

package streams

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait DrainSupport extends Self with AsJava

    Allows to set a Handler which is notified once the write queue is drained again.

    Allows to set a Handler which is notified once the write queue is drained again. This way you can stop writing once the write queue consumes to much memory and so prevent an OutOfMemoryError.

  2. trait ExceptionSupport extends Self with AsJava

    Exception handler.

  3. final class Pump extends Self

    Pumps data from a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream to a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream and performs flow control where necessary to prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.

    Pumps data from a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream to a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream and performs flow control where necessary to prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.

    Instances of this class read bytes from a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream and write them to a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream. If data can be read faster than it can be written this could result in the write queue of the org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream growing without bound, eventually causing it to exhaust all available RAM.

    To prevent this, after each write, instances of this class check whether the write queue of the org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream is full, and if so, the org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream is paused, and a drainHandler is set on the org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream. When the org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream has processed half of its backlog, the drainHandler will be called, which results in the pump resuming the org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream.

    This class can be used to pump from any org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream to any org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream, e.g. from an org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServerRequest to an org.vertx.scala.core.file.AsyncFile, or from to a org.vertx.scala.core.http.WebSocket.

    Instances of this class are not thread-safe.

  4. trait ReadStream extends Self with ReadSupport[Buffer] with AsJava

    Represents a stream of data that can be read from.

    Represents a stream of data that can be read from.

    Any class that implements this interface can be used by a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump to pump data from it to a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream.

    This interface exposes a fluent api and the type T represents the type of the object that implements the interface to allow method chaining

  5. trait ReadSupport[E] extends Self with ExceptionSupport with AsJava

    Allows to set a handler which is notified once data was read.

    Allows to set a handler which is notified once data was read. It also allows to pause reading and resume later.

  6. trait WriteStream extends Self with ExceptionSupport with AsJava

    Represents a stream of data that can be written to

    Represents a stream of data that can be written to

    Any class that implements this interface can be used by a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump to pump data from a org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream to it.

    This interface exposes a fluent api and the type T represents the type of the object that implements the interface to allow method chaining

Value Members

  1. object Pump
