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addRule(String, String, float) - Method in class brave.http.HttpRuleSampler.Builder
Assigns a sample rate to all requests that match the input.


brave.http - package brave.http
build() - Method in class brave.http.HttpRuleSampler.Builder
build() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing.Builder


clientOf(String) - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
Scopes this component for a client of the indicated server.
clientParser() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
clientParser(HttpClientParser) - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing.Builder
Overrides the tagging policy for http client spans.
clientSampler() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
Returns an overriding sampling decision for a new trace.
clientSampler(HttpSampler) - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing.Builder
create(HttpTracing, HttpClientAdapter<Req, Resp>) - Static method in class brave.http.HttpClientHandler
create(HttpTracing, HttpServerAdapter<Req, Resp>) - Static method in class brave.http.HttpServerHandler
create(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.http.HttpTracing


error(Integer, Throwable, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.http.HttpParser
Override to change what data from the http error are parsed into the span modeling it.
errorParser() - Method in class brave.http.HttpParser
Override when making custom types.


handleReceive(TraceContext.Extractor<C>, C, Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerHandler
Like HttpServerHandler.handleReceive(TraceContext.Extractor, Object), except for when the carrier of trace data is not the same as the request.
handleReceive(TraceContext.Extractor<Req>, Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerHandler
Conditionally joins a span, or starts a new trace, depending on if a trace context was extracted from the request.
handleReceive(Resp, Throwable, Span) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientHandler
Finishes the client span after assigning it tags according to the response or error.
handleSend(TraceContext.Injector<C>, C, Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientHandler
Like HttpClientHandler.handleSend(TraceContext.Injector, Object), except for when the carrier of trace data is not the same as the request.
handleSend(TraceContext.Injector<C>, C, Req, Span) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientHandler
Like HttpClientHandler.handleSend(TraceContext.Injector, Object, Object), except explicitly controls the span representing the request.
handleSend(TraceContext.Injector<Req>, Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientHandler
Starts the client span after assigning it a name and tags.
handleSend(TraceContext.Injector<Req>, Req, Span) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientHandler
Like HttpClientHandler.handleSend(TraceContext.Injector, Object), except explicitly controls the span representing the request.
handleSend(Resp, Throwable, Span) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerHandler
Finishes the server span after assigning it tags according to the response or error.
HttpAdapter<Req,Resp> - Class in brave.http
HttpClientAdapter<Req,Resp> - Class in brave.http
HttpClientAdapter() - Constructor for class brave.http.HttpClientAdapter
HttpClientHandler<Req,Resp> - Class in brave.http
This standardizes a way to instrument http clients, particularly in a way that encourages use of portable customizations via HttpClientParser.
HttpClientParser - Class in brave.http
Parses the request and response into reasonable defaults for http client spans.
HttpClientParser() - Constructor for class brave.http.HttpClientParser
HttpParser - Class in brave.http
HttpParser() - Constructor for class brave.http.HttpParser
HttpRuleSampler - Class in brave.http
Assigns sample rates to http routes.
HttpRuleSampler.Builder - Class in brave.http
HttpSampler - Class in brave.http
Decides whether to start a new trace based on http request properties such as path.
HttpSampler() - Constructor for class brave.http.HttpSampler
HttpServerAdapter<Req,Resp> - Class in brave.http
HttpServerAdapter() - Constructor for class brave.http.HttpServerAdapter
HttpServerHandler<Req,Resp> - Class in brave.http
This standardizes a way to instrument http servers, particularly in a way that encourages use of portable customizations via HttpServerParser.
HttpServerParser - Class in brave.http
Parses the request and response into reasonable defaults for http server spans.
HttpServerParser() - Constructor for class brave.http.HttpServerParser
HttpTracing - Class in brave.http
HttpTracing.Builder - Class in brave.http


method(Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
The HTTP method, or verb, such as "GET" or "POST" or null if unreadable.
methodFromResponse(Resp) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
Like HttpAdapter.method(Object) except used in response parsing.


NEVER_SAMPLE - Static variable in class brave.http.HttpSampler
Returns false to never start new traces for http requests.
newBuilder() - Static method in class brave.http.HttpRuleSampler
newBuilder(Tracing) - Static method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
nextSpan(Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientHandler
Creates a potentially noop span representing this request.


parseClientAddress(Req, Endpoint.Builder) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerAdapter
HttpServerAdapter.parseClientIpAndPort(Req, brave.Span) addresses this functionality. This will be removed in Brave v6.
parseClientIpAndPort(Req, Span) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerAdapter
Used by HttpServerHandler.handleReceive(TraceContext.Extractor, Object, Object) to add remote socket information about the client.
parseClientIpFromXForwardedFor(Req, Span) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerAdapter
Returns the first value in the "X-Forwarded-For" header, or null if not present.
parseServerIpAndPort(Req, Endpoint.Builder) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientAdapter
remote IP information should be added directly by instrumentation. This will be removed in Brave v6.
path(Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
The absolute http path, without any query parameters or null if unreadable.


request(HttpAdapter<Req, ?>, Req, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientParser
Customizes the span based on the request that will be sent to the server.
request(HttpAdapter<Req, ?>, Req, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.http.HttpParser
Override to change what data from the http request are parsed into the span representing it.
request(HttpAdapter<Req, ?>, Req, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerParser
Customizes the span based on the request received from the client.
requestHeader(Req, String) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
Returns one value corresponding to the specified header, or null.
response(HttpAdapter<?, Resp>, Resp, Throwable, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.http.HttpClientParser
Customizes the span based on the response received from the server.
response(HttpAdapter<?, Resp>, Resp, Throwable, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.http.HttpParser
Override to change what data from the http response or error are parsed into the span modeling it.
response(HttpAdapter<?, Resp>, Resp, Throwable, SpanCustomizer) - Method in class brave.http.HttpServerParser
Customizes the span based on the response sent to the client.
route(Resp) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
Returns an expression such as "/items/:itemId" representing an application endpoint, conventionally associated with the tag key "http.route".


serverName() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
Used by http clients to indicate the name of the destination service.
serverParser() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
serverParser(HttpServerParser) - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing.Builder
Overrides the tagging policy for http client spans.
serverSampler() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
Returns an overriding sampling decision for a new trace.
serverSampler(HttpSampler) - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing.Builder
spanName(HttpAdapter<Req, ?>, Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpParser
Returns the span name of the request.
statusCode(Resp) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
The HTTP status code or null if unreadable.
statusCodeAsInt(Resp) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
Like HttpAdapter.statusCode(Object) except returns a primitive where zero implies absent.


toBuilder() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class brave.http.HttpSampler
Ignores the request and uses the trace ID instead.
tracing() - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing
tracing(Tracing) - Method in class brave.http.HttpTracing.Builder
trySample(HttpAdapter<Req, ?>, Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpRuleSampler
trySample(HttpAdapter<Req, ?>, Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpSampler
Returns an overriding sampling decision for a new trace.


url(Req) - Method in class brave.http.HttpAdapter
The entire URL, including the scheme, host and query parameters if available or null if unreadable.
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