

package model

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AutoStartDefinition(noAutoStart: Boolean) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  2. case class BeanClassExpression[I](clazz: Class[I], methodName: Option[String]) extends Expression[Any, Any] with Product with Serializable

    expands a bean class to an expression

  3. case class BeanNameExpression(beanRef: String, methodName: Option[String]) extends Expression[Any, Any] with Product with Serializable

    expands a bean definition to an expression

  4. case class BeanObjectExpression(bean: AnyRef, methodName: Option[String]) extends Expression[Any, Any] with Product with Serializable

    expands a bean object to an expression

  5. case class CamelBodyExpression[I, O](function: (I) ⇒ O) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    translates a functional expression on the message body into a Camel expression

  6. class CamelBodyPredicate[I] extends Predicate

    Wrapper for a scala function in a Camel Predicate.

  7. case class CamelExpressionWrapper(expression: Expression) extends Expression[Any, Any] with Product with Serializable

    implicitely expands a Camel Expression to a Babel Expression

  8. class CamelIteratorExpression extends Expression

    An expression that converts the result of another expression to java.

  9. class CamelListExpression extends Expression

    An expression that converts the result of another expression to java.

  10. class CamelMessage[I] extends Message[I]

    An immutable wrapper for a camel message.

  11. case class CamelMessageExpression[I, O](function: (Message[I]) ⇒ O) extends Expression with Product with Serializable

    translates a functional expression into a Camel expression

  12. class CamelMessagePredicate[I] extends Predicate

    Wrapper for a scala function in a Camel Predicate.

  13. case class CamelPredicateWrapper(predicate: Predicate) extends Predicate[Any] with Product with Serializable

    Wrapper for a Camel Predicate.

  14. case class CamelSink[-I](uri: String) extends Sink[I, Any] with Product with Serializable

    Sink of a Camel route, implicitly created when calling

  15. case class CamelSource(uri: String) extends Source[Any] with Product with Serializable

    Source of a Camel route, implicitly created when calling

  16. class DeadLetterDefinition extends StepDefinition with RedeliveryErrorHandling

    DeadLetterChannel keyword configuration

  17. class DefaultErrorHandlerDefinition extends StepDefinition with RedeliveryErrorHandling

    DefaultErrorHandler keyword configuration

  18. class EmptyDefinition extends FromDefinition

    The EmptyDefinition takes place of the FromDefinition as beginning of a Route Definition.

  19. class EnrichBodyAggregationStrategy[I, O, T] extends AggregationStrategy

  20. case class EnrichDefinition[I, O](sink: Sink[I, O], aggregationStrategy: Either[String, AggregationStrategy]) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    The definition of the enrichRef keyword in the DSL

  21. trait ErrorHandling extends AnyRef

    base trait for error handlers.

  22. case class ErrorHandlingRouteDefinition(endpoint: String) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Declaration of a link to an Error handling Route configuration.

  23. class FoldBodyAggregationStrategy[I, O] extends AggregationStrategy

    An implementation of the fold operation for camel using an Aggregation Strategy

  24. case class FromIdDefinition(Id: String) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  25. case class HandlerDefinition() extends ScopeDefinition[StepDefinition] with Product with Serializable

    container for error handling configuration

  26. case class IdDefinition(Id: String) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  27. case class LogDefinition(props: LogProps) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Defines a Log EIP.

  28. case class LogLoggingLevelLogNameMarkerMessage(level: LoggingLevel, LogName: String, marker: String, output: String) extends LogProps with Product with Serializable

    defines a log with its logging level, its log name, a marker and its output

  29. case class LogLoggingLevelLogNameMessage(level: LoggingLevel, LogName: String, output: String) extends LogProps with Product with Serializable

    defines a log with its logging level, its log name and its output

  30. case class LogLoggingLevelMessage(level: LoggingLevel, output: String) extends LogProps with Product with Serializable

    defines a log with its logging level and its output

  31. case class LogMessage(output: String) extends LogProps with Product with Serializable

    defines a log with its output

  32. trait LogProps extends AnyRef

    Defines the configuration of a log EIP.

