Package brave.baggage

Class CorrelationScopeConfig

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class CorrelationScopeConfig
    extends Object
    Holds CorrelationScopeDecorator configuration.

    Field mapping

    Your log correlation properties may not be the same as the baggage field names. You can override them with the builder as needed.

    Ex. If your log property is %X{trace-id}, you can do this:

     import brave.baggage.CorrelationScopeConfig.SingleCorrelationField;
     scopeBuilder.clear() // TRACE_ID is a default field!

    NoteAt the moment, dynamic fields are not supported. Use CorrelationScopeConfig.SingleCorrelationField for each field you need in the correlation context.

    See Also:
    CorrelationScopeDecorator, BaggageField