[] buffer)
      Write the given buffers using async IO, and ends the exchange when done
      void send​(ByteBuffer[] buffer, IoCallback callback)
      Write the given buffers using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.
      void send​(ByteBuffer buffer, IoCallback callback)
      Write the given buffer using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.
      void transferFrom​(FileChannel channel, IoCallback callback)
      Transfers all content from the specified file
    • Method Detail

      • send

        void send​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                  IoCallback callback)
        Write the given buffer using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.
        buffer - The buffer to send.
        callback - The callback
      • send

        void send​(ByteBuffer[] buffer,
                  IoCallback callback)
        Write the given buffers using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.
        buffer - The buffers to send.
        callback - The callback
      • send

        void send​(ByteBuffer buffer)
        Write the given buffer using async IO, and ends the exchange when done
        buffer - The buffer to send.
      • send

        void send​(ByteBuffer[] buffer)
        Write the given buffers using async IO, and ends the exchange when done
        buffer - The buffers to send.
      • send

        void send​(String data,
                  IoCallback callback)
        Write the given String using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.

        The CharSequence is encoded to UTF8

        data - The data to send
        callback - The callback
      • send

        void send​(String data,
                  Charset charset,
                  IoCallback callback)
        Write the given String using async IO, and calls the given callback on completion or error.
        data - The buffer to end.
        charset - The charset to use
        callback - The callback
      • send

        void send​(String data)
        Write the given String using async IO, and ends the exchange when done

        The CharSequence is encoded to UTF8

        data - The data to send
      • send

        void send​(String data,
                  Charset charset)
        Write the given String using async IO, and ends the exchange when done
        data - The buffer to end.
        charset - The charset to use
      • transferFrom

        void transferFrom​(FileChannel channel,
                          IoCallback callback)
        Transfers all content from the specified file
        channel - the file channel to transfer
        callback - The callback
      • close

        void close​(IoCallback callback)
        Closes this sender asynchronously. The given callback is notified on completion
        callback - The callback that is notified when all data has been flushed and the channel is closed
      • close

        void close()
        Closes this sender asynchronously