  33. class LoggingErrorHandlerDefinition extends StepDefinition with ErrorHandling

    LoggingErrorHandler keyword configuration

  34. case class MarshallerDefinition(props: MarshallerProps) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  35. case class MarshallerInstance(dataFormat: DataFormat) extends MarshallerProps with Product with Serializable

  36. trait MarshallerProps extends AnyRef

    defines a Marshall EIP.

  37. case class MarshallerReference(ref: String) extends MarshallerProps with Product with Serializable

  38. case class MulticastAggregationDefinition[I](aggregation: AggregationStrategy) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    The definition of how a multicast aggregates its messages.

  39. case class OnExceptionDefinition[T <: Throwable](exception: Class[T], when: Option[Predicate[Any]] = scala.None) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Configuration of a onException keyword

  40. case class OnExchangeBeginDefinition[I](callback: (Route, CamelMessage[I]) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  41. case class OnExchangeDoneDefinition[I](callback: (Route, CamelMessage[I]) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  42. case class OnInitDefinition(callback: (Route) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  43. case class OnRemoveDefinition(callback: (Route) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  44. case class OnResumeDefinition(callback: (Route) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  45. case class OnStartDefinition(callback: (Route) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  46. case class OnStopDefinition(callback: (Route) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  47. case class OnSuspendDefinition(callback: (Route) ⇒ Unit) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  48. case class PollEnrichDefinition[I, O](sink: Sink[I, O], aggregationStrategy: Either[String, AggregationStrategy], timeout: Long = -1) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    The definition of the pollEnrichRef keyword in the DSL

  49. case class RecipientListDefinition[I, E](expression: Expression[I, E]) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Defines a RecipientList EIP (Publish and Subscribe)

  50. trait RedeliveryErrorHandling extends ErrorHandling

    trait for error handler which allow exchange redelivery on failure.

  51. class ReduceBodyAggregationStrategy[I] extends AggregationStrategy

    An implementation of the reduce operation for camel using an Aggregation Strategy

  52. case class ResequencerDefinition[I, E](expression: Expression[I, E], resequencer: ResequencerConfig) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    The definition of a resequencer eip.

  53. case class RouteIdDefinition(routeId: String) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Declaration of an id for a route.

  54. case class RoutePolicyDefinition(policy: Seq[RoutePolicy]) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  55. case class SortDefinition[I, O, C](expression: Expression[I, O], comparator: Option[Comparator[C]]) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    The definition of the sort keyword in the DSL

  56. case class ThrottlerDefinitionExpression[I](perSecond: Expression[I, Long]) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Declaration of a throttler definition

  57. case class ThrottlerDefinitionLong(perSecond: Long) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Declaration of a throttler definition

  58. case class TransactionDefinition(ref: Option[String] = scala.None) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    The definition of a transaction.

  59. class TransactionErrorHandlerDefinition extends StepDefinition with RedeliveryErrorHandling

    TransactionErrorHandler keyword configuration

  60. case class UnmarshallerInstance(dataFormat: DataFormat) extends MarshallerProps with Product with Serializable

  61. case class UnmarshallerReference(ref: String) extends MarshallerProps with Product with Serializable

  62. case class ValidationDefinition[I](expression: Predicate[I]) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

  63. case class WireTapDefinition[T](sink: CamelSink[T]) extends StepDefinition with Product with Serializable

    Defines a sink where each message is just copied.

  64. case class XPath(str: String) extends Predicate[Any] with Product with Serializable

    XPath defines a xpath used for an expression or a predicate.

Value Members

  1. object Aggregation

    facility object containing the required definitions to build an Aggregation EIP, used in user routes.

  2. object EmptySource extends Source[Any]

    The EmptySource is used in the EmptyDefinition to specify there is no source to this definition.

  3. object Expressions

    A factory for creating Camel Expression from Babel expression.

  4. object NoErrorHandlerDefinition extends StepDefinition with ErrorHandling

    NoErrorHandler keyword configuration

  5. object Predicates

    Facility object that provides a translation from a Babel predicate to a Camel one.

  6. object SeqCamelSink

    An utility object used in matchers to extract a Seq of a CamelSink from a Seq of Sink Used in the multicast
