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AsyncReporter<S> - Class in zipkin2.reporter
As spans are reported, they are encoded and added to a pending queue.
AsyncReporter.Builder - Class in zipkin2.reporter
await() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AwaitableCallback
AwaitableCallback - Class in zipkin2.reporter
since 3.2 this is no longer used.
AwaitableCallback() - Constructor for class zipkin2.reporter.AwaitableCallback


Base() - Constructor for class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
Base(Encoding) - Constructor for class zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender.Base
build() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Builds an async reporter that encodes zipkin spans as they are reported.
build(BytesEncoder<S>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Builds an async reporter that encodes arbitrary spans as they are reported.
builder(BytesMessageSender) - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter
Like AsyncReporter.create(BytesMessageSender), except you can configure settings such as the timeout.
builder(Sender) - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter
BytesEncoder<S> - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
Utility for encoding one or more elements of a type into a byte array.
BytesMessageEncoder - Enum in zipkin2.reporter
Senders like Kafka use byte[] message encoding.
BytesMessageSender - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
Sends a list of encoded spans to a transport such as HTTP or Kafka.
BytesMessageSender.Base - Class in zipkin2.reporter


Call<V> - Class in zipkin2.reporter
since 3.2 this is no longer used. This will be removed in v4.0.
Call() - Constructor for class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Call.Base<V> - Class in zipkin2.reporter
since 3.2 this is no longer used. This will be removed in v4.0.
Call.ErrorHandler<V> - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
Call.FlatMapper<V1,​V2> - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
Call.Mapper<V1,​V2> - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
Callback<V> - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
A callback of a single result or error.
cancel() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
cancel() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Requests to cancel this call, even if some implementations may not support it.
check() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Component
since 3.2 this is no longer used. If you need to check a sender, send a zero-length list of spans. This will be removed in v4.0.
CheckResult - Class in zipkin2.reporter
Answers the question: Are operations on this component likely to succeed?
clear() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
clone() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Returns a copy of this object, so you can make an identical follow-up request.
close() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter
Shuts down the sender thread, and increments drop metrics if there were any unsent spans.
close() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Component
Closes any network resources created implicitly by the component.
ClosedSenderException - Exception in zipkin2.reporter
An exception thrown when a BytesMessageSender is used after it has been closed.
ClosedSenderException() - Constructor for exception zipkin2.reporter.ClosedSenderException
closeTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
How long to block for in-flight spans to send out-of-process on close.
Component - Class in zipkin2.reporter
since 3.2 this is no longer used. This will be removed in v4.0.
Component() - Constructor for class zipkin2.reporter.Component
CONSOLE - Static variable in interface zipkin2.reporter.Reporter
create(V) - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Returns a completed call which has the supplied value.
create(BytesMessageSender) - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter
Builds a json reporter for Zipkin V2.
create(Sender) - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter


doCancel() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
doEnqueue(Callback<V>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
doExecute() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
doIsCanceled() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base


emptyList() - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
encode(List<byte[]>) - Method in enum zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageEncoder
Combines a list of encoded spans into an encoded list.
encode(S) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesEncoder
Serializes an object into its binary form.
encoding - Variable in class zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender.Base
encoding() - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesEncoder
encoding() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender.Base
Returns the encoding this sender requires spans to have.
encoding() - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender
Returns the encoding this sender requires spans to have.
Encoding - Enum in zipkin2.reporter
This includes the formats Zipkin server accepts.
enqueue(Callback<V>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
enqueue(Callback<V>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Invokes a request asynchronously, signaling the callback when complete.
error() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.CheckResult
Present when not ok
execute() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
execute() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Invokes a request, returning a success value or propagating an error to the caller.


failed(Throwable) - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.CheckResult
flatMap(Call.FlatMapper<V, R>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Maps the result of this call into another, as defined by the flatMapper function.
flush() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter
Calling this will flush any pending spans to the transport on the current thread.
forEncoding(Encoding) - Static method in enum zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageEncoder


handleError(Call.ErrorHandler<V>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Returns a call which can attempt to resolve an exception.


incrementMessageBytes(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
incrementMessageBytes(int) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Increments the number of bytes containing encoded spans in a message.
incrementMessages() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
incrementMessages() - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Increments count of message attempts, which contain 1 or more spans.
incrementMessagesDropped(Throwable) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
incrementMessagesDropped(Throwable) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Increments count of messages that could not be sent.
incrementSpanBytes(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
incrementSpanBytes(int) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Increments the number of encoded span bytes reported.
incrementSpans(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
incrementSpans(int) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Increments the count of spans reported.
incrementSpansDropped(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
incrementSpansDropped(int) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Increments the count of spans dropped for any reason.
InMemoryReporterMetrics - Class in zipkin2.reporter
InMemoryReporterMetrics() - Constructor for class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
isCanceled() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call.Base
isCanceled() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Returns true if Call.cancel() was called.


