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APP_INCLUDE_CONTENT - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorPlaceholder
Placeholder for the main content markup of the external application.
APP_INCLUDE_FOOTER - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorPlaceholder
Placeholder for markup of the external application that should be placed before the end of the BODY element.
APP_INCLUDE_HEADER - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorPlaceholder
Placeholder for markup of the external application that should be placed in the HTML HEAD element.
AUTO - io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorProtocol
Automatically detect protocol (default)


build() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Build complete suffix.
build() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Build URL
buildExternalLinkUrl() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Build externalized URL that links to a content page.
buildExternalLinkUrl(Page) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Build externalized URL that links to a content page.
buildExternalResourceUrl() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Build externalized URL that links to a resource (e.g. image, CSS or JavaScript reference).
buildExternalResourceUrl(Resource) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Build externalized URL that links to a resource (e.g. image, CSS or JavaScript reference).


DEFAULT - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Default mode: Does generate a full externalized URL only if both siteUrl and siteUrlSecure parameter are set in context-specific configuration.
DiscardSuffixStateStrategy - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.suffix
Simple SuffixStateKeepingStrategy that just discards the suffix from the current request
DiscardSuffixStateStrategy() - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.DiscardSuffixStateStrategy


EXTENDED - io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorModes
Extended mode.
extension(String) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Set file extension


FilteringSuffixStateStrategy - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.suffix
Implementation of SuffixStateKeepingStrategy that calls a Filter for each suffix part from the current request to decide if it should be kept when constructing a new suffix.
FilteringSuffixStateStrategy(Predicate<String>) - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.FilteringSuffixStateStrategy
fragment(String) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Set fragment identifier
FULL_URL - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with protocol and hostname.
FULL_URL_FORCENONSECURE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with protocol and hostname and non-secure mode.
FULL_URL_FORCESECURE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with protocol and hostname and secure mode.
FULL_URL_PROTOCOLRELATIVE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with hostname and "//" as protocol (protocol-relative mode).
FULL_URL_PUBLISH - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with protocol and hostname.
FULL_URL_PUBLISH_FORCENONSECURE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with protocol and hostname and non-secure mode.
FULL_URL_PUBLISH_FORCESECURE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with protocol and hostname and secure mode.
FULL_URL_PUBLISH_PROTOCOLRELATIVE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Enforce the generation of a full URL with hostname and "//" as protocol (protocol-relative mode).


get(Page) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlHandler
Builds and optionally externalizes an URL using a builder pattern.
get(String) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlHandler
Builds and optionally externalizes an URL using a builder pattern.
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Extract the value of a named suffix part from this request's suffix
get(String, T) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Extract the value of a named suffix part from this request's suffix
get(Resource) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlHandler
Builds and optionally externalizes an URL using a builder pattern.
getDefaultUrlMode() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.spi.UrlHandlerConfig
getId() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorMode
getId() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlMode
getIntegratorMode() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorHandler
Get integrator mode configured for the current page.
getIntegratorMode(Page) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorHandler
Get integrator mode configured for the given page.
getIntegratorModes() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.spi.UrlHandlerConfig
getIntegratorTemplateSelector() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorHandler
Returns selector for integrator template mode.
getLinkUrlPrefix(Adaptable, Set<String>, Page, Page) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlMode
Get prefix (scheme, hostname and context path or integrator placeholder) for externalizing a content page link URL.
getPage() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Parse the suffix as page paths and return the first page that exists with a page path relative to the current page path.
getPage(Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Parse the suffix as page paths and return the first page that exists.
getPage(Predicate<Page>) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Parse the suffix as page paths, return the first page from the suffix (relativ to the current page) that matches the given filter.
getPage(Predicate<Page>, Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the first item returned by SuffixParser.getPages(Predicate, Page) or null if list is empty
getPages() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the pages selected in the suffix of the URL with page paths relative to the current page path.
getPages(Predicate<Page>) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the pages selected in the suffix of the URL with page paths relative to the current page path.
getPages(Predicate<Page>, Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the pages selected in the suffix of the URL
getRelativePage(String) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.ui.SiteRoot
Get page relative to site root.
getResource() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get a resource within the current page by interpreting the suffix as a JCR path relative to this page's jcr:content node
getResource(Predicate<Resource>) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Parse the suffix as resource paths, return the first resource from the suffix (relativ to the current page's content) that matches the given filter.
getResource(Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Parse the suffix as resource paths and return the first resource that exists
getResource(Predicate<Resource>, Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the first item returned by SuffixParser.getResources(Predicate, Resource) or null if list is empty
getResources() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the resources within the current page selected in the suffix of the URL
getResources(Predicate<Resource>) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the resources selected in the suffix of the URL
getResources(Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the resources selected in the suffix of the URL
getResources(Predicate<Resource>, Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Get the resources selected in the suffix of the URL
getResourceUrlPrefix(Adaptable, Set<String>, Page, Resource) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlMode
Get prefix (scheme, hostname and context path or integrator placeholder) for externalizing a resource URL.
getRootPage() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.ui.SiteRoot
Gets site root page of the current site.
getRootPath() - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.ui.SiteRoot
Gets site root level path of the current site.
getRootPath(Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.ui.SiteRoot
Gets site root level path of a site.
getRootPath(Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.ui.SiteRoot
Gets site root level path of a site.
getSiteRootLevel(Resource) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.SiteRootDetector
Returns the absolute path level where the root page of the site is located.
getSiteRootLevel(Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.spi.UrlHandlerConfig
Returns the absolute path level where the root page of the site is located.
getSuffixPartsToKeep(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.DiscardSuffixStateStrategy
getSuffixPartsToKeep(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.FilteringSuffixStateStrategy
getSuffixPartsToKeep(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixStateKeepingStrategy
Implement this method to return those suffix parts that should be kept at the beginning of the suffix to construct to keep the page's state
getTagWithComments(String) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorPlaceholder
Placeholder with HTML BEGIN and END comments


