

final class HttpClient extends Self with TCPSupport with ClientSSLSupport

An HTTP client that maintains a pool of connections to a specific host, at a specific port. The client supports pipelining of requests.

As well as HTTP requests, the client can act as a factory for WebSocket websockets.

If an instance is instantiated from an event loop then the handlers of the instance will always be called on that same event loop. If an instance is instantiated from some other arbitrary Java thread (i.e. when running embedded) then and event loop will be assigned to the instance and used when any of its handlers are called.

Instances of HttpClient are thread-safe.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. HttpClient
  2. ClientSSLSupport
  3. SSLSupport
  4. TCPSupport
  5. NetworkSupport
  6. AsJava
  7. Self
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type J = java.core.http.HttpClient

    The internal type of the Java wrapped class.

    The internal type of the Java wrapped class.

    Definition Classes
    HttpClientClientSSLSupportSSLSupportTCPSupportNetworkSupport → AsJava

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  5. val asJava: java.core.http.HttpClient

    The internal instance of the Java wrapped class.

    The internal instance of the Java wrapped class.

    Definition Classes
    HttpClient → AsJava
  6. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  7. def close(): Unit

    Close the HTTP client.

    Close the HTTP client. This will cause any pooled HTTP connections to be closed.

  8. def connect(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP CONNECT request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP CONNECT request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  9. def connectWebsocket(uri: String, wsVersion: WebSocketVersion, headers: MultiMap, wsConnect: (WebSocket) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient

    Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

    Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

    This version of the method allows you to specify the websockets version using the wsVersion parameter You can also specify a set of headers to append to the upgrade request The connect is done asynchronously and wsConnect is called back with the websocket

  10. def connectWebsocket(uri: String, wsVersion: WebSocketVersion, wsConnect: (WebSocket) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient

    Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

    Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

    This version of the method allows you to specify the websockets version using the wsVersion parameter The connect is done asynchronously and wsConnect is called back with the websocket

  11. def connectWebsocket(uri: String, wsConnect: (WebSocket) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient

    Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

    Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

    The connect is done asynchronously and wsConnect is called back with the websocket

  12. def delete(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP DELETE request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP DELETE request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  13. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  14. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  15. def exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient

    Set an exception handler

    Set an exception handler


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

  16. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  17. def get(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP GET request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP GET request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  18. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def getConnectTimeout: Int


    The connect timeout in milliseconds

  20. def getHost: String


    The host

  21. def getKeyStorePassword: String


    Get the key store password

    Definition Classes
  22. def getKeyStorePath: String


    Get the key store path

    Definition Classes
  23. def getMaxPoolSize: Int

    Returns the maximum number of connections in the pool

  24. def getMaxWebSocketFrameSize: Int

    Get the maximum websocket frame size in bytes.

  25. def getNow(uri: String, headers: MultiMap, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient

    This method works in the same manner as, except that it allows you specify a set of headers that will be sent with the request.

  26. def getNow(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient

    This is a quick version of the method where you do not want to do anything with the request before sending.

    This is a quick version of the method where you do not want to do anything with the request before sending.

    Normally with any of the HTTP methods you create the request then when you are ready to send it you call org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest.end() on it. With this method the request is immediately sent.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  27. def getPort: Int


    The port

  28. def getReceiveBufferSize: Int


    The receive buffer size

    Definition Classes
  29. def getSendBufferSize: Int


    The send buffer size

    Definition Classes
  30. def getSoLinger: Int


    the value of TCP so linger

    Definition Classes
  31. def getTrafficClass: Int


    the value of traffic class

    Definition Classes
  32. def getTrustStorePassword: String


    Get trust store password

    Definition Classes
  33. def getTrustStorePath: String


    Get the trust store path

    Definition Classes
  34. def getTryUseCompression: Boolean

    Returns true if the org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClient should try to use compression.

  35. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  36. def head(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP HEAD request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP HEAD request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  37. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  38. def isKeepAlive: Boolean


    Is the client keep alive?

  39. def isReuseAddress: Boolean


    The value of reuse address

    Definition Classes
  40. def isSSL: Boolean


    Is SSL enabled?

    Definition Classes
  41. def isTCPKeepAlive: Boolean


    true if TCP keep alive is enabled

    Definition Classes
  42. def isTCPNoDelay: Boolean


    true if Nagle's algorithm is disabled.

    Definition Classes
  43. def isTrustAll: Boolean


    true if this client will trust all server certificates.

    Definition Classes
  44. def isUsePooledBuffers: Boolean


    true if pooled buffers are used

    Definition Classes
  45. def isVerifyHost: Boolean


    true if this client will validate the remote server's certificate hostname against the requested host

  46. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  47. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  48. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  49. def options(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP OPTIONS request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP OPTIONS request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  50. def patch(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PATCH request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PATCH request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  51. def post(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP POST request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP POST request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  52. def put(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PUT request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PUT request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  53. def request(method: String, uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP request with the specified uri. The specific HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT etc) is specified using the parameter method

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  54. def setConnectTimeout(timeout: Int): HttpClient

    Set the connect timeout in milliseconds.

    Set the connect timeout in milliseconds.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

  55. def setHost(host: String): HttpClient

    Set the host that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to host.

    Set the host that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to host. The default value is localhost


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

  56. def setKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): HttpClient

    If keepAlive is true then, after the request has ended the connection will be returned to the pool where it can be used by another request.

    If keepAlive is true then, after the request has ended the connection will be returned to the pool where it can be used by another request. In this manner, many HTTP requests can be pipe-lined over an HTTP connection. Keep alive connections will not be closed until the org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClient.close() method is invoked.

    If keepAlive is false then a new connection will be created for each request and it won't ever go in the pool, the connection will closed after the response has been received. Even with no keep alive, the client will not allow more than org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClient.getMaxPoolSize() connections to be created at any one time.


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

  57. def setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the password for the SSL key store.

    Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after org.vertx.scala.core.SSLSupport.setSSL(boolean) has been set to true.


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

    Definition Classes
  58. def setKeyStorePath(path: String): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the path to the SSL key store.

    Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after org.vertx.scala.core.SSLSupport.setSSL(boolean) has been set to true.

    The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are only required if the server requests client authentication.


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

    Definition Classes
  59. def setMaxPoolSize(maxConnections: Int): HttpClient

    Set the maximum pool size

    Set the maximum pool size

    The client will maintain up to maxConnections HTTP connections in an internal pool


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

  60. def setMaxWebSocketFrameSize(maxSize: Int): HttpClient

    Sets the maximum websocket frame size in bytes.

    Sets the maximum websocket frame size in bytes. Default is 65536 bytes.


    The size in bytes

  61. def setPort(port: Int): HttpClient

    Set the port that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to port.

    Set the port that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to port. The default value is 80


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

  62. def setReceiveBufferSize(size: Int): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

    Set the receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  63. def setReuseAddress(reuse: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.

    Set the reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  64. def setSSL(ssl: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type

    If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

    If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

    Definition Classes
  65. def setSendBufferSize(size: Int): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

    Set the send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  66. def setSoLinger(linger: Int): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger.

    Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger. Using a negative value will disable soLinger.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  67. def setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.

    Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  68. def setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type

    If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.

    If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  69. def setTrafficClass(trafficClass: Int): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.

    Set the trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  70. def setTrustAll(trustAll: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type

    If you want an SSL client to trust *all* server certificates rather than match them against those in its trust store, you can set this to true.

    If you want an SSL client to trust *all* server certificates rather than match them against those in its trust store, you can set this to true.

    Use this with caution as you may be exposed to "main in the middle" attacks


    Set to true if you want to trust all server certificates

    Definition Classes
  71. def setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the password for the SSL trust store.

    Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after org.vertx.scala.core.SSLSupport.setSSL(boolean) has been set to true.


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

    Definition Classes
  72. def setTrustStorePath(path: String): HttpClient.this.type

    Set the path to the SSL trust store.

    Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after org.vertx.scala.core.SSLSupport.setSSL(boolean) has been set to true.

    The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

    Definition Classes
  73. def setTryUseCompression(tryUseCompression: Boolean): HttpClient

    Set if the org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClient should try to use compression.

  74. def setUsePooledBuffers(pooledBuffers: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type

    Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons.

    Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons. Doing so will give the best throughput but may need a bit higher memory footprint.


    a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

    Definition Classes
  75. def setVerifyHost(verifyHost: Boolean): HttpClient

    If verifyHost is true, then the client will try to validate the remote server's certificate hostname against the requested host.

    If verifyHost is true, then the client will try to validate the remote server's certificate hostname against the requested host. Should default to 'true'. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClient.setSSL(boolean) has been set to true.


    A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together.

  76. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  77. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  78. def trace(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP TRACE request with the specified uri.

    This method returns an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP TRACE request with the specified uri.

    When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response.

  79. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  80. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  81. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  82. def wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): HttpClient.this.type

    Helper method wrapping invocations and returning the Scala type, once again to help provide fluent return types

    Helper method wrapping invocations and returning the Scala type, once again to help provide fluent return types

    Definition Classes

Inherited from ClientSSLSupport

Inherited from SSLSupport

Inherited from TCPSupport

Inherited from NetworkSupport

Inherited from AsJava

Inherited from Self

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