JSON - zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageEncoder
JSON - zipkin2.reporter.Encoding
JSON_V1 - zipkin2.reporter.SpanBytesEncoder
Corresponds to the Zipkin v1 json format
JSON_V2 - zipkin2.reporter.SpanBytesEncoder
Corresponds to the Zipkin v2 json format


listSizeInBytes(int) - Method in enum zipkin2.reporter.Encoding
Like Encoding.listSizeInBytes(List), except for a single element.
listSizeInBytes(List<byte[]>) - Method in enum zipkin2.reporter.Encoding


map(V1) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.Call.FlatMapper
map(V1) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.Call.Mapper
map(Call.Mapper<V, R>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
Maps the result of this call into a different shape, as defined by the mapper function.
messageBytes() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
messageMaxBytes() - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender
Maximum bytes sendable per message including overhead.
messageMaxBytes(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Maximum bytes sendable per message including overhead.
messages() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
messagesDropped() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
messagesDroppedByCause() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
messageSizeInBytes(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender.Base
Like BytesMessageSender.messageSizeInBytes(List), except for a single-span.
messageSizeInBytes(int) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender
Like BytesMessageSender.messageSizeInBytes(List), except for a single-span.
messageSizeInBytes(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Sender
Like BytesMessageSender.messageSizeInBytes(List), except for a single-span.
messageSizeInBytes(List<byte[]>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender.Base
Before invoking BytesMessageSender.send(List), callers must consider message overhead, which might be more than encoding overhead.
messageSizeInBytes(List<byte[]>) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender
Before invoking BytesMessageSender.send(List), callers must consider message overhead, which might be more than encoding overhead.
messageTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Default 1 second.
metrics(ReporterMetrics) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Aggregates and reports reporter metrics to a monitoring system.


NOOP - Static variable in interface zipkin2.reporter.Reporter
NOOP_METRICS - Static variable in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics


ok() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.CheckResult
OK - Static variable in class zipkin2.reporter.CheckResult
onError(Throwable) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AwaitableCallback
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.Callback
Invoked when computation produces a possibly null value successfully.
onErrorReturn(Throwable, Callback<V>) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.Call.ErrorHandler
Attempts to resolve an error.
onSuccess(Void) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AwaitableCallback
onSuccess(V) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.Callback
Invoked when computation produces its potentially null value successfully.


propagateIfFatal(Throwable) - Static method in class zipkin2.reporter.Call
PROTO3 - zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageEncoder
This function simply concatenates the byte arrays.
PROTO3 - zipkin2.reporter.Encoding
Repeated (type 2) fields are length-prefixed.
PROTO3 - zipkin2.reporter.SpanBytesEncoder


queuedBytes() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
queuedMaxBytes(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Maximum backlog of span bytes reported vs sent.
queuedMaxSpans(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Maximum backlog of spans reported vs sent.
queuedSpans() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics


report(S) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter
report(S) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.Reporter
Schedules the span to be sent onto the transport.
Reporter<S> - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
Spans are created in instrumentation, transported out-of-band, and eventually persisted.
ReporterMetrics - Interface in zipkin2.reporter
Instrumented applications report spans over a transport such as Kafka to Zipkin Collectors.


send(List<byte[]>) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageSender
Sends a list of encoded spans to a transport such as HTTP or Kafka.
send(List<byte[]>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Sender
Sends a list of encoded spans to a transport such as HTTP or Kafka.
Sender - Class in zipkin2.reporter
since 3.2, use BytesMessageSender instead. This will be removed in v4.0.
Sender() - Constructor for class zipkin2.reporter.Sender
sendSpans(List<byte[]>) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.Sender
since 3.2, use BytesMessageSender instead. This will be removed in v4.0.
sizeInBytes(S) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.BytesEncoder
spanBytes() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
SpanBytesEncoder - Enum in zipkin2.reporter
Includes built-in formats used in Zipkin.
spans() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
spansDropped() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics


threadFactory(ThreadFactory) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter.Builder
Launches the flush thread when AsyncReporter.Builder.messageTimeout(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) is greater than zero.
THRIFT - zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageEncoder
this format is deprecated in favor of json or proto3
THRIFT - zipkin2.reporter.Encoding
this format is deprecated in favor of json or proto3
THRIFT - zipkin2.reporter.SpanBytesEncoder
Corresponds to the Zipkin v1 thrift format
toString() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.AsyncReporter
toString() - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.CheckResult


updateQueuedBytes(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
updateQueuedBytes(int) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Updates the count of encoded span bytes pending, following a flush activity.
updateQueuedSpans(int) - Method in class zipkin2.reporter.InMemoryReporterMetrics
updateQueuedSpans(int) - Method in interface zipkin2.reporter.ReporterMetrics
Updates the count of spans pending, following a flush activity.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageEncoder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zipkin2.reporter.Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zipkin2.reporter.SpanBytesEncoder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum zipkin2.reporter.BytesMessageEncoder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zipkin2.reporter.Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zipkin2.reporter.SpanBytesEncoder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


zipkin2.reporter - package zipkin2.reporter
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