HTTP - io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorProtocol
HTTP protocol
HTTPS - io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorProtocol
HTTPS protocol


IntegratorHandler - Interface in io.wcm.handler.url.integrator
Manages detection of integrator template context.
IntegratorMode - Interface in io.wcm.handler.url.integrator
How an integrator template sohuld behave when externalizing URLs.
IntegratorModes - Enum in io.wcm.handler.url.integrator
Default integrator modes sufficient for the most usecases.
IntegratorNameConstants - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.integrator
Names used for integrator handling.
IntegratorPlaceholder - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.integrator
Placeholders used in integrator template markup that has to be replaced by integrating applications.
IntegratorProtocol - Enum in io.wcm.handler.url.integrator
Protocol modes used for building URLs in integrator template mode.
io.wcm.handler.url - package io.wcm.handler.url
URL Handler API.
io.wcm.handler.url.integrator - package io.wcm.handler.url.integrator
URL handler API for integrator template support.
io.wcm.handler.url.spi - package io.wcm.handler.url.spi
SPI for configuring and tailoring URL handler processing.
io.wcm.handler.url.suffix - package io.wcm.handler.url.suffix
URL Suffix Helper.
io.wcm.handler.url.ui - package io.wcm.handler.url.ui
Sling model classes for UI views.
isDetectProtocol() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorMode
isIntegrator(Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.spi.UrlHandlerConfig
Detects if page is a integrator page and contains application redirect link information
isIntegratorTemplateMode() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorHandler
Checks if current request is in integrator template mode.
isIntegratorTemplateSecureMode() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorHandler
Checks if current request is in integrator secure template mode.
isRootPage(Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.ui.SiteRoot
isSecure(Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.spi.UrlHandlerConfig
Detects if a page has to be accessed in secure mode
isUseUrlPlaceholders() - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorMode


NO_HOSTNAME - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.UrlModes
Does generate a externalized URL without any protocol and hostname, independent of any setting in context-specific configuration.


page(Page, Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Puts a relative path of a page into the suffix.
pages(List<Page>, Page) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Constructs a suffix that contains multiple key-value pairs and address pages.
PN_INTEGRATOR_MODE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorNameConstants
Integrator mode
PN_INTEGRATOR_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorNameConstants
Integrator protocol
put(String, Object) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Puts a key-value pair into the suffix.
putAll(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Puts a map of key-value pairs into the suffix.


queryString(String) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Set query parameters string
queryString(String, Set<String>) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Set query parameters string


resource(Resource, Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Puts a relative path of a resource into the suffix.
resources(List<Resource>, Resource) - Method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Constructs a suffix that contains multiple key-value pairs and address resources.
rewritePathToContext(Resource) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlHandler
Rewrites given path to current site or context.
rewritePathToContext(Resource, Resource) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlHandler
Rewrites given path to given site or context.


SELECTOR_INTEGRATORTEMPLATE - Static variable in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorHandler
Selector for "integrator template" mode.
SELECTOR_INTEGRATORTEMPLATE_SECURE - Static variable in interface io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorHandler
Selector for "integrator template" secure mode.
SELECTOR_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlHandler
Selector that is always added if a Sling-URL contains a suffix (to avoid files and directories with same name in dispatcher cache)
selectors(String) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Set selectors
SIMPLE - io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorModes
Simple mode.
SiteConfig - Annotation Type in io.wcm.handler.url
Context-Aware URL Handler Site configuration.
SiteRoot - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.ui
Model for detecting site root pages.
SiteRoot() - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.ui.SiteRoot
SiteRootDetector - Interface in io.wcm.handler.url
Detects the site root based on Context-Aware configuration context paths.
siteUrl() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.handler.url.SiteConfig
siteUrlAuthor() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.handler.url.SiteConfig
siteUrlSecure() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.handler.url.SiteConfig
suffix(String) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Set suffix
SuffixBuilder - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.suffix
Builds suffixes to be used in Sling URLs and that can be parsed with SuffixParser.
SuffixBuilder() - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Create a SuffixBuilder which discards all existing suffix state when constructing a new suffix.
SuffixBuilder(SlingHttpServletRequest, SuffixStateKeepingStrategy) - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Create a SuffixBuilder with a custom SuffixStateKeepingStrategy (see convenience methods like SuffixBuilder.thatKeepsResourceParts(SlingHttpServletRequest) for often-used strategies)
SuffixBuilder(SlingHttpServletRequest, Predicate<String>) - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
Create a SuffixBuilder that keeps only the suffix parts matched by the given filter when constructing a new suffix
SuffixParser - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.suffix
Parses suffixes from Sling URLs build with SuffixBuilder.
SuffixParser(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Create a SuffixParser with the default SuffixStateKeepingStrategy (which discards all existing suffix state when constructing a new suffix)
SuffixParser(SlingHttpServletRequest, Predicate<String>) - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixParser
Create a SuffixParser that keeps only the suffix parts matched by the given filter when constructing a new suffix
SuffixStateKeepingStrategy - Interface in io.wcm.handler.url.suffix
Interface for strategies that decide which parts from the current request's suffix should be kept when constructing new links with the SuffixBuilder


thatDiscardsAllSuffixState() - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatDiscardsNamedParts(SlingHttpServletRequest, String...) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatDiscardsResourceAndNamedParts(SlingHttpServletRequest, String...) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatDiscardsResourceParts(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatDiscardsSpecificResourceAndNamedParts(SlingHttpServletRequest, String, String...) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatKeepsAllParts(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatKeepsNamedParts(SlingHttpServletRequest, String...) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatKeepsNamedPartsAndResources(SlingHttpServletRequest, String...) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder
thatKeepsResourceParts(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Static method in class io.wcm.handler.url.suffix.SuffixBuilder


URL_CONTENT - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorPlaceholder
Placeholder for scheme and hostname in URLs pointing to content pages (non-secure mode, HTTP).
URL_CONTENT_PROXY - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorPlaceholder
Placeholder for scheme and hostname in URLs pointing to resources (e.g.
URL_CONTENT_SECURE - Static variable in class io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorPlaceholder
Placeholder for scheme and hostname in URLs pointing to content pages (secure mode, HTTPS).
UrlBuilder - Interface in io.wcm.handler.url
Define URL handling requests using builder pattern.
UrlHandler - Interface in io.wcm.handler.url
Rewrites and builds URLs for links to content pages and resources.
UrlHandlerConfig - Class in io.wcm.handler.url.spi
UrlHandlerConfig OSGi services provide application-specific configuration for URL handling.
UrlHandlerConfig() - Constructor for class io.wcm.handler.url.spi.UrlHandlerConfig
urlMode(UrlMode) - Method in interface io.wcm.handler.url.UrlBuilder
Set URL mode for externalizing the URL
UrlMode - Interface in io.wcm.handler.url
An UrlMode define the externalization logic for URLs depending on context-specific configuration parameters defined in SiteConfig.
UrlModes - Class in io.wcm.handler.url
Default URL modes sufficient for the most usecases.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorModes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorModes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.wcm.handler.url.integrator.IntegratorProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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