Interface Attachable

    • Method Detail

      • getAttachment

        <T> T getAttachment​(AttachmentKey<T> key)
        Get an attachment value. If no attachment exists for this key, null is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type
        key - the attachment key
        the value, or null if there is none
      • getAttachmentList

        <T> java.util.List<T> getAttachmentList​(AttachmentKey<? extends java.util.List<T>> key)
        Gets a list attachment value. If not attachment exists for this key an empty list is returned
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type
        key - the attachment key
        the value, or an empty list if there is none
      • putAttachment

        <T> T putAttachment​(AttachmentKey<T> key,
                            T value)
        Set an attachment value. If an attachment for this key was already set, return the original value. If the value being set is null, the attachment key is removed.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type
        key - the attachment key
        value - the new value
        the old value, or null if there was none
      • removeAttachment

        <T> T removeAttachment​(AttachmentKey<T> key)
        Remove an attachment, returning its previous value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type
        key - the attachment key
        the old value, or null if there was none
      • addToAttachmentList

        <T> void addToAttachmentList​(AttachmentKey<AttachmentList<T>> key,
                                     T value)
        Add a value to a list-typed attachment key. If the key is not mapped, add such a mapping.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the list value type
        key - the attachment key
        value - the value to add