Package brave.sampler

Class CountingSampler


public final class CountingSampler
extends Sampler
This sampler is appropriate for low-traffic instrumentation (ex servers that each receive <100K requests), or those who do not provision random trace ids. It is not appropriate for collectors as the sampling decision isn't idempotent (consistent based on trace id).


This initializes a random bitset of size 100 (corresponding to 1% granularity). This means that it is accurate in units of 100 traces. At runtime, this loops through the bitset, returning the value according to a counter.

  • Method Details

    • create

      public static Sampler create​(float probability)
      probability - probability a request will result in a new trace. 0 means never sample, 1 means always sample. Minimum probability is 0.01, or 1% of traces
    • isSampled

      public boolean isSampled​(long traceIdIgnored)
      loops over the pre-canned decisions, resetting to zero when it gets to the end.
      Specified by:
      isSampled in class Sampler
      traceIdIgnored - The trace ID to be decided on, can be ignored
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object