Interface SessionNonceManager

  • All Superinterfaces:
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    public interface SessionNonceManager
    extends NonceManager
    An extension to the NonceManager interface for Nonce managers that also support the association of a pre-prepared hash against a currently valid nonce. If the nonce manager replaces in-use nonces as old ones expire then the associated session hash should be migrated to the replacement nonce.
    Darran Lofthouse
    • Method Detail

      • associateHash

        void associateHash​(java.lang.String nonce,
                           byte[] hash)
        Associate the supplied hash with the nonce specified.
        nonce - - The nonce the hash is to be associated with.
        hash - - The hash to associate.
      • lookupHash

        byte[] lookupHash​(java.lang.String nonce)
        Retrieve the existing hash associated with the nonce specified. If there is no association then null should be returned.
        nonce - - The nonce the hash is required for.
        The associated hash or null if there is no association.