Class AsyncReceiverImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AsyncReceiverImpl
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Receiver
    Stuart Douglas
    • Field Detail


        public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
    • Method Detail

      • setMaxBufferSize

        public void setMaxBufferSize​(int maxBufferSize)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Sets the maximum amount of data that will be buffered in memory. If you call a receiveFull* method and the request size is larger than this amount then the error callback with be invoked with a RequestTooBigException.
        Specified by:
        setMaxBufferSize in interface Receiver
        maxBufferSize - The maximum amount of data to be buffered
      • receiveFullString

        public void receiveFullString​(Receiver.FullStringCallback callback,
                                      Receiver.ErrorCallback errorCallback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback when the request body has been fully read. This string will be interpreted according to StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1. If there is an error reading the request the error callback will be invoked.
        Specified by:
        receiveFullString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        errorCallback - The callback that is invoked on error
      • receiveFullString

        public void receiveFullString​(Receiver.FullStringCallback callback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback when the request body has been fully read. This string will be interpreted according to StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1. If there is an error the exchange will be ended.
        Specified by:
        receiveFullString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
      • receivePartialString

        public void receivePartialString​(Receiver.PartialStringCallback callback,
                                         Receiver.ErrorCallback errorCallback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback with request data. The callback may be invoked multiple times, and on the last time the last parameter will be true. This string will be interpreted according to StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1. If there is an error reading the request the error callback will be invoked.
        Specified by:
        receivePartialString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        errorCallback - The callback that is invoked on error
      • receivePartialString

        public void receivePartialString​(Receiver.PartialStringCallback callback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback with request data. The callback may be invoked multiple times, and on the last time the last parameter will be true. This string will be interpreted according to StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1. If there is an error the exchange will be ended.
        Specified by:
        receivePartialString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
      • receiveFullString

        public void receiveFullString​(Receiver.FullStringCallback callback,
                                      Receiver.ErrorCallback errorCallback,
                                      java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback when the request body has been fully read. This string will be interpreted according to the specified charset. If there is an error reading the request the error callback will be invoked.
        Specified by:
        receiveFullString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        errorCallback - The callback that is invoked on error
        charset - The charset that is used to interpret the string
      • receiveFullString

        public void receiveFullString​(Receiver.FullStringCallback callback,
                                      java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback when the request body has been fully read. This string will be interpreted according to the specified charset. If there is an error the exchange will be ended.
        Specified by:
        receiveFullString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        charset - The charset that is used to interpret the string
      • receivePartialString

        public void receivePartialString​(Receiver.PartialStringCallback callback,
                                         Receiver.ErrorCallback errorCallback,
                                         java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback with request data. The callback may be invoked multiple times, and on the last time the last parameter will be true. This string will be interpreted according to the specified charset. If there is an error reading the request the error callback will be invoked.
        Specified by:
        receivePartialString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        errorCallback - The callback that is invoked on error
        charset - The charset that is used to interpret the string
      • receivePartialString

        public void receivePartialString​(Receiver.PartialStringCallback callback,
                                         java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback with request data. The callback may be invoked multiple times, and on the last time the last parameter will be true. This string will be interpreted according to the specified charset. If there is an error the exchange will be ended.
        Specified by:
        receivePartialString in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        charset - The charset that is used to interpret the string
      • receiveFullBytes

        public void receiveFullBytes​(Receiver.FullBytesCallback callback,
                                     Receiver.ErrorCallback errorCallback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback when the request body has been fully read. If there is an error reading the request the error callback will be invoked.
        Specified by:
        receiveFullBytes in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        errorCallback - The callback that is invoked on error
      • receiveFullBytes

        public void receiveFullBytes​(Receiver.FullBytesCallback callback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback when the request body has been fully read. If there is an error the exchange will be ended.
        Specified by:
        receiveFullBytes in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
      • receivePartialBytes

        public void receivePartialBytes​(Receiver.PartialBytesCallback callback,
                                        Receiver.ErrorCallback errorCallback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback with request data. The callback may be invoked multiple times, and on the last time the last parameter will be true. If there is an error reading the request the error callback will be invoked.
        Specified by:
        receivePartialBytes in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
        errorCallback - The callback that is invoked on error
      • receivePartialBytes

        public void receivePartialBytes​(Receiver.PartialBytesCallback callback)
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Reads the request and invokes the callback with request data. The callback may be invoked multiple times, and on the last time the last parameter will be true. If there is an error the exchange will be ended.
        Specified by:
        receivePartialBytes in interface Receiver
        callback - The callback to invoke with the request
      • pause

        public void pause()
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        When receiving partial data calling this method will pause the callbacks. Callbacks will not resume until Receiver.resume() has been called.
        Specified by:
        pause in interface Receiver
      • resume

        public void resume()
        Description copied from interface: Receiver
        Resumes paused callbacks.
        Specified by:
        resume in interface Receiver