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close() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
close() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
ColumnFamily<KeyType extends DbKey,​ValueType extends DbValue> - Interface in io.zeebe.db
Represents an column family, where it is possible to store keys of type ColumnFamily and corresponding values of type ColumnFamily.
commit() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
commit() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDbTransaction
Commits the transaction and writes the data into the database.
createColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyNames, DbContext, KeyType, ValueType) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
createColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyType, DbContext, KeyType, ValueType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDb
Creates an instance of a specific column family to access and store key-value pairs in that column family.
createColumnFamilyOptions() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.ZeebeRocksDbFactory
createContext() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
createContext() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDb
createDb(File) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.ZeebeRocksDbFactory
createDb(File) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDbFactory
Creates a zeebe database in the given directory.
createSnapshot(File) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
createSnapshot(File) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDb
Creates a snapshot of the current database in the given directory.


DB_LOGGER - Static variable in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.Loggers
DbByte - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl
DbByte() - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbByte
DbCompositeKey<FirstKeyType extends DbKey,​SecondKeyType extends DbKey> - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl
DbCompositeKey(FirstKeyType, SecondKeyType) - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbCompositeKey
DbContext - Interface in io.zeebe.db
Represents the shared state of a database interaction
DbKey - Interface in io.zeebe.db
The key which is used to store a value.
DbLong - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl
DbLong() - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbLong
DbNil - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl
DbString - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl
DbString() - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
DbValue - Interface in io.zeebe.db
The value which should be stored together with a key.
DEFAULT - io.zeebe.db.impl.DefaultColumnFamily
DefaultColumnFamily - Enum in io.zeebe.db.impl
Contains only one column family DefaultColumnFamily.DEFAULT, which can be used for tests or simple databases.
DefaultDbContext - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction
delete(long, byte[], int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
delete(long, DbContext, DbKey) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
delete(DbContext, KeyType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Deletes the key-value pair with the given key from the column family.
delete(KeyType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Deletes the key-value pair with the given key from the column family.


exists(long, DbContext, DbKey) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
exists(KeyType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Checks for key existence in the column family.
exportMetrics() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.ZeebeRocksDBMetricExporter


foreach(long, DbContext, KeyType, ValueType, BiConsumer<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
foreach(long, DbContext, ValueType, Consumer<ValueType>) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
forEach(BiConsumer<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Visits the key-value pairs, which are stored in the column family.
forEach(Consumer<ValueType>) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Visits the values, which are stored in the column family.


get(long, long, byte[], int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
get(long, DbContext, DbKey) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
get(DbContext, KeyType, ValueType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Looks up the value that corresponds to the key parameter in the column family.
get(KeyType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
The corresponding stored value in the column family to the given key.
getBuffer() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
getCurrentTransaction() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
This will return an transaction object, on which the caller can operate on.
getCurrentTransaction() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
getFirst() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbCompositeKey
getKeyBufferArray() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
getKeyBufferArray() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
getKeyView() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
getKeyView() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
getLength() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbByte
getLength() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbCompositeKey
getLength() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbLong
getLength() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbNil
getLength() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
getProperty(ColumnFamilyNames, String) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
getProperty(ColumnFamilyType, String) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDb
getSecond() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbCompositeKey
getValue() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbByte
getValue() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbLong
getValueBufferArray() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
getValueBufferArray() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
getValueView() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
getValueView() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext


INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbNil
io.zeebe.db - package io.zeebe.db
io.zeebe.db.impl - package io.zeebe.db.impl
io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb - package io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb
io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction - package io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Checks if the column family has any entry.
isEmpty(long, DbContext) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
isEmpty(ColumnFamilyNames, DbContext) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
isEmpty(ColumnFamilyType, DbContext) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDb
Checks the database if the given column is empty.
isEmpty(DbContext) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Checks if the column family has any entry.
isKeyViewEmpty() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
isKeyViewEmpty() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
isValueViewEmpty() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
isValueViewEmpty() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext


KeyValuePairVisitor<KeyType extends DbKey,​ValueType extends DbValue> - Interface in io.zeebe.db
Represents an function that accepts a zeebe key value pair and produces an primitive boolean as result.


Loggers - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb
Loggers() - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.Loggers


newFactory(Class<ColumnFamilyType>) - Static method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.ZeebeRocksDbFactory
newFactory(Class<ColumnFamilyType>, Properties) - Static method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.ZeebeRocksDbFactory
newIterator(ReadOptions, ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
Create a new iterator on the shared transaction
newIterator(ReadOptions, ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
newIterator(ReadOptions, ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction


openTransactionalDb(DBOptions, String, List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>, List<AutoCloseable>, Class<ColumnFamilyNames>) - Static method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb


put(long, byte[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
put(long, DbContext, DbKey, DbValue) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
put(DbContext, KeyType, ValueType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Stores the key-value pair into the column family.
put(KeyType, ValueType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Stores the key-value pair into the column family.


RocksDbInternal - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction
RocksDbInternal() - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.RocksDbInternal
rollback() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
rollback() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDbTransaction
Rolls the transaction back to the latest commit, discards all changes in between.
run() - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.TransactionOperation
run(TransactionOperation) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
run(TransactionOperation) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDbTransaction
Runs the commands like delete, put etc.
runInTransaction(TransactionOperation) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
Runs the commands like delete, put etc.
runInTransaction(TransactionOperation) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext


seek(RocksIterator, long, byte[], int) - Static method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.RocksDbInternal


toString() - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
TransactionOperation - Interface in io.zeebe.db
One or multiple operations which are executed during an open transaction.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.zeebe.db.impl.DefaultColumnFamily
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.zeebe.db.impl.DefaultColumnFamily
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visit(KeyType, ValueType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.KeyValuePairVisitor
Visits the zeebe key value pair.


whileEqualPrefix(long, DbContext, DbKey, KeyType, ValueType, KeyValuePairVisitor<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
NOTE: it doesn't seem possible in Java RocksDB to set a flexible prefix extractor on iterators at the moment, so using prefixes seem to be mostly related to skipping files that do not contain keys with the given prefix (which is useful anyway), but it will still iterate over all keys contained in those files, so we still need to make sure the key actually matches the prefix.
whileEqualPrefix(long, DbContext, DbKey, KeyType, ValueType, BiConsumer<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
whileEqualPrefix(DbKey, KeyValuePairVisitor<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Visits the key-value pairs, which are stored in the column family and which have the same common prefix.
whileEqualPrefix(DbKey, BiConsumer<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Visits the key-value pairs, which are stored in the column family and which have the same common prefix.
whileTrue(long, DbContext, KeyType, ValueType, KeyValuePairVisitor<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
whileTrue(DbContext, KeyValuePairVisitor<KeyType, ValueType>, KeyType, ValueType) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Visits the key-value pairs, which are stored in the column family.
whileTrue(KeyValuePairVisitor<KeyType, ValueType>) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.ColumnFamily
Visits the key-value pairs, which are stored in the column family.
withPrefixKeyBuffer(Consumer<ExpandableArrayBuffer>) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
Runs a consumer with a shared prefix key buffer
withPrefixKeyBuffer(Consumer<ExpandableArrayBuffer>) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
wrap(DirectBuffer, int, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbByte
wrap(DirectBuffer, int, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbCompositeKey
wrap(DirectBuffer, int, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbLong
wrap(DirectBuffer, int, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbNil
wrap(DirectBuffer, int, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
wrapBuffer(DirectBuffer) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
wrapByte(byte) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbByte
wrapKeyView(byte[]) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
Wraps the buffer in the shared key view
wrapKeyView(byte[]) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
wrapLong(long) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbLong
wrapString(String) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
wrapValueView(byte[]) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
Wraps the buffer in the shared value view
wrapValueView(byte[]) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
write(MutableDirectBuffer, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbByte
write(MutableDirectBuffer, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbCompositeKey
write(MutableDirectBuffer, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbLong
write(MutableDirectBuffer, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbNil
write(MutableDirectBuffer, int) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.DbString
writeKey(DbKey) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
Write the DbKey to the shared key buffer
writeKey(DbKey) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext
writeValue(DbValue) - Method in interface io.zeebe.db.DbContext
Write the DbValue to the shared value buffer
writeValue(DbValue) - Method in class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.DefaultDbContext


ZB_DB_BYTE_ORDER - Static variable in class io.zeebe.db.impl.ZeebeDbConstants
The byte order is used to write primitive data types into rocks db key or value buffers.
ZeebeDb<ColumnFamilyType extends Enum<ColumnFamilyType>> - Interface in io.zeebe.db
The zeebe database, to store key value pairs in different column families.
ZeebeDbConstants - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl
ZeebeDbConstants() - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.ZeebeDbConstants
ZeebeDbException - Exception in io.zeebe.db
Wraps the exceptions which are thrown by the database implementation.
ZeebeDbException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDbException
ZeebeDbException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.zeebe.db.ZeebeDbException
ZeebeDbFactory<ColumnFamilyNames extends Enum<ColumnFamilyNames>> - Interface in io.zeebe.db
Represents the zeebe database factory.
ZeebeDbTransaction - Interface in io.zeebe.db
Represents an Zeebe DB transaction, which can be committed or on error it can be rolled back.
ZeebeRocksDbFactory<ColumnFamilyType extends Enum<ColumnFamilyType>> - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb
ZeebeRocksDBMetricExporter<ColumnFamilyType extends Enum<ColumnFamilyType>> - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb
This class exports metrics for a RocksDB instance to Prometheus.
ZeebeRocksDBMetricExporter(String, ZeebeDb<ColumnFamilyType>, Class<ColumnFamilyType>) - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.ZeebeRocksDBMetricExporter
ZeebeTransaction - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction
ZeebeTransaction(Transaction) - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransaction
ZeebeTransactionDb<ColumnFamilyNames extends Enum<ColumnFamilyNames>> - Class in io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction
ZeebeTransactionDb(OptimisticTransactionDB, EnumMap<ColumnFamilyNames, Long>, Long2ObjectHashMap<ColumnFamilyHandle>, List<AutoCloseable>) - Constructor for class io.zeebe.db.impl.rocksdb.transaction.ZeebeTransactionDb